
Designing a Chic Little Girl Bathroom

Designing a Chic Little Girl Bathroom!  Decorating a girl’s bathroom can be such a fun project, especially when you want it to feel chic, pretty, and functional all at once. The bathroom is a space where style meets practicality, and Amazon is full of affordable yet stylish options that make creating this dream space easier […]

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Sep 19


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    my heart.

    “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” Elizabeth Stone   aiden shirt c/o: petite lemon  Casey shirt c/o: impeccable pig  stroller c/o: bugaboo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** also, I have a friend in CT and she has put together a […]

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    chalkboard wall.

    I had been telling Chris how much I would love to have a chalkboard wall in our playroom for the past few weeks and then last week I took Apple to the doctor for one of her well visits and came home to a beautiful surprise!  I’m serious, this was the sweetest! Chris was so […]

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    Magic in his Eyes.

    Aiden adores dinos.  Dinosaurs, sharks and alligators are top of the list.  And actually Ainsleigh is a pretty big fan herself these days! On Wednesday we decided to surprise the kids and head down to Dino Valley State Park for the day. I talked to my friend, Holly, we set the time to meet and […]

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    these two.

    How sweet are these two?  I cannot even put into words how much I have loved being home snuggling them both the past 2 days. Aiden has entered this new phase of giving me “unprompted” compliments. It is so sweet & so unexpected. Today he told me that I had cute ears, an awesome tshirt […]

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    talk about kids and talk on heaven.

    *what I look like most nights…sitting at my computer writing out my thoughts This post seems so simple.  Like I should have known this my whole life. But I had this small epiphany this week.  It was on my post about the Colorado shootings…and someone’s comment said, “casey, you said it best with your last […]

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    he calls her baby.

    When we brought Ainsleigh home from the hospital Aiden was only 18 months old.  At the time I thought he was such a big boy but looking back, he really was still such a little guy :). Ainsleigh was one of those babies you hear about.  You know the ones that never cry and sleep […]

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    thank you.

    I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your sweet comments, tweets, texts, facebook messages, emails- I am BLOWN AWAY by people’s kindness and the way you made me feel so wrapped up and loved as I went through them all today. So so so touched! […]

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    pool days.

    Saturday we got to spend the day at the pool with my parents- it took me back to my childhood summers…pool, sunscreen, popsicles, pool toys, naps by the water…. we had a blast :)- it was perfect. * ainsleigh’s swimsuit is from old navy!

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    I am sitting here awake, just got home from teaching an art class at the studio and should go to bed but I am looking through these pictures from today… I couldn’t go to bed without sharing. Look how happy he is. Oh be still my heart. I just can’t stop smiling knowing how happy […]

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    a daydream.

    I have this image in my mind.  It’s an old house, the attic upstairs has been transformed into a huge open studio, the floors sanded smooth for my bare feet to slide across. There is an open window with the early sunlight peering through, curtains blowing through a light breeze. The natural light glimmers through […]

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