Every year I choose a word and its a beautiful thing. I pray about it, I think over it for weeks and then once its chosen: to see how it is weaved through my year- it blows me away every time. If I look back on our story, each year has had so much of the word deeply in it.
This year I kept praying for my word- and I kept hearing what I would say is my LIFE word. LIGHT
We had just moved out of our home, sold tons of what we owned. I was sitting on the edge of our bed in the One Bedroom we were all living in together while we waited to see what is next? I had been praying, what is my next step?
Have I been forgotten?
Where do you want me Lord?
Within a 24 hours period I got a text and 2 emails from 3 people who have no connection with each other and all 3 said word for words the same thing. And all 3 used the same bible verse. They all had the exact same message to me and all the exact same details.
“He has a plan for your family. He will bring it to you, no need to chase or pursue. He will bring it in His own time. BIG things, believe big, dream big, expect big, receive big and ask big!”
There was a lot of details in each that were the same. It left me alone on the edge of that bed with a lot faith that these words were true.
Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world. A town on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.
A life purpose that I am sure of. Be a light. Ignite a fire that rages beyond my comprehension. Light other candles as a sea of change ignites.
I am excited for things that have already been stirring in my heart and what God is doing with this simple little word.
What is your word for 2020?
Little snippets from previous years:
2019. Fall and RISE anew.
Fall, falling full abandon into trust and growth and FREEDOM from things that have held me back my whole life.” Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”
I kept thinking about this quote and the season of fall and what it can represent- and kept thinking of what this could mean for me.
So Fall it is.
and then Rise.
Favor, Fruitful.
producing much fruit.
to regard with favor.
You will recognize them by their fruits.
Claiming & praying favor and fruitfulness.
Over myself, my family, my loved ones.
I pray and pray and pray and think about what word He is pressing on my heart. Each time I can look back at the year and the word and see EXACTLY why He gave me that word. Each year I have needed that word, it has been a theme, it has defined the year.
2017. Soar:
fly or rise high in the air.
increase rapidly above the usual level.
SOAR was a theme for this past year absolutely…its incredible looking back and seeing it weaved perfectly throughout.
2016, was absolutely everything ABUNDANCE.
I mean it was a life changing year in so many ways. Abundance in life, abundance in redemption…. it was literally the perfect word for the year. There was an entire life switch into abundance.
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us.”
2015. FREEDOM.
“Little did I know how much I would need to embrace the word brave this year past year. So many things happened, so many hard roads, so much heartache. 2014 taught us much and I believe with my whole heart that 2015 is the spring after the long rain. It is the year of FREEDOM. My words for 2015 are BELIEVE & FREEDOM. I am going to claim them and let them take over every bit of me. I am claiming it now so that a year from now I can look back and say wow, those words were perfect for 2015.
2014. BRAVE
For the past few years I have chosen a “word” for the year. 2014… my word is BRAVE. My whole life I have basically been the opposite of brave. I have been careful and I have been anxious. Ever since this post I have been praying that I would be brave. I want my faith to be strong and to rest in His plan above my own…no matter what it holds. I have a feeling in my gut that this year is going to entail trusting Him a lot.
I want to be brave.
I want to take this one, beautiful, precious life and I want to live it well.
I want to literally run towards the plans that He has for me. I don’t want to hesitate, I want to soar… arms spread wide open.
This morning I woke up and Aiden’s arms were around my neck. I pulled back and the sunlight was perfectly shining in on his face. I ran my hands across his forehead to brush back his sweet hair and just thanked God for him. Then I turned my head and Ainsleigh was there too. They must have crept down the hall in the night and snuck in beside us. Her eyelashes and pouty lips were perfectly still as her tiny little lungs rose and fell. I could hear Apple stirring nearby. My precious Appie. These babies are such a gift…. I mean truly a gift. And having open hands with their precious lives is such a struggle for me.
But this is my year…the year where I am brave.
2013 was HOPE.
” I have tangible hope in multiple areas. God redeemed my heartache. Sometimes I wonder if we as humans encounter heartache, loss and sadness not only because this is a fallen and sinful world. An imperfect world. But also so that we can truly appreciate the joys as well. On a new level of appreciation. A new level of thanks. To balance out human perspective.This isn’t heaven so we can’t understand the whole picture. We must have hope to come out on the other side of tasting incredible sadness. I want to matter. and not in the “I am awesome and matter so much kind of way”, I want my life to mean something. God has me here for a purpose and I am constantly seeking out what that is and what that looks like. I want my life to matter. I want to give hope. “
2012 was CHANGE.
“I have roots that run deep.
The old me that I am constantly fighting… insecure, unforgiving, entitled….it’s time to uproot and CHANGE.
So this year I will keep the word peace as a daily mission and add the word change.
Because it’s time.
Those poisonous roots have been in me far too long.”
Awww!! I absolutely love this post! I just finished putting together my 20/20 vision board and at the top of the board I placed my Word of the Year which is BALANCE. I want to be fully balanced in all areas of my life including my business and building a brand, my time with my family, my time given to Jesus and my health and wellness goals. I’m often on the teeter totter of life and I want to truly have balance and consistency this year!