
love in numbers.

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Danielle from over at Sometimes Sweet did the cutest post in numbers and I thought I’d play along!

SIX + : The number of pets we have now. Two dogs, 3 lizards, hermit crabs & earth worms. Aiden loves animals so much and adores all kinds of “creatures”…. yesterday he said to me ” mom why is this roly poly squirting out cheese?”… obviously, that caught my attention. Needless to say a roly poly was having babies! Chris grabbed his camera real quick and Aiden got to see 100 little teeny tiny white roly poly babies be born. crazy!

ONE: One month until Chris’ big movie adventure begins!

TEN: The amount of times that I painted with the kiddos this week. Seeing their creativity soar is so life-giving for me.

TWELVE: The number of swimsuits worn this week. We are just living outside with the sprinklers, water table and teeny backyard pool. 

TWENTY ONE: The amount of times I woke up in the night this week with the babies.

TWO: The number of nights that I stayed up and watched movies with Chris- popcorn in hand!

THOUSAND + : The number of giggles, hugs and snuggles this week.

TWO: the number of teeth that Appie got this week!

COUNTLESS: The number of prayers and the gratitude that I have for this life and these people. Last night before bed Aiden said to me…“Mom, this is the greatest house in all the world.” I said… “Is it the greatest because of the house or because of the people in the house?” His reply: ” Oh mom, you’re silly.  It’s the people! “



April 26, 2013


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  1. gina says:

    Oh aiden, so sweet! such a sweet post. I saw dani's post with numbers and loved it too…I might just have to write one of my own :).

  2. Awe…such a cute post! Love the hat, the shirt. Well, all of it!

  3. Oh my gosh, I love this post! So stinkn' sweet.. I love the bug story but what Aiden said tops it all πŸ™‚

    Kendra @ openspaces

  4. Christina says:

    I would LOVE to see a roly poly have babies. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard! Aiden must have thought that was so cool!!

  5. So cute and uplifting!

  6. Anonymous says:

    love this – how gorgeous little Aidan's heart is. This is a true reflection of both you and Chris.
    also, what on earth is a roly poly? eewwww! πŸ˜‰

  7. Julie Marie says:

    Haha love it. what a cutie pie. love the little conversations from big hearts πŸ™‚

  8. teeny says:

    this was such a refreshing way to start my day. it really is all about celebrating and making the little things count (no pun intended). a very happy friday to you and your family. πŸ™‚


  9. Lauren says:

    You are so inspiring Casey….you're kids are just the cutest. <3 xoxo

  10. Bridget says:

    aiden and his quotes. he's gonna make quite the husband one day.

  11. Pamela Stein says:

    I love this idea!! I'll have to do something like that soon πŸ™‚ Gorgeous family indeed.


  12. That's so funny about Aiden asking why the roly poly was squirting cheese. I literally "lol"!

  13. Love the pics. cute post. πŸ™‚

  14. Bethany B says:

    21 times you woke up…..geesh!
    And you still look like that….girl, not fair!


    6 Ways To Give Our Kids a VISION for their Future

  15. Aiden is so sweet! I can't wait to see what Charlee Bea will be like. Only 11 more weeks!

  16. love the pictures and the post itself. soooo cute. πŸ™‚

  17. Leah says:

    Love this, especially Aiden's comment about your house! πŸ™‚

  18. toi says:

    he is adorable. he is so right and wise πŸ™‚

  19. Lindsay says:

    Love this. out of curiosity, what kind of painting do you do with the kids? I want to do more creative things with my kids but fear I overcomplicate things and don't do it enough. is it just as simple as giving them paintbrushes, watercolors and paper and allowing them the freedom to just create?

  20. Lindsay says:

    Love this too. Out of curiosity, when you paint with your kids, is it just as simple as giving them some paint brushes, watercolors and paper or canvases and encouraging them to just create? I long to be more creative with my kids but fear I overcomplicate things a bit.

  21. Cara Howard says:

    That thing Aiden said, about the house… wow. Just, awe-inspiring. I can't wait to be a mama. I hope I'm as good a mama as you, Casey. Wow. So beautiful.

  22. Agnes Mayer says:

    What a beautiful thing your son said. I love that you put thousands of giggles. That's the best sound in the world!!!


  23. Amanda says:

    Ha!! So sweet, although I am terrified of squirmy things so I would probably have passed out Casey!!!

  24. You're so brave to give them paint… πŸ˜‰ I've been trying to be more brave with my kids…sometimes the messes just don't matter. πŸ™‚

    I posted here! πŸ™‚

  25. Tisse says:

    casey, i love this! what a wonderful mama you are to your babies and such a light and inspiration to your internet friends. thank you for sharing your life through your beautiful words and through your lens πŸ™‚ xoxo

  26. Anne Hill says:

    really love this! oh mama i think im in for it with waking up that much at night soon

  27. m1lbrooks says:

    Love this. Your family is beautiful….and your little ones are precious. I love reading your blog. Even the sweet things said can bring happy tears to my eyes. I am such a cry baby. Ha!! Hugs. Michele m

  28. Katie says:

    You and your family are the loveliest. Aiden's quotes are the sweetest.

  29. How sweet is that! You have such beautiful children!

  30. christina says:

    cute post idea! 3: the number of times i need a winter coat this week! i wanna swap that out for swim suits .lol!

  31. Such a neat post, inspiring!

  32. brittany says:

    i really love this. such a sweet glimpse into your beautiful life.

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