
Aiden’s Soccer.

We had Aiden’s first soccer game for this season as a first grader this weekend and oh my goodness he did so amazing! It’s so neat to see how much he has grown and changed in just one year. Last year our first soccer game was an entirely different ballgame! 

The weather was actually somewhat cooler here over the weekend so being outside on a blanket for the game with friends and family watching my little man left me with a full heart! 

After the game my parents, my inlaws and both my brother + his wife and Chris’s brother + his wife all went out to lunch to celebrate- what a precious time it was to be together like that. We sat outside on the patio and had a sweet time of fellowship. 

I love this little boy so very much, I am a proud mama- and not because of some sport but because of who he is. 

Love you A! 


September 14, 2015


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