for the mamas.

With Mother’s Day approaching this weekend I have been thinking a lot about being a mama and what a beautiful responsibility it is. I have wanted to be a mama for as long as I can remember back. I love working with kids, I love their sweet little spirits and the precious innocence about them. I love how each of ours are so different yet share that common thread. Each night I walk down our halls as the floors squeak with each passing step and I stand in awe that they are mine. The gratitude is never ceasing.

These are the days that I dreamed of, the days that I lived for. My heart aches a bit as I see them passing. The moments of Ainsleigh in her big dress-up glasses, wild hair and a microphone in hand. As the spaghetti pot is boiling over and Aiden is plugging in the ipad to the kitchen speakers for a dance party! The Frozen soundtrack blares and I notice the chicken has come in from outside and it is now eating the dogfood. Apple is laughing and in a moment everything hits slow motion. Ainsleigh’s twirl suddenly feels like a slow spin from a movie scene. Time is passing yet the moment is slowed, just for a moment…so that i can breathe it in and let it linger. We spend our days running a race in our own homes. A race against returning emails, responding to texts, tackling the laundry and paying the bills. We have a deadline here and school project there. We have daily life. But is daily life stealing from the now. Tonight the cool lingering air froze for a moment as I watched them. This is my life. This is it, the moments that I have longed for. This right here is what life is about.

Aiden says to me, ” Mama I love you the most. The most of any mama anywhere!” His words land on me and they sit awhile. I am his. His only mama, his everything.

My babies are one of the things that has given me life. They make me want to be better, they make me want to grow and soar and be the best version of myself. They make me want to be brave. Being a mother is one of the things that has made me the most real. Feel the most intensely in my life. Cry the hardest and face myself in the most intense way possible. It has shown me love in a way that I desperately hoped was real. An innocent, pure, unconditional love. In the purest most beautiful form.

Happy Mother’s day mamas.




May 9, 2014


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  1. L says:

    Happy Mother's Day weekend to one of the greatest mamas I know! =)
    You are such an incredible mama to your sweet precious littles! =)
    So thankful for your example, more than you will ever know! I hope to be a mama like you someday!
    Love you!

  2. Erika says:

    Happy Mother's Day Casey! Such a beautiful post… I feel like I am right there in your kitchen watching the babies dance:)

  3. So precious! I love your families story, there is nothing more encouraging and inspiring than seeing people be all that they can be. It makes me want to be a great mama one day 🙂

  4. Happy Mother's Day Casey – I love you girl! Hope you have a beautiful day with your precious little ones. xo

  5. thank you for hosting Casey. i love your photo at the top and what Aiden said 🙂 sweet.

  6. brittany z says:

    Goodness, littles boys are so precious. Just got up from laying next to my 4 year old as he fell asleep, he put his hands on my face & placed mine on his to say, "mommy now just love me" 🙂 they are the sweetest. My heart aches thinking of him growing out of all the snuggles, kisses…

  7. I loved this. So so much. Happy mamas day beautiful!

  8. I love the honesty in this. We are looking forward to the day when we find out we are expecting our first baby, because those really are the moments we all long for.


  9. Love this…so true. Have a lovely Mother's Day mama!

  10. Claire C. says:

    Your writing is absolutely beautiful. Happy Mother's Day!

  11. Anna D Kart says:

    You have a way with words! Love it

    Happy Medley

  12. so sweet and you and i have similar mama hearts…i want to soak up every single moment because I feel it slipping through my fingers no matter how hard i try to slow it down.

  13. Beautifully written. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  14. Andrea Darst says:

    Beautifully summed up! Happy Mother's Day to you! <3

  15. Happy Mother's Day to you is well! Life is strung together with all these little moments and it's important to remember to stop and admire them all! Thank you for that reminder! Peace be with you and all the other wonderful mothers!!!

  16. Jenna Guizar says:

    Beautiful, Casey. Happy Mother's day 🙂 ~Jenna

  17. LOVED THIS! what a blessing to let life happen organically and to feel the weight, responsibility and blessing of being a mama! happy mother's day casey. may your truly feel the love of your children this weekends and always.

  18. Anonymous says:

    This is simply beautiful 🙂

  19. Heather says:

    I hope you have a blessed Mother's Day weekend, Casey! <3

  20. Love. Just thinking how happy you will be one day to look back and see all of these beautiful photos capturing moments in time with your family. The whole, long days short years thing…

  21. Anonymous says:

    Oh, this is beautiful and i so totally relate. I was crying on the way to work last week thinking about just this. And what am I going to do when my babies are grown and leave me? I can't even bare the thought!

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