Spring is in the air, and we are looking forward to Easter! This is such a beautiful season of fresh life, embracing renewal and all of the beauty of nature. My mama heart lives for making holidays special for our family, and Easter is really a season that we build lots of traditions around. I have so many sweet memories as a kid on Easter. Excitement to wake up to our Easter baskets, pretty dresses, a table set with fresh florals and pastels, church as a family, and a big meal of celebration with all of our favorites!I like to start early when looking for Easter basket goodies! I’ll start stowing things away in February and March so that we have lots of variety and each kiddo has special things that make me think of them. I’ve found lots of good Amazon Easter basket ideas this year! Super convenient! You can find my full Amazon Storefront here and my Amazon Easter List here!
You could have a special Easter basket that you pull out year after year, something with each kiddo’s name on it that is special! I’ve seen really cute ones with embroidered names. I also love the idea of switching it up each year and doing some sort of container that they will find useful. Whether it’s a bin they could use for organizing their bedroom, a basket that would work perfectly for art supplies, a fun purse for play makeup, and dolls, or a purse or travel tote!
I know this can get messy. You can decide if you want to use a traditional basket filler or you can opt for something like tissue paper, that’s easier to clean up! You could also go a non-traditional route and do something like a blanket or a new beach towel at the base of your basket!
I love this idea. You can go specific to each kiddo and their interests, or you can keep it seasonal! Have a beach trip coming up for spring break? You could totally do a beach theme basket! Or if you have a kiddo that is really interested in a specific sport, you could find everything from candy to books to equipment or clothing specific for that sport.
Whether you opt for a stuffed bunny or another cozy stuffed animal for your little ones this is a sweet touch especially for easter basket ideas for toddlers Amazon. For older kids, I say still add something cozy in for them even if they have outgrown stuffed animals! Think a comfy blanket, a new sweatshirt or slippers. They will love this!
I like mixing in candy, but also some of my kids’ favorite snacks! This fills the basket up without it being all candy! A little mix of both is great! For toddler Amazon Easter basket ideas I like adding things like puffs and healthy snacks.
We like adding books to our baskets. It grows their libraries and also is another great way to include something that is age specific. This is also a great Amazon easter basket ideas for boys!
I always add something for art. A coloring book, a sketch book, new paint brushes or watercolors — something that they can reach for during break!
These are a few tips to get you started with filling up those Easter baskets! Click over for my full Amazon Storefront and for more Amazon Easter inspo!
Casey Wiegand
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