The Best Reptiles To Get Kiddos As A Pet

best reptiles

One of the questions that I am frequently asked is what reptiles are the best family pets to start out with. Our son Aiden is an avid reptile fanatic, and I love sharing more about that here! He is so passionate about caring for his pets, and I know that he loves to share more about them too!

Aiden has been interested in lizards and snakes from a very early age! This is an interest that hasn’t wavered for him, and it’s one that I love to support. He has learned such a great deal about reptiles, and truly takes such responsibility when it comes to caring for his pets.

Our Reptile Room

Aiden has grown the amount of reptiles that he cared for, from a few lizards, to many different types of lizards and snakes. Because of this passion, we decided that in our new home we have converted a large hallway closet into a reptile room for him! He has shelving with cages, tanks, lighting and all of the supplies that he needs to care for them with. I love to make my kids feel special, and I could see Aiden’s face light up when we told him about our plans for this room!

I know that many of you have been wanting to know what we would recommend for the best reptiles to start out with, and Aiden and I both agree on these three.

Best Reptile Pets

best reptiles1. Crested Gecko

Crested Geckos, also known as eyelash geckos are common as best reptile pets. They are fairly easy to take care of which make them best reptiles for beginners. This is the one I ALWAYS recommend- they eat this “gel” and are super friendly and easy to hold- a GREAT first lizard!

They have fun and sunny personalities, which my kiddos love….they can also be handled frequently. They are the B E S T!

best reptiles for beginners2. Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragons, are also known as beardies and are such sweet lizards. They are known for also being good reptile pets, though they do have more complex nutritional and environment needs than some pets. They are super friendly, and respond to their owner’s voices which make them some of the best reptile pets for kids. They like to be taken out of their cages and can be a great first reptile pet. This is our sweet Elfie, shes been with us since Aiden was three!

best reptiles for kids3. Leopard Gecko

Leopard Geckos get their name from their adorable spots, they are super cute lizards! Leopard Geckos are a popular beginners reptile, easily handled, friendly and easy to tame, a great choice for a pet.

We are so happy to have reptiles in our family of pets, and happy to share with you the best reptiles for pets. Aiden finds such joy in caring for them and learning more along the way. If you are interested in owning reptiles, and understand the responsibility that comes with them, we highly recommend them as pets!

best reptiles for beginners

This one is a green anole, Aiden loves to catch and release them when he finds them in the yard. We wouldn’t recommend keeping this one as a pet.


August 16, 2021


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