
aidens party, part one





I will post pictures of all the dino decorations and treats later this week! We had an absolute blast celebrating our Aiden today with all of his best buddies, family and our close friends. The bounce house was dropped off t 11am today and he didnt stop playing in it until 8pm tonight when they came back to take it down! 
We feel very blessed. xoxo









March 26, 2012


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  1. wowwww!!! soo fun!! love the pics, can't wait to see more!

  2. Sarah says:

    Awww how fun. I bet that was a fun party. 3 is a good age because they are still kinda baby-ish, but at the same time they are big enough to have a blast in things like the bounce house without getting pulverized haha.

    – Sarah

  3. Lisa @ MMT says:

    He looks like a happy little 3 year old! What a fun party!

  4. Carrie says:

    what an angel!

  5. amber d* says:

    My goddaughter had a bounce house for her party last year and it was a blast! I think we all felt like kids again in that thing!

  6. What a great party and adorable 3 year old!

  7. Jin says:

    looks like a fun party! I can't wait to see more 🙂

  8. Nicole says:

    LOVE the bandaid on his knee! 🙂


  9. M. says:

    what exceptionally beautiful people you are! that little boy has so much joy. it's wonderful. thanks for sharing your life here, casey.

  10. Sheri says:

    Hi Casey, such CUTE pics! I get so emotional on all my girls' birthdays. It goes so fast. Aiden is a cutie, looks like a fun party!!

  11. Erin says:

    So fun! 🙂 and you must someday post a tutorial on how you do your hair -seriously love it!

  12. Cassie says:

    What a happy, lovely boy! Happy Birthday, Aiden! x

  13. SO sweet. It looks like he had a great time!

  14. You have the cutest family!! But you definitely get that all the time. 🙂


  15. that first photo is priceless!

  16. Love his face when he's looking at the cake–looks like he just wants to dive right in!!:) Can't wait to see the rest of the pics!

  17. Looks like he had so much fun! 🙂 Cannot wait to hear more! 🙂

  18. Charity says:

    I love seeing children's faces light up in front of their birthday cakes! So precious. I'm in the mood for a bouncy house now, too! 🙂

  19. Ashley says:

    Your baby boy is so sweet! I love the first and last pictures most! He's so happy and so loved! It's clear to see 🙂

  20. Susan says:

    Aiden in that bandana? Too much cuteness!!!!

  21. Ashley Smith says:

    Such a cute party! We have the same candles left over from last year. I have a think for fun candles!

  22. Francis says:

    How sweet. Happy belated birthday too him. 🙂

  23. i think he knew it was his party. 🙂 his face is priceless.

  24. Becca says:

    How fun! Cute that your little guy played out in the bounce house literally all day. I'm sure he had blast! 🙂

  25. Britty says:

    Oh man, what a happy kid! Looks like a fun time was had by all 🙂

  26. Anonymous says:

    Looks like the perfect day Casey!! He is the most precious boy ever ~ Those Jumpy Houses are hilarious! Especially when I tried to get in one, and the kids walked away…real fast…

    I hope he had the best day ever! He looks so grown up with his bandanna. His rosy cheeks…aaaaah! Too CUTE!

  27. These are adorable! It looks like he had an amazing 3rd birthday 🙂 Now he's going to be expecting you to one-up that sweet slide next year though! haha

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  28. These are adorable! It looks like he had an amazing 3rd birthday 🙂 Now he's going to be expecting you to one-up that sweet slide next year though! haha

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  29. Love all of these photos 🙂 He is adorable!

  30. Mason's Mama says:

    Such a beautiful family! Looks like Aiden had a fabulous birthday.

  31. So sweet! What a fun little party!

  32. AMY PALMER says:

    So cute!

    I just wanted to let you know that because you are one of my favorite bloggers, you were tagged in my latest post, "i mustache you a question."

    Would love if you answered the questions I have made up for you and repost them on your blog. I know it seems time consuming, but it's actually quite fun!

    Have a great week (it always gets better after monday right?)


  33. Nicole says:

    Love the picture of him at the door and the last one. The video on the previous post is awesome! Soo sweet. Yesterday on Facebook I watch the video of him when he was born. Soo precious! You are a lot stronger then you think! Have a good day beautiful.

  34. This looked like a blast! Hope it was a happy happy birthday for him. I love how the music on your blog accents your pictures. So perfect!: )

    Vonae Deyshawn

  35. I LOVE his long hair!!!!! So cute! xoxo A-

  36. the lowes says:

    so sweet! i love the pic of him by the door with the sign!! SO sweet, cant believe he's so grown up. But he will ALWAYS be your baby!!! 🙂

  37. aiden's hair handkerchief just like his daddy wears is too adorable for words. looks like the funnest party EVER!

  38. oh goodness, the party looks like an absolutely success, because aiden looks like one happy camper!!
    and you can never go wrong with bouncy houses 🙂
    xo TJ

  39. aw, what a perfect day! you guys are too much fun!

  40. Bridget says:

    that first picture… sweetest.

  41. Bridget says:

    that first picture… sweetest.

  42. Bridget says:

    that first picture… sweetest.

  43. What a precious little boy. I'm so glad he had such a great birthday! :]

    – Katelyn

  44. Anonymous says:

    I love the bohemian look that you have going for his birthday! It's so relaxed and fun! So glad you guys had such a great day for your sons birthday!

  45. Haili Hunter says:

    You know what I just love?

    Aiden's pouty lips. (:

  46. kimi says:

    i love that excitement in his eyes. oh the small things that make the kids happy is amazing!

  47. Sarah-Anne says:

    So much fun…he looks like he had a blast!

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