“If you don’t take your dreams seriously no one else will”.
I believe this through and through. What has made all of the difference for me as a dreamer, is the belief that my biggest hopes, goals and desires were placed on my heart with purpose.
I can think back to so many parts of our story, where Chris and I took big leaps of faith, because we’ve always believed in each other. That doesn’t mean that doubt never creeps in, or that we have never failed (we have, so many times along the way!), but we’ve always made sure to come back to that place of belief.
No one will ever work with the same energy and excitement for your dreams as you will.
Often, along the way, you’ll be challenged to put the work in, before you reap a reward. I promise you, this is the defining moment on your path toward your dreams.
Can you show up during the hard times, with many unknowns and work with passion and purpose? This will be what sets you apart, this will be what moves you closer to your dreams.
You are worthy of your wildest dreams. The hard work that it will take to get there -it’s part of your story. This season is what will refine you and prepare your heart, so that when those dreams become reality, you will never for one moment take them for granted. Watch here!
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