
move me.

It’s Wednesday night when I am writing this.
Chris has been working all day… he walks through the door and says I have something you’re going to go do. 
I put on my shoes, follow him outside. 

The car is running. 
There is a note and little cash on the front seat. 
Windows are down and a John Mayer playlist is rolling.
 “Keep the windows down, follow the instructions on the paper and go have fun- get a Starbucks hot chocolate and take the car with the directions I wrote out for you” 
 Thank you Lord for blessing me with a man who loves me well. 
He knows me. 
He knows what inspires me. 
What moves me. 

 So there I was, driving windows down. 
The Dallas city lights glowed over the horizon. The sun just about to disappear. The smell of old fashioned barbecue creeped through the open windows as my hair blew in the wind…. And somewhere along the way a few tears were shed. 

I feel deeply. And I love when my soul can be moved.
 Music, open air- all ingredients for movement. 

Once the car was parked, hot chocolate in hand, music playing…I closed my eyes…took a deep breath and began to process.

 I processed my dreams.
A few dreams that make me nervous and scared to even admit out loud.
Do you have dreams like that?
The ones too scary and too big to even speak of.
I thanked God for my marriage- and the people we have become. 
I thought about influence and the glimpses of other plans He gave me through that weekend. In a way I can barely catch my breath.
I thought about goals I have. Things I want to do. Places I am hoping He leads me.
I thought about my babies. 
And about loving people.
I thought about all the hurt out there.

 I’m nothing. Just any other girl. I want God to use me. I want to pour out to others. But he doesn’t NEED me. And that alone will keep you humble. If anything the question presses constantly “why would He want to use me?”

But He does. He wants to use each of us. 

We each have a purpose. A specific one.

Do that which ignites your soul every once in awhile. 
It is good .







October 19, 2012


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  1. nthecity says:

    Oh this is stunning.

  2. Tiffany says:

    that miss Casey Leigh is beautiful!

    i am so blessed by your heart for people!

    i am inspired by you and am learning too thank you for sharing your experience from Influence.

    i have dreams too and yes, admitting them can be scary – so I write them and PRAY.

    hugs to you!

  3. Love this! I've been trying to process some of my big dreams lately and even leaping into some of them head first…so exciting yet scary at the same time! I love that you feel so deeply just like I do, I don't know anyone else like that in my "real life" and I love that I'm not the only one! πŸ™‚ Love you friend!

  4. Gorgeous words. Love how our spouses know us so intimately that they recognize our need to reconnect with the Lord after a day full of busy. The last pic is stunning!

  5. Ashton says:

    Such a good post. It is so humbling to know that God doesn't need us but He wants us and He loves us so much that He gives us dreams. I believe that He is calling us to live in a place where the dreams He has given us might scare us a little because we need Him to live them out. Your thoughts on this were really inspiring. Thank you for sharing them! πŸ™‚

  6. tahnie says:

    my dream that makes me scared and nervous is that i want to live to see our daughter turn 10.

    is that crazy?
    because i HAVE to.
    she needs me.
    i'm her momma.


  7. Ashley says:

    what a sweet hubby you have. i love the way you talk about him and your dreams. follow them, im sure they are beautiful. and i believe god uses us as instruments to carry out his plan…the plan of happiness..that everyone is entitled to.

  8. Amanda says:

    Can I just say that after talking with you last week I feel like I connect with your words even more. You are an inspiration and a blessing.

  9. I think I need to re-read this several times. Thanks for sharing your heart! And what a sweet husband πŸ™‚ Thank you Lord for husbands who cherish us!

  10. Ashley says:

    i love the way you talk about your hubby and your dreams. follow them, im sure they are beautiful! i believe god uses us as instruments to fulfill his plan. the plan of happiness.

  11. natalia says:

    So beautiful.

    Currently learning what following those dreams looks like. Stepping out in faith.

  12. Beautiful post Casey. Love it so much. You are an inspiration πŸ™‚

  13. Alisha says:

    Your hubby sure is a sweet one. Each and every one of use was placed on this earth for a purpose. I believe in that with my whole heart. πŸ™‚

    Happy weekend! xo

  14. Thankyou for this post, I needed it deep in my soul.i feel a little ridiculous posting this since we don't know eachother but you stirred my heart and have given me hope. Today is a day where I feel defeated by the world, most who know me wouldn't understand , I carry a mask. A mask that makes me look like a confident brave mother of 5 but I am so completely broken inside.i am a scared little girl with the weight on my shoulders and I am weak I am scared of life and I don't know how to keep going on every day. You give me hope, make me feel ok, If that makes sense . I feel deeply , so so deep. High, highs and low lows . I have big dreams and sometimes I think I'm too not brave enough or smart enough. I feel like god has called people but forgotten about me. Sorry if this is a bunch of confusing rambles but you helped me and Thankyou.

  15. Jenna E says:

    wow, beautiful post

  16. Alison says:

    Oh how I loved this post! It was very moving and beautiful! Hugs friend!

  17. Erika says:

    What a wonderful way to end your day – with a hot chocolate and a few minutes to yourself. Every day is amazing:)

  18. love this so stinkin' much!

  19. Sarah says:

    He doesn't need us (but oh how I need Him).
    But He wants to use us (and oh how I want to be used).
    Those big dreams that have Him at the center of it? Those are the best kind.

  20. What an incredible husband the Lord has blessed you with!! Those times alone to think on things like that are so rare but so important! I'm glad that he afforded you the time to reflect on what God has made you to do and what you love. You are a blessing to many Casey!

  21. Thank you so much for sharing ,

    I think I need to feel the wind in my hair more often !

    Hope you have a lovely weekend

    Claire x

  22. Anonymous says:

    beautifully articulated! you guys are sweet!

  23. Lauren says:

    What a wonderful hubby <3

  24. Lottie Simm says:

    beautifful post as always casey πŸ™‚

  25. Anonymous says:

    I love that he doesn't NEED us, but wants us instead. And will use us when we come to him (and even when we don't). Beautifully written, Casey! XOXO.

  26. amykatmiller says:

    as always casey beautiful words.
    thank you for always sharing your heart and most of all for letting God use you to touch others.

  27. Love you! Thank you for encouraging my heart!!!!!

  28. kari Hill says:

    Beautiful post!
    Thanks for sharing!


  29. brooke elyse says:

    oh Casey, what a beautiful post- but those last lines moved my soul. Thank you. My soul thanks you… today, I'm going to do something to move it. πŸ™‚

    Brooke Elyse

  30. Gina Toothe says:

    a super beautiful post! wow!! thanks Casey. I needed this πŸ™‚

  31. amykatmiller says:

    i read this from ann voskamp today & it made me think of you & what you wrote.
    "joy, it comes in the mother who doesn’t think twice to do the unthinkable, to do the unlikely, the unlovely, the unheard of β€” who lives the Gospel."

  32. Erica Walter says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I am going through a period of transition after the loss of our beautiful baby girl Hudson, and I want to make a difference. I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who supports me in pursuing my dreams – and I identify with this post so much. Thank you again.

  33. Anonymous says:

    can we really be so similar? tears are just streaming down my face. i adore you. genuine, real and beautiful you.

  34. Anonymous says:

    I very much appreciate your posts on your emotions and feelings, I identify with them greatly and enjoy hearing your thoughts on what it means to experience life with the tendency to feel intensely.

  35. Anonymous says:

    "ignite your heart" <–love it!!

  36. Jade Steckly says:

    My favourite place to reflect and think is in my vehicle like that πŸ™‚ How sweet of Chris to recognize how much you would appreciate that!

  37. Heather says:

    Oh, this gives me chills. To have a man that knows you so well? It is bliss. I love this post. I love this: " Do that which ignites your soul every once in awhile. " You are beautiful!

  38. Anonymous says:

    What a blessing to have a man that knows your heart. Thank you for this post, what an inspiration and motivation to keep asking God to use us in His will.

  39. This is me, too. Yes.


  40. Thank you, as always, for sharing your heart with us all Reading this now was perfect timing for me. I hope you don't mind, I shared the link to this post on my blog today!

  41. Casey – this is just beautiful! What a thoughtful gift from your husband. And I love your writing style and deep appreciation for the little things in life – because they truly mean the most! Beautiful! xo

  42. brittany says:

    you have such a beautiful heart and awesome way of inspiring and encouraging.

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