
my word, hope.

For the last two years I have picked a “word”.  
(I included “snippets” from previous posts at the bottom from previous “words”)
So I was thinking. My word for 2013 is HOPE

I want to speak hope into people’s lives. I want to remember HOPE when times are hard. This past year I gave birth to my sweet Apple and what a daily symbol and reminder of hope she is in my life. 

I have other heartaches that I haven’t blogged about and those have been redeemed as well. I have tangible hope in multiple areas. 
God redeemed my heartache. 
Sometimes I wonder if we as humans encounter heartache, loss and sadness not only because this is a fallen and sinful world. An imperfect world. But also so that we can truly appreciate the joys as well. On a new level of appreciation. A new level of thanks. 
To balance out human perspective.
This isn’t heaven so we can’t understand the whole picture. 
 We must have hope to come out on the other side of tasting incredible sadness.

I have no idea what 2013 will hold for me. I don’t know if I will encounter loss or heartache. But I know that I am going to choose to believe in hope. and in God’s promises no matter what comes my way.

Every time I snuggle Apple, every time she belly laughs, every time I pull her close to me in the quiet of the night… I am reminded of hope and the gift that she is.

I want to matter. and not in the “I am awesome and matter so much kind of way”,
I want my life to mean something. God has me here for a purpose and I am constantly seeking out what that is and what that looks like. I want my life to matter. I want to give hope. 

I want my Apple to be a simple, sweet reminder to me. 
What is your word for 2013?


(snippets from past words/posts:)

My 2011 word was peace

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9
My all time favorite book, “A Beautiful Offering” has a chapter on peace…
“When you decide to live out what you believe. When you decide you want peace in your possession, then you will find out what that looks like & feels like. You begin to pray for God to give you peace. You incorporate peace in your relationships. You decide to respond differently. You speak in love. Act in tenderness. You imitate what you know about peace until it becomes a reality for your character & your life.”

It is so convicting. Dying to your desire. Dying to your flesh.

“He restores what has been broken & heals what has been wounded. I don’t have peace because I figured it all out. I have peace because I believe in Christ.”

I love the idea of imitating what I want to be until one day it just becomes who I truly am. I desire for God to give me peace that passes all understanding. I want a God-given peace that comes from Him living within me. I want to respond differently.
Every morning of 2011, I desire to wake up & pray for peace. And hopefully along the way my imitation will become a reality.
 I want a lovely, peaceful offering to all that know me.

My 2012 word was “change”. Here is a piece from that post:

“I have roots that run deep. 
The old me that I am constantly fighting… insecure, unforgiving, entitled….it’s time to uproot and CHANGE.
 So this year I will keep the word peace as a daily mission and add the word change. 
Because it’s time. 
Those poisonous roots have been in me far too long.”

instagram hashtags from this week:
 Remember to tag me @caseyleighwiegand and hashtag #caseyleighconnect.



December 28, 2012


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  1. Sara Jahan says:

    Thank you for this. It's exactly what I needed to read at the moment. You are an amazing writer, Casey!

  2. Precious friend! I have such HOPE for 2013! 🙂 Love you!

  3. NickandCaeli says:

    I think my word for 2013 is "promise" because I want to cling to the promises of God. I want to trust His word and love my life expecting and awaiting all the promises God has given me and has in store for me.
    I love that your word is "hope." Such a beautiful pick. Merry Christmas, Casey!

  4. Erika says:

    Hope is a wonderful word to choose for the year. I'm not sure what word I will choose, but you've inspired me to try to think of one. Thank you!

  5. Joyeful says:

    I love this. Hope. I've struggled with that word, but God has faithfully filled me with hope over and over again. I love your heart, Casey!

    My word this year is Grace. God is showing me the depths and heights and overwhelming lengths of His Grace. It's all through grace.

  6. what a great idea for a new year…
    one word, one focus.

    2013 for me =

    take care of me
    & "the year of the Carsons"

    – heather
    This Life Is Yours Blog

  7. Hi Casey 😀 I sure did miss your beautiful words of encouragement while I was away. You always write what your heart feels, in a way that gives it true life. I think your doing so much of what God has called you to do by wittnessing and encouraging others. I think my word for 2013 will be "Grace" I want to shine the Grace God has shined on me to others. I know it won't be easy, since his Grace is perfect. But maybe being a better reflection of what Jesus was when he walked here will lead more people to him. Happy Friday friend! love ya xo

  8. Erica! says:

    love! last year you inspired me to do the same (choose a word for the year) last year my word was grow. this year the Lord impressed "intentional" on my heart.

    happy (almost) new year!

  9. What a beautiful post! Thank you for writing this.

  10. Lins says:

    I think my world is evolution. I've been sensing a season of change in my life for about 2 months now and I think this season of change is preparing me for what is to come in my life in the new year. I love this. I may post about my own word and link to yours if you don't mind.

  11. Leah says:

    You're words are powerful. Thank you for always sharing from your heart and inspiring others.

  12. toi says:

    i have a similar approach each year.

    for 2011 i chose Happy
    for 2012 i chose Bee
    for 2013 i choose Bold, that's what i feel god's is calling me to be. to be bold and tell my story in the hope to inspire others

  13. Amy says:

    Thoughtful & inspiring post. My word for next year is joy.

  14. You are honestly so, so inspirational, I love reading your beautiful posts. You've chosen the perfect word!

  15. Aida says:

    Thank you so much for being such an inspiration during this year! love seeing and reading your posts, commenting them or not.
    I hope next year will bring you evrything you want for your life!For what I have been through tis past year I'll grab to that word as well, for I sure do nedd to have HOPE!

    I wish you lots of success in every aspect of your life and a great 2013!

  16. Et tu, tutu? says:

    My word is "Optimism". 🙂


  17. isabel says:

    without hope there is not an awefull much…

    enjoy the last days of 2012!

  18. Sarah Evelyn says:

    Thank you for always being so inspiring and sharing your heart. I am so inspired by your family and your Christ-centered life!

  19. Heather says:

    i love this post and those pics of apple– ahhh! such a cutie.

  20. Laura says:

    hard to choose just one word.
    i talk a lot.
    i use lot of words.
    too many words.
    it's a problem, really.

    but i think i really like…


    because i live in Sandy Hook, and have two kids at sandy hook elementary…and because my head is spinning in all the chaos and sorrow right now…i need to try EXTRA hard now to LISTEN

    to God
    to HIS voice alone
    to His word alone…
    because he is the TRUTH
    the WAY
    and the

    (see all the words I love?!!!!)

    when i listen to HIM
    i am able to shine His light

    with the pain our town is experiencing, i know the importance of not giving in to despair
    and that is HARD for me
    i tend to stray…
    i am easily tempted
    i give up quickly
    and it never leads me to any good

    so, yeah…


    because listening also means that I TALK LESS
    and less of me is always a good thing.

    I need to listen to my husband
    listen to my children
    listen to my friends
    and serve them all….
    be there for them…

    honestly? I don't hear Gods voice right now…
    today is a tough day here, and my soul is feeling a bit dark.
    and I hate that
    because i KNOW He is with me
    even when I don't feel Him close
    I know that He is.

    i need listen more carefully.

  21. I love your word for this year sweet friend. You are a highlight in my evening when I get your little post in my inbox. Thank you for hosting this link party, I love forward to making new connections and building friendships with the lovelies that link up.
    ALL the best to you and yours this new year!!!
    PS: Cant wait for more classic Casey hair tutorials. So simple, so you and so pretty.

  22. Love this! And thanks for the insta love. 🙂 xoxo

  23. Love this! Thanks for the insta love! 🙂 xo

  24. Hope is such a great word! I can't wait to see how God uses your word in the next 12 months!

    My word for the year is serve. Something I am looking forward to improving this year!

  25. christina says:

    i love my one word! I have also done this for the last two years. my word this year will be pursue. to pursue more og god, more relationships, more life.

    love your word!

    I was reading in phil. a while back and I can across this definition of hope in my study notes:

    Hope is not just wishful thinking but confident expectation

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