
parent child journal

Just Mom and Me: A Mother-Son Journal

Just Mom and Me: A Mother-Son Journal – Now Available for Preorder! There’s something so special about the bond between a mother and her son. It’s a relationship filled with love, laughter, and little moments that make life meaningful. But in the busyness of everyday life, finding time to connect can be a challenge. That’s […]

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Mar 14

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    My Happy Place.

    happiest.  you hold my heart forever.  mama moments captured. it’s the little moments…

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    a different life.

    We saw the Greatest Showman and I cried the whole way through it …. we also took the kids a few days later and there are a dozen messages I wanted them to walk away with but when it comes to us, I hope they always know their mom and dad chose their dreams, they […]

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    Home Tour: Apple’s Room

    My sweet Apple baby’s room!!!  She and I both are in LOVE with this space…. so much of it is so specific to my sweet girl. The tea time table, the little kitchen area, the built-in bookshelf/desk area, the bed nook and the areas for her babies.  My little nurturer.  Apple says to me daily, […]

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    Home Tour: Aiden’s Room

    Excited to share a home tour of our new space!!  Here is our sweet dino-loving boy, Aiden’s room!  Since Aiden was old enough to communicate his heart has loved all things dragon, dino, reptile and Godzilla!  We wanted him to have a space that was special for him with everything that he loves! All his […]

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    2018. my word

    I have thought about this for weeks and can’t shake these words for 2018.  Favor, Fruitful. producing much fruit. to regard with favor. You will recognize them by their fruits.  Claiming & praying favor and fruitfulness.  Over myself, my family, my loved ones.  I pray and pray and pray and think about what word He […]

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    These are the Days.

    December has been so full….moving, traveling, doing….it has been a beautiful whirlwind.  The phrase that keeps coming to mind though is that these are the days. The days that I dreamed of for so so long. All these precious moments with family are cherished by the minute- held so tight sometimes I think my heart […]

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    on to the next chapter.

    The home that we are leaving holds so much redemption for us. Its walls are filled with a flood of change that washed over us when we had almost nothing left. It represents a simple, shaking “yes” to the Lord’s continual prompting on our lives and after years and years of struggle and loss and […]

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    The Grinch!

    I am completely in love with the magic of Christmas and am sooooo excited to surprise our kiddos with tickets to go see the Grinch, they are going to flip! Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday tale, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, is a favorite in our house!! I really cannot wait, I know they will never […]

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    close knit.

    Honored to be over on the Anthropologie blog today with some other sweet mamas that I love!  Check it out here !

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    Having a baby is a transformative time, and it can make you take another look at the products you’re bringing into your home. Knowing how to safely use essential oils for infants is important for you and your baby, and the Young Living Seedlings™ line is filled with products that you can feel good about […]

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    my world.

    Today I was telling a dear friend, as tears began to well up in my eyes and my voice began to shake…. every night when my kids are asleep or early in the morning when I sneak in to wake them up and they are just laying there quiet and soft…. I look at them…. […]

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    our Hope when it Hurts.

    When I shared our story about what was going on with Aiden, I did so finally because I was at a point where I realized “okay this hasn’t ended, this is not ending up the way that I had thought”….we are still here in the midst of it. And there is beauty in letting people […]

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