A little round up of some touches of FALL in our home , which is your favorite space?!!!
I wanted to share a story about my sweet Aiden. Many of you who have followed me from the beginning know his tender sweet spirit is something special. I love telling stories about my kids because they are truly lights.
Dallas was hit my a tornado over Fall break and it’s been a lot. The stores and grocery store we shop at is gone, you can’t drive through whole sections of the city and we have dear friends who have lost much. Our dearest friends live in our old home (which many of you know and love) and it was a direct hit. Yesterday was their girls birthday so we quickly rallied together a party and through the hustle and bustle I walked down the steps and saw a huge wrapped gift- “ what is that?!” Aiden said, oh I asked dad and he said it was okay if I gave them my new LEGO set. (3000 piece). All his idea and he wrapped it himself. Small sharpie writing on there- “Im sorry for all you have lost. happy birthday. Love, Aiden”
Guys. We come from struggle. And when I wanted to run towards dreams and chase freedom my first “why” was us. What I could never have seen was the ways that it would impact them. The ability to give and step into needs. To watch it foster movement in my children’s hearts.
When someone you love isn’t going to have a honeymoon and you can make sure they at least have a special weekend away. A child’s tuition. A birthday party for a friend when they have lost their home in a tornado. The list goes on.
A month ago an elderly man tapped on my shoulder at a wedding and said he wanted to compliment Aiden. He said our ten year old boy looked him in the eye, shook his hand and said “it’s been really nice talking to you this evening.” This same kid stuck his own $100 bill that he worked for in our friends car cup holder and buys extra chips at lunch to pass out to buddies.
November is bananas for us, anyone else?!
Chris is traveling, I am one of the coordinators for 5th grade living history day, we have
Ainsleigh’s Volcano project and her campout. Thanksgiving. and I am getting Lasik eye surgey- ahhh!
Amidst the busy always trying to take a step back and soak it all in, slow down.
Have a beautiful day friends! Thank you for coming here day after day and following our little fam- it means the world!
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