
Designing a Chic Little Girl Bathroom

Designing a Chic Little Girl Bathroom!  Decorating a girl’s bathroom can be such a fun project, especially when you want it to feel chic, pretty, and functional all at once. The bathroom is a space where style meets practicality, and Amazon is full of affordable yet stylish options that make creating this dream space easier […]

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Sep 19


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    zoo day.

    We have passes to the Dallas Zoo and absolutely LOVE spending the day there. Ains wakes up every morning and the first thing she asks is if she can go to the zoo. We have taught Aiden and Ains if they want something to say, “May I ________ please?” So every morning it is… “May […]

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    dear Aiden

    Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) by Dixie Chicks on Grooveshark Dear Aiden, This afternoon I took you on a date, just the two of us. It was beautiful and perfect in every way. First we went to PetSmart because it’s your favorite and you told everyone there about your bearded dragon, Elfie. And about how you dream […]

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    this & that.

    I got a sewing machine years ago when I was in high school and it has sat in a box for years. Every time I move I bring it along with me with the hopes that someday I will learn. As you know Chris has been renovating the airstream and wanted some custom curtains(for cheap)….so […]

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    my heartbeats.

    Sweet Dreams by Jewel on Grooveshark  My heartbeats.  Spending the day with them on Sunday was all I could ever ask for or dream of.  I shared some thoughts on motherhood on Friday in honor of mother’s day but had something hard pressed on my heart.  Sunday morning at church we were running late so […]

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    a two- ba left behind & thoughts on motherhood.

    Just You by Amy Stroup on Grooveshark I have written often of Aiden’s beloved two-ba. This sweet blankie (pillowcase) has gotten him through many nights, many tears and swirled in the wind through many playful moments. It took ship with him as he played pirates and was a cape as he played superheroes. It has […]

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    my little boy.

    Are We Different? by Priscilla Ahn on Grooveshark   Yes. Each of my children capture me in their own way. Each moves my soul like music on a perfect day.  Yesterday I sat in the backyard, the hot sun on my back and was digging my hands deep into the soil searching for worms & “stinky” […]

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    Family Easter.

    Matching headbands c/o: CrochetSavy    //  Ainsleigh leggings c/o: mason and the tambourine Casey tank c/o: Printed Palette  //  Casey Vest c/o: Impeccable Pig (Code is Caseyleigh & it’s 15% off entire purchase from CrochetSavy) We had such a lovely Easter weekend with family! We went to our church Easter egg hunt, had family over for food, […]

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    F O U R .

    Find Your Wings by Mark Harris on Grooveshark Four years ago I have birth to this angel.  This angel that forever changed my heart, my life, my world. As long as I can remember I have wanted to be a mom. And on March 22 that dream came true for the first time. I could […]

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    Some of my recent disney posts:  best spring break spots with baby here   for the new mamas here   motherhood vs. here   and a few baby Aiden pics here  happy weekend! xoxo

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    morning light.

    apple pants c/o: little hip squeaks

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    raising our tiny ones.

    This past Sunday night I went to this class about raising tiny ones (preschool aged kids) with intention, how to understand them better, and how to teach them at this early age. It was amazing! It is a 4 week class and I cannot wait to just soak in all of the knowledge that it […]

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