
coffee date with me.

Want to have a coffee date? 

It has been awhile! If I had you over to my house, I would offer you a coffee… a hot chocolate or Dr. Pepper for me. There would be soft music playing from my desk and my kids would be bringing you every toy possible to show and share it with you. 

My little Apple would be swaddled up and sound asleep by the fire. 

I would probably sit down on the floor, Ainsleigh in my lap..Aiden still close by. I would ask you about life? About what’s going on, what’s making you tick?

I would probably apologize for the dogs barking and trying to give you a million kisses.

I would tell you that life is good here. The fall is my favorite time of year and Thanksgiving makes me happy. I love rejoicing in thanks…and reflecting on the year. This year has been a good one. I would ask your favorite Thanksgiving meal? And tell you that I adore broccoli casserole and pumpkin pie. I love the smell of candles burning and the Christmas music playing.

I love loooveeeeee buying and making Christmas gifts and have already started! 

I would tell you that I have a new dream I am starting to “leap” on but am terrified and incredibly insecure when it comes to this new little venture. Maybe if I muster up the guts, I would spill out what it is. 

I would tell you that my kids are growing. that it’s happening too fast.

I would tell you that lately I have realized what a gift it is to compliment. 
My Aiden is in a season of blessing everyone with constant compliments. 
“Wow Meme, your house is so beautiful. 
Monga, your dress is incredible. 
Mama, your eyes are the prettiest I have ever seen. 
Daddy, when Aiden is big…I want to be just like you.” 
The beauty in his words. 
The innocence and truth in them. 
They flow like butter from his tender heart. 

I would tell you that I am learning from him. I want to bless people with the gift of compliments.

I would tell you that there are so many moments as a mom…moments that make me just want to curl into a ball and weep because they are so sweet. so beautiful.

The way Ainsleigh wraps her arms around my neck,
the way apple smiles at me now,
the way Aiden traces his fingers along the edge of his “two ba” (blankie) when he is tired.
The way she taps her fingers on the bed when she is falling asleep.
the way Aiden asks me to help him brush his elephant toy’s teeth before bed.

makes me weep, I tell ya.

I might even mention that we re.watched Aiden’s third birthday video the other night and that there is this part in it where Aiden is taking his tickets up to the counter to claim his prize. He only has like 4 tickets  and everytime I watch my heart literally aches. Like I want to give him 50 more tickets to claim the biggest, greatest prize. 
And his true, pure joy when he claims a tiny one.

I would thank you for coming over. That it meant the world. And I’d tell you I can’t wait to play again soon.



November 16, 2012


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  1. Rosemary says:

    Casey, you are a very sweet & special person. I absolutely love reading your words.

  2. I love that Aiden is giving those sweet compliments! What a loving little personality. I can see that he has your tender heart, in a good way! I hope I can pass compassion and care on to my kids too.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I love little boy compliments! They are simply the best.

  4. Melissa says:

    These are my favorite of all of your blogs. The intimacy. The honesty. The presence. It is a beautiful glimpse into your special world.
    p.s. Keep dreaming. It's close, can you feel it?

  5. Jessica says:

    So sweet. I love your writing

  6. Annie says:

    I love this post, Casey! I would love a coffee date with you. And if we did have one – and let's just say we're having one now – I would tell you today has been one of those harder days emotionally, but strong, tender words from a sweet friend like you have made it so much better.

    I love Aiden's heart. I want to bless people with compliments too. I think we underestimate how powerful compliments can be, even though we know we appreciate receiving them.

    Love you!

  7. Beth says:

    Oh Casey, your coffee date posts always warm my heart. 🙂 I can always picture sitting with you and chatting while your sweet littles play around us. Good luck in your new endeavor! 🙂

  8. Our children are our reflection….what a beautiful reflection both you and Chris have.x

  9. Sarah says:

    Thank you for sharing such tender scenes. I hope that one day in real life I can meet you. Whenever I'm in downtown Dallas I always think, if I saw Casey right now would I say anything? I hope I would have the courage to! Truly you have a beautiful soul that inspires me to be a better, more tender mama. Thank you!

  10. nettiejdear says:

    Such poignancy. You are an amazing writer but then, you have such a wealth of subject matter in your beautiful family upon which to base your words. Blessings to you this day!

  11. Ragan says:

    i love this sweet post, you have a great writing style. i'm so glad i found your blog 🙂

  12. Samantha Jo says:

    This post makes me wish I lived near you and could actually come over for coffee dates! I so wish I had good, Christian mommy friends around here to share my heart with like this. Have a great weekend with your precious family, Casey! xo

  13. Sounds like a great time Casey. I think I would be a little sad to leave after so much sweetness and girl talk. Time does fly by way too fast these days. Thank you for another sweet post. Happy Friday & Lot's of Love Xo

  14. Jennifer says:

    your words are so beautiful. they're truly inspiring to me 🙂

  15. Leah says:

    Oh, how I would love to have a coffee date with you! If only we lived closer! 🙂 Love your sweet thoughts!

  16. Lottie Simm says:

    i love this post i definitely needed a coffee date 🙂

  17. My heart just melted. I can't wait for Monday when I have a real coffee date with you and your loves. I treasure your heart Casey.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Your post made me weep. Ahh. these kids. They astound me with their wisdom and REALness. My little boy often tells me, as I bend down to tie his shoe laces : "I like your Hear, Mamma." And I know it looks rubbish, but his sweet, kind heart. Ooooh. x

  19. brittany says:

    i love your coffee dates. as always, you are such an inspiration. i wish i still lived in dallas so i could invite you over for coffee 🙂

  20. you are so sweet!
    my girls absolutely LOVE to watch all your videos.
    and my fav part of aiden's third bday is that part too.
    he's so proud of his little tickets…
    so sweet!
    and the music gets me every. single. time.
    hugs to you with the new adventure…
    hope you gather enough courage to jump with both feet.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!! 🙂

  21. MJW says:


    You are a beautiful person both inside and out. Please never stop dreaming and creating. You are an inspiration to others. Good luck on your new "leap!"
    Take Care!

  22. Rikki says:

    I bookmarked this past when you first wrote it and have read it many times since then. Hope you don't mind that I included you in my "What I'm Reading Wednesday" post today. Your writing ability amazes me and gives me something to aspire to!

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