
Apple’s Beautiful Girl’s Room Wallpaper

girls room wallpaperApple’s Beautiful Girl’s Room Wallpaper

The house updates are really taking shape over here, and I am so happy to share with you each space as it comes together! Lately we have been getting a lot of our cabinetry painted, and also putting special details into the girls’ rooms! Wallpaper creates such a transformation to any space, which was why I was so happy to see this beautiful pink floral wallpaper make Apple’s room extra special!

girls room wallpaper teen bedrooomChoosing Wallpaper for Each Space

I chose to use wallpaper from my collaboration with Curated Walls (, for each of my girls’ rooms.

For each girls room wallpaper floral was the theme. I shared Adelaide’s room recently, hers is more of a girls room wallpaper accent wall, all of you were so sweet about that transformation! Apple’s room is done in the beautiful floral pink print. I think this really suits her whimsical, playful, and girly personality! She loves to play dress up and to use her imagination, and I wanted her bedroom to truly be a reflection of her sweet spirit! Girls room wallpaper makes such an impact on each of their spaces!

girls room wallpaper floralCasey Leigh Curated Walls Collection

My collection of wallpaper with Curated Walls is peel and stick, so installing it is simple. It is a bit time consuming, if you are wanting to wallpaper an entire room, but the process as a whole is simple once you get the hang of it! I love how much wallpaper can makeover a space. I feel like it cozies up a room, and adds such a custom feel! Check out their site and my collection for girls room wallpaper ideas.

girls room wallpaperWhen decorating my kiddos rooms here is what I take into consideration:

+ I ask for their input and what they want most! Some of my kids like to be involved more than others. I welcome their input and want their spaces to be a reflection of them and a place where they feel comfortable and at home.

+ How will they use the space most (when not sleeping). For Aiden it was important for him to have a desk, as he does a lot of homework independently at this age, for Adelaide and Apple I wanted them to have extra play space, for Ainsleigh I wanted her room to feel a bit transitional soon enough her room will want to reflect a girls room wallpaper teen bedroom, so I kept that in mind. She is forever our little girl, but she is growing so fast, and my hope for her bedroom is that she could feel a bit more “grown up” than her previous spaces. I can’t wait to share her wallpaper transformation soon!

+ Layer in the cozy! This takes time. I always get many questions on how I design my kiddos rooms, and I really think it happens in layers. Picking a general feel, layering in what they love, adding elements like wallpaper, special furniture, art, rugs, bedding, curtains etc. It all takes time, and each piece brings a more collected and intentional feel!

+ What feel would you like to go with? Girls room wallpaper accent wall boho, girls room wallpaper accent wall modern, girls room wallpaper texture — all of these styles can make a difference in the feel of the room!

+ Don’t be afraid to move things around! Sometimes I’ll have an idea of how a room should be laid out, and it’s not until I get everything into the space that I realize how it might be more functional or have a better flow. Go with your gut, and again don’t shy away from asking your kiddos for input! I love knowing that each space can be adapted over time, and that we can change things up whenever we feel that we need to!

I’m really loving the way that wallpaper has changed the feel of each of my girls’ rooms. They are so happy with the transformations, and I think each of their rooms has a special part of their personalities! If you are thinking about adding wallpaper to a space in your home, I say go for it! It’s always one of my favorite elements of each home that we’ve lived in!

I cant wait to show you everything completely done! yay! 

girls room wallpaper accent wall


September 18, 2021


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