
Ainsleigh Kate Party Pics

On Friday we brought treats up to her class at school for lunch and I told her class why we call her our sunshine girl. I started to tell about how she radiates light and love and joy and before I could even go on they all began to chime in : “she’s sunshine where ever she goes!, she’s the huggiest/ sweetest friend, she’s so kind and happy and she’s love!” It was so sweet. Even second graders only a month into school easily see what we see every day. 
A few photos from my sweet Ainsleigh’s special day. 

Y’all even when we didn’t have much, I would find all the ways to make holidays and birthdays extra special. You would be surprised how far some balloons and streamers and glitter and dollar store items can go. Hand written letters and colored birthday signs with homemade cupcakes. 
It’s in the morning playlist dance party and In the wrapped up notes. Family and love are where the magic is born from. What are ways you like to make special days magical?

We had a pool party with some of her close buddies and celebrated her sweet self! 
We love you baby girl, you are our sunshine. ☀️☀️☀️


September 21, 2018


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