
Aiden’s Reptiles Website And Channel

reptiles pin 1reptiles aiden wiegandAiden’s Reptiles Website And Channel

To say that I am proud of our son Aiden is an understatement! This boy has a heart of gold, and forever inspires me with his passion and creativity! I’m beyond excited for Aiden, as he launches his YouTube channel and website including his very own merch! Aiden has been interested in reptiles and dinosaurs for as long as I can remember. In addition, he is a huge fan of Godzilla! This passion has only grown over the years. Chris and I have loved supporting these interests and watching them grow.

reptiles drawingreptiles and amphibiansreptilesAiden’s Youtube Channel

Aiden has been working incredibly hard on his Youtube channel and it would mean the world to us if you would check it out, and share it with the Dino-loving and Godzilla fans in your life.

Watching Aiden work on creating his stop-motion videos and content for his channel has been such a joy for me. He is so knowledgeable and I see so much growth in him, as he always learns and implements new skills.

reptiles preschoolaiden wiegand reptilesreptiles petsAiden’s Website and Merch

Aiden has also been dedicated to creating merch of his own! Aiden wanted to create the style of clothing he would love to wear. As Aiden is now a teen, it’s a bit harder to find dino, reptile and Godzilla clothing that is geared toward his age. He took the time to research the styles that he and his friends are into.  Figured out how to incorporate his interests into the styles. He also created sweet custom hats, bags, water bottles, etc. There truly is something for every reptile lover in your life!

Click over to find  Aiden’s merch on his website!  You may even recognize some of his models!

It would mean the world to our family, especially to Aiden if you would take the time to check out his channel and site! I always want to encourage his passions and I believe in this boy more than I could ever fully say! We are so proud of you, Aiden — keep chasing your dreams!

reptiles activitiesreptiles crafts preschool


May 5, 2023


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