
Fall Teacher Gift List: Perfect Ideas to Show Appreciation

Fall Teacher Gift List: Perfect Ideas to Show Appreciation As fall rolls in, it’s the perfect time to show appreciation for the teachers who make a difference in our lives. Whether it’s a special occasion or just a gesture of thanks, a thoughtful gift can brighten a teacher’s day and show how much their hard […]

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Sep 6

Gift Guides

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    Life Lately.

    Recently me and my guy went to the Michael Buble concert and I couldn’t help but look around at all of these people coming together- singing, laughing, crying, dancing and think “dang, humanity is beautiful.” His song Forever Now triggered all the tears…. I just met you It seems like yesterday You opened up your […]

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    Reptile Dinosaur Party!

      Creating a memorable birthday for my kids is one of my favorite things ever. Thinking about who they are as an individual – they things that make them so special – and bringing that to life in party form is the sweetest! I rounded up party sources here for you! This month I’ve been […]

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    Aiden. Ten.

    I have no idea how to put in words how much you mean to me Aiden Wiegand.  You are the most courageous, tender, kind boy that I know. Everyday I am amazed at who you are and  could not be more proud to be your mama. You are special and your heart is one to […]

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    Aiden & his reptiles.

    The next Steve Irwin.   Lizards and snakes in his pockets, frogs coming home in his lunchbox, packing little cages to run around with on the playground at school.  Since he was little enough to communicate it’s been a passion that couldn’t be denied. So we embraced it.  He got his first reptile at age 3 […]

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    Nine today.

    What a year, goodness Aiden this year I saw you be so incredibly brave. You have been through so much yet have such a precious, tender spirit and attitude.  Your sweet teacher grabbed you in carpool the other day and looked you in your eyes and told you how brave you are. We are all so […]

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    Home Tour: Aiden’s Room

    Excited to share a home tour of our new space!!  Here is our sweet dino-loving boy, Aiden’s room!  Since Aiden was old enough to communicate his heart has loved all things dragon, dino, reptile and Godzilla!  We wanted him to have a space that was special for him with everything that he loves! All his […]

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    our Hope when it Hurts.

    When I shared our story about what was going on with Aiden, I did so finally because I was at a point where I realized “okay this hasn’t ended, this is not ending up the way that I had thought”….we are still here in the midst of it. And there is beauty in letting people […]

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    Aiden’s Story.

    (picture ^ this week home from school) To say he’s been through a lot since March is a huge understatement. I haven’t shared about this because I want to protect his story, it’s his – not mine to tell. But he told me today I should share as we talked and talked about this road […]

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    First Day.

    Little notes stuck to my desk, empty carseats, their empty little rooms….the house is so quiet.  Little visual reminders everywhere of their sweet little selves.  I mean it’s just school, I realize that- but I miss them desperately.   I worry about them ….are you navigating things without me there? Letting go has always been the biggest struggle […]

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    My boys went last Monday to Lake Texoma for a day on the lake + fishing and they had an absolutely blast.  Aiden has adored fishing ( and really all things animals) since he was tiny….Chris has always made it a point to connect with Aiden in the areas that he adores.  I remember at Aiden’s […]

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    Eight. ❤😭  At 11:32 on this day our eyes met for the first time- I’ll never forget the way in an instant my heart changed forever. Our eyes locked and I realized that day my heart would never be the same, there would always be a piece of it with you. You are the most […]

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