
Homeschool: (Homeschool Curriculum And More)

homeschool pin 1Homeschool: Curriculum and More

A few months ago, we made the decision as a family to start homeschooling our oldest child, Aiden. So many of you have reached out with questions on how we came to this decision. As well as asking for details on what curriculum we are using and what our homeschool plan is.

I hope to share more of our homeschool journey here, and why we feel that this was truly a great decision for our son! If you are thinking about homeschool, but don’t know where to start this homeschooling starter guide is SO helpful.

We Are Forever Grateful to Aiden’s School

It’s really important to me that I highlight how much we love the sweet school that Aiden was attending. Two of our girls still go there, the community is wonderful, and it was a hard choice for Aiden to leave. We have so many fond memories and friendships built that will last for years to come! We are forever grateful to his educators, school staff, coaches, friends and all who made his years there a positive and fulfilling experience!

Coming to this decision was something that we did not take lightly. We put our trust in what we know to be true. Academics became rigorous with what felt like little balance.

I watched as my then 12 year old boy, would put in hours of work after school on homework. It felt like he spent most of his time in the evening after school at a desk completing work. He wasn’t able to attend small group with our church on Wednesdays, and many of his passions outside of school felt like they were harder to keep up with. We are a family who LOVES to be together, we love creativity and pouring ourselves into passions and truly we just wanted something different for Aiden.

Casey Wiegand homeschool

Trusting Ourselves as Parents

As a mama of a bright young man, I wanted to see Aiden still excel academically, but have plenty of time to enjoy family, pursue passions, participate in small group, and have time to rest and unwind after putting in work for school during the day.

In listening to our hearts, and hearing Aiden’s needs out, we decided that bringing him home for school was the best choice. I had a feeling this would be good for him, but honestly it has felt like one of my best parenting choices!

I see the light shining brighter from him, I see how happy he is to be at home, to have the freedom to play in the backyard with his siblings, to do things like golf, tennis, work with a trainer, attend small group — so much that he was truly missing. Aiden’s homeschool schedule allows for the flexibility that we were craving.

A Passion for Teaching & A Dream Realized

I have a passion for teaching and a degree in early childhood education, I always felt that we would one day be homeschooling! I am teaching Aiden and it has been such a rewarding experience and opportunity for connection for us both.

Aiden has a math teacher through who worked with him at his previous school. She is such a blessing and doing a wonderful job of keeping him on track!

We made sure to make our home conducive to flexible schooling space. Our home has an art and homeschool room with his own desk, as well as a desk in his bedroom. We’ve focused on gathering materials and paying close attention to homeschool organization.

+Homeschool Organization/ Supplies+





paper holders


green paper bins

 a rotating pencil holder

 ++Homeschool Essentials++

paper rolls

target paper roll

gel pens


target paints

paint brushes

pastel markers

drawing pads

small easels

a wood easel and canvas art kit

art caddies 

homeschool organization

Choosing a Curriculum That Suits Our Needs

To create his curriculum we used The Good and The Beautiful,   KHAN Academy,   Outschool , as well as resources from his previous school. I am forever on top of researching which materials will work best for him. We are happy to mix and supplement wherever we feel is necessary.

I will always check in with Aiden to see how he feels about his current schooling decisions. He may not homeschool forever, but right now Aiden is SO happy with our choice. We feel confident we will continue homeschooling for next school year.

Pay Attention to Your Calling

This has been a lesson for us as parents, and hopefully Aiden as well. Advocating for your needs and paying attention to what you feel you are being called to. Those gut feelings, the ways in which your spirit feels most alive — follow them. I am forever grateful to be in a position in life to be able to be home with our kiddos, to be able to pour into Aiden in this way as well as Adelaide with homeschool preschool.

We are so proud to see Aiden taking the lead on much of his studies. It warms my heart to see his passion for learning, and to see just how much of a joy he has for life. Finding that balance has been key for him.  I will forever choose what lights my children up and makes them feel most at peace!


Casey Wiegand

Casey Wiegand homeschool art room collage

homeschool roomCasey Wiegand homeschool collage


May 6, 2022


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