
My Word of the Year for 2022

word of the yearWord of the Year for 2022

I love choosing a word of the year, it’s something that I look forward to and put a lot of thought into as the year comes to a close. I choose my word prayerfully and find that with reflection and anticipation, it normally comes into focus for me. It’s something that I hold tight to throughout the year, recognizing the way that this word shows up in unexpected ways.

word of the yearReflecting on Years Passed

I can clearly look backwards and can see how each of my words for the year have shown up as a beautiful rope weaving and connecting throughout all of that year’s most important moments. I don’t always know what this word will represent but looking back it always has incredible meaning. If you want to choose one I would take the time to choose it carefully, take time thinking of word of the year ideas – there is something there for you. Then let this word be a beautiful reminder as we face our days ahead. Let it be a theme that gently guides you. You could even create a word of the year bullet journal or check Pinterest for word of the year bullet journal layout and inspiration.

Casey Wiegand word of the yearMy Word For 2022

For me 2021 was a dance between exciting, beautiful, dreams coming true paired with heartache, and personal struggles. A dance between letting grief and sorrow meet beauty and redemption. Every year I choose a word for the year and much thought and prayer my word of the year 2022 is BELIEVE.

word of the year ideasWhat Believe Means to Me

Belief for me has generally come easy, but then 2021 threw me off in a lot of ways. Through some hard stretches, I was able to find a new anchor of humility, of slow, of letting go, of gracefully letting beliefs & dreams go, without knowing what would be on the other side. This year, I watched myself face fears and conquer them. I watched myself loosen the grip and then in return gain more back. New beautiful things await me and I want to embrace every step with all the belief in my heart. Belief in what my story has for me.

2021 represented me losing a home that I love but also gaining my dream forever home. It represented a personal shaking. This allowed me to take the pieces and put them back together in a more balanced way. I was met with new belief in things that I have not believed for myself in awhile and excitement and hope for what waits for me in the year ahead.

Sorrow can dance with happiness.
Sadness can dance with gratitude.
Letting go can dance with gripping on tightly
But doubt just can’t dance with belief.

I want to fall backwards with arms open and embrace this next season. Believing.

What is YOUR word of the year ideas 2022? I truly think that making this part of your new year preparation is something that will have a lasting impact.


Casey WiegandCasey Wiegand word of the year 2022


December 31, 2021


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