a lifestyle blog about motherhood, intention, whimsical moments, and wellness
Royal Carpet Celebration.
A trip to remember.
5 women who I have the honor of walking beside day in and day out, my best friends, women who I could never ever spill enough love and gratitude over.
Not only am forever grateful for each of them, more than actual words can express- but that they represent sooooo many faces behind what I do.
We flew to Utah to walk the Royal Crown Diamond Purple Carpet. Our team was recognized .
As I paired with YL to plan these few days, I had them in mind at every moment. What they represent, what each of my team members represent. I would never be walking that carpet without each of their YES. For the daily showing up.
Every time I experience freedom with my family, every little minute looking into my babies eyes- I see each of their faces. That is never ever lost on me.
Feeling seen, loved, appreciated- that’s why I show up day after day. That’s my heart.
Thank you doesn’t begin to do it justice. Thankful for a changed story.
Over time, they each said yes.
Some from the very first month, some later on. We have been through so much together, they embody kindness, grace, love and drive. I will never forget this trip.
Sweet friendships that are a sisterhood. Not only do they love me well but they love each other and lead their teams with everything and more I could dream and hope for. Stepping into a purpose of loving people well.
A company I love and believe in with my entire heart.
Thank you YL for how you truly see us and made us feel like the most special in the world.
Just the opportunity you have given us is more than I could dream of but then you again and again go above and beyond to shower us with surprise and delight.
Our gratitude spills over.
Some quotes from posts shared that I never ever ever want to forget, sealing them here and in my heart forever.
“I’m a mess of tears in the very back of a plane surrounded by a bunch of dudes flying home from Utah . I’m so undone thinking about the past two days. Y’all. I’m literally just a girl who fell in love with oils, like how did that land me here … I have no idea but my heart is overflowing. Sorority life was just the beginning for @caseyleighwiegand and I – now we get to run alongside of each other watching families find FREEDOM. and I mean freedom in pretty much every sense of the word: freedom to BE who they are & use their gifts for the good of others. Freedom to spend more time with their families & the people they love. Freedom to give beyond their wildest dreams. Freedom to know the products they are bringing into their homes are clean, safe, and effective. Freedom to not worry that their card at the grocery store won’t go through (something we both lived through for many years). And freedom in Christ. That last one, that’s the in me . Casey & I (and many others on our team) have prayed for and loved on an incredible friend on our team & just this past week we cried, prayed and cheered she came to know God for the first time! So as you see all these pictures of us at Tiffany’s, mountain side mansions and fancy dinners asking ourselves “what is this life”, I PROMISE you even more than this trip of celebration & delight – we are looking at each other & crying asking each other how we got to be a part of KINGDOM work THROUGH our business. It’s forever an honor to stand beside my friend & fearless leader, Casey in this business and in life. Watching the entire corporate office erupt in cheers & praise for her and her entire team is a memory I’ll reach back in my files for on the days that are hard . We have ONE LIFE, y’all. What do we have to lose? Dream big. Go for that scary goal. Reach out and pray for that friend. Believe in yourself and in turn bring others into that circle of belief with you. You are sooooo much more capable than you think. The words they spoke over Casey were “Kind, positive, compassionate”. They spoke about our community that’s full of LIGHT and did you know we are also the fastest growing in the whole company ? Mind blown” – Wynne Elder
Katespadeny jammies. @tiffanyandco shopping spree. Mansion in the mountains with personal chefs.
A bunch of moms turned businesswomen sitting around a conference table with the executives of a billion dollar company talking strategy.
I wouldn’t be who I am today without the women in this picture. I love each of them so much.
A little over 3 years ago Casey said “you’re going to be so amazing at this business” & I still think she’s crazy for believing in me so much. But she did. Her belief changed our lives, the lives of thousands. I’m just one in a sea of thousands. Thank you could never be enough.
Without @younglivingeo none of this would be possible. So grateful for a company I can proudly stand behind.” – Kristan Carroll
” Building a business is hard but man is this business worth fighting for. I looked at Casey as we sat around a table with Young Living’s executives after she was applauded by the entire corporate staff for a solid ten minutes and told she was the fasting growing RCD in history and told her to lock that feeling so deep in her vault. The majority of what we do is uncelebrated and unseen but goodness was she seen this weekend and were we ever in the process!!!!” – Lesley Graham
“A beautiful day celebrating an even more beautiful person @caseyleighwiegand and her team. These ladies are everything you would hope for in businesswomen. They are exceptionally smart, innovative, and talented, but equally humble, kind, and sincere. The culture they share with others is the kind that inspires us all to be our best selves. Congratulations Casey! This is the beginning of many more beautiful celebrations to come, but I’m especially grateful for this one! ” – Ben Riley
Touching down in home sweet New York right now after a full and beautiful few days in Park City, Utah. Once upon a time, seven-ish years ago, l got an email from a girl in Dallas asking me all about my blog (RIP blogs). I can still remember opening that email and feeling that she was so full of excitement and possibility and that she was inquisitive and creative and so very beautiful. That email started a friendship that grew into a sisterhood and I had no idea that the Lord would give me a best friend that day. Someone I prayed for for so long. He wove her story into mine in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. He brought us through mountains and valleys and He brought us through them together. When I look at her I see one of the most faithful, incredible, devoted, hard working women I’ve ever met. I see someone who’s heart shines in all that she does and she does nothing, not one thing, without giving her full self to it. This weekend she was honored and recognized for all those things and more and I had the gift of standing by her side and championing her, just like she does for me. (Also non stop ugly crying. When people love on those you love – and see them for all that you see in them, is there anything better?) Here’s to you @caseyleighwiegand, and here’s to never giving up on each other and a hundred more laughs and cries and years and everythings together. You’re one in a million. - Danielle Burkleo
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