
Family Camp Ideas

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If there’s one thing our family looks forward to every summer, it’s our cherished tradition of attending family camp. This week brings such a cherished time of togetherness as a family — true core memories have been made here! If family camp is not something you have planned this summer keep reading for family camp ideas to bring family camp to you!

Be sure to check out some of the things I packed for family camp on my Road Trip List and Storefront!

With four kiddos ranging from a 6-14, I love that family camp takes all ages into consideration and there are activities that each of my kids love, and many that they enjoy together. Family camp is our summer haven, and something that we wait with anticipation for every year.

family camp ideas 5Casey Wiegand family camp ideas 2family camp ideas 9Casey Wiegand family camp ideas 4Why Family Camp?

We’re head over heels for family camp, because during the school year life can feel so buys — family camp really gives us time to slow down and truly connect. I am always a big believer in being intentional with plans like this, time can get away from us as busy parents so building things like this in is a priority for me.

+ Fun for All Ages +

I love that each of my children feel included and thought of at family camp. No one’s left out – from our soon to be first grader to our teenager, there’s something to spark joy in every heart.

+ Classic Camp Vibes +

Picture this: cozy cabins nestled amidst trees, the scent of marshmallows toasting over the campfire, and endless laughter in the air. Family camp is like a snapshot from your favorite childhood storybook, so dreamy! Filled with family camp ideas for kids!

+ A Heart for Adventure +

If there’s one thing our crew can’t resist, it’s water – and family camp includes lots of water activities. Swimming, canoeing, boating, water toys, water balloon fights. And let’s not forget the friendly competitions!

+ Themed Togetherness +

We love the themed dinners and days, family camp takes it to a whole new level. It’s all about the bonding, the laughter, and the shared creativity.

+ Crafts & Creativity +

As an artist I love that creativity is incorporated into family camp. From craft corners to music and dance, making friendship bracelets and keepsakes — makes my heart so happy!

+ Bonfire Bonding +

When the stars twinkle above and the fire crackles before us, something magical happens. I really believe this is where connection feels stronger. It’s the perfect recipe for heart-to-heart moments, which I adore!

 + Outdoor Fun +

Family camp nudges us outdoors, to soak in nature. Ropes courses that challenge our limits, nature trails that lead to unexpected discoveries, and open fields for games of tag– it’s a reminder of the beauty of time spent outdoors.

+ Connections That Last +

The most precious aspect of family camp is the people we meet. Families with similar values and dreams, kids who become instant friends, and adults who share stories that connect us. It’s a community that grows stronger with each passing summer.

family camp ideas 8family camp ideas 2family camp ideas 3Casey Wiegand family camp ideas 1Creating Your Own Family Camp Magic

Even if family camp isn’t on your summer itinerary, you can infuse your days with camp-style fun. Build a fort in the living room, have a picnic in the backyard, stage your own talent show, or go on a scavenger hunt in the local park. The possibilities are endless – it’s all about creating memories that last a lifetime.

Don’t forget to check out my camp favorites from my Road Trip List and Storefront!

In a world that often feels like a whirlwind, family camp grounds us. It’s where we embrace the fleeting beauty of summer, where our kids’ laughter becomes the soundtrack of our days, and where memories are etched into our hearts. Whether you’re heading out on a summer trip or setting up camp right at home, remember that it’s all about cherishing the moments that truly matter.


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August 7, 2023


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