
New Year Goals

new year goals pin 2New Year Goals

As the year ends, I find myself both reflecting and looking forward to the year ahead. I love to take this time to set some new year goals. Usually, I feel a stirring in my heart, based on all that I’ve learned in the past year, I can feel myself drawn toward what I hope most for in the coming year. I felt my word for 2023 rise within me, and confirmations along the way that this was truly the right word for me.

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My Word for 2023

My word for 2023 is ignite! We’ve all been through such a great deal these past few years, and I feel a calling within to rise out of this, to ignite hope, creativity, excitement, and change! Not just within myself, but for others as well!

Ignite the Flame in Myself & Others

Just like a flame ignites, I want to ignite my spirit this year to dream big, to be bold, to have confidence in who I am, and to bring others along with me. This year brings big dreams, and I have such a strong feeling that this will be a transformative, fulfilling, and beautiful year.

It’s time to walk in my truth, embrace change, and be a light that ignites others!

I am SO looking forward to this year, and all of the magic ahead! I have many new year goals 2023, and will be sharing more!

new year goals casey wiegand

Let’s reflect back on past years —

hoping these will bring inspiration when you are dreaming up new year goals aesthetic, new year goals bullet journal 2023 or creating a new year goals bullet journal layout, or vision boarding!

Here are my past years words of the year:


Believe in myself, believe in possibility, believe that there is more beauty ahead


I did not create a word for this year, it was the only one in such a long time! It was a hard year for me personally, and I know so many of us. It’s okay if some years a word doesn’t come to you — be patient with yourself!


Let your light shine.
Be a light for others


Fall and rise anew
Let what doesn’t belong fall away

Favor, Fruitful

producing much fruit.
to regard with favor.
You will recognize them by their fruits.
Claiming & praying favor and fruitfulness.


fly or rise high in the air.
increase rapidly above the usual level.

SOAR was a theme for this past year absolutely…its incredible looking back and seeing it weaved perfectly throughout.


was absolutely everything ABUNDANCE.
I mean it was a life changing year in so many ways. Abundance in life, abundance in redemption…. it was literally the perfect word for the year. There was an entire life switch into abundance.

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us.”


2015 is the spring after the long rain. It is the year of FREEDOM. I am going to claim them and let them take over every bit of me. I am claiming it now so that a year from now I can look back and say wow, those words were perfect for 2015.


My whole life I had felt the opposite of brave, and this was my year to step into my strength! .


I want my life to mean something. God has me here for a purpose and I am constantly seeking out what that is and what that looks like. I want my life to matter. I want to give hope.


I have roots that run deep.
The old me that I am constantly fighting… insecure, unforgiving, entitled….it’s time to uproot and CHANGE.
So this year I will keep the word peace as a daily mission and add the word change.
Because it’s time.
Those poisonous roots have been in me far too long.


When you decide to live out what you believe. When you decide you want peace in your possession, then you will find out what that looks like & feels like. You begin to pray for God to give you peace, incorporate peace in your relationships, and decide to respond differently. You speak in love. Act in tenderness. You imitate what you know about peace until it becomes a reality for your character & your life

When thinking of your word and new year goals ideas you can use a new year goals bullet journal and new year goals template. I also love to have a dreaming session with family for new year goals for kids! We will usually make a new year goals bulletin board with new year goals ideas bucket lists.


Casey Wiegand

new year goals


January 4, 2023


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