

Chris made another amazing film, this is Christmas morning at the Wiegand home! 
Remember to scroll down and turn off the music at the very bottom! xoxo

Last year when I started this journey I picked a word for 2011. The word I chose was peace. Here is a taste from that post:


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9

My all time favorite book, “A Beautiful Offering” has a chapter on peace…

“When you decide to live out what you believe. When you decide you want peace in your possession, then you will find out what that looks like & feels like. You begin to pray for God to give you peace. You incorporate peace in your relationships. You decide to respond differently. You speak in love. Act in tenderness. You imitate what you know about peace until it becomes a reality for your character & your life.”

It is so convicting. Dying to your desire. Dying to your flesh.

“He restores what has been broken & heals what has been wounded. I don’t have peace because I figured it all out. I have peace because I believe in Christ.”

I love the idea of imitating what I want to be until one day it just becomes who I truly am. I desire for God to give me peace that passes all understanding. I want a God-given peace that comes from Him living within me. I want to respond differently.

Wouldn’t the greatest honor of all to be told ” You must belong to Jesus, I see Jesus in you.” And most of all by the people that live with you, the ones who see the yuckiest of you.

Every morning of 2011, I desire to wake up & pray for peace. And hopefully along the way my imitation will become a reality.
 I want a lovely, peaceful offering to all that know me.
This year for 2012, I choose CHANGE.

I have roots that run deep. 
The old me that I am constantly fighting… insecure, unforgiving, entitled….it’s time to uproot and CHANGE.
 So this year I will keep the word peace as a daily mission and add the word change. 
Because it’s time. 
Those poisonous roots have been in me far too long.



December 30, 2011


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  1. Casey, I love you! As weird as that may sound. I feel like that is what my word should be for 2012, Change. I feel like I am constantly fighting the old me. Praising the Lord for you!!

  2. Love the video! I love this, I think Change can be such a great thing! xoxoxo

  3. i love this concept!!
    i am definitely making "change" my number one priority for the year 2012. it's so important for us to refine ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves.
    p.s. i don't think that video could get any cuter!!
    xo TJ

  4. Anonymous says:

    My gosh what a wonderful film. So cute!


  5. I absolutely and 100 percent love you! 🙂 And. . . can chris come to our house every christmas?? haha! 🙂

  6. Foster says:

    This is one amazing video.

  7. Jacqui Marie says:

    Love this post. The idea of picking one word for the years inspiration is a great idea.

    PS. Love the blue tights girl! I need some!
    Love love!
    Baby Boy Bakery

  8. Anonymous says:

    Simply beautiful! Cheers to 2012 friend!

  9. Julie Ann says:

    That video is so so sweet Casey! How special to have those memories captured in such an amazing way to watch for years and years to come!

    Have a Happy New year! :]

    Julie Ann

  10. Mrs. Mama says:

    wow. i am amazed by this video. stunned. it's gorgeous.

  11. I haven't watched the video yet as I'm just on my phone but I love your thoughts in peace. Wow, that's what I strive for too! And I so want to just radiate His peace… especially to my children. Thanks for your words, hon! Xo

  12. SO PRECIOUS!! I always love your husband's videos, and it makes me so happy to see your babes and doggies happy and healthy! (especially Macy!) 🙂 Many blessings to you and your fam!

  13. Kirsten says:

    Wow Casey! Your husband is a talented man! I love the style he uses in his films. Tell Chris he did another amazing job!! What an awesome gift for your kids to be able to look back on this Christmas with a film like that!

  14. mai says:

    I love this! Beautiful video, and choosing a word of the year is such a great idea.

  15. amazing film!!! sometime you guys are going to look back and be so grateful to relive these memories!!

  16. Margaret says:

    Casey, that video is amazing. I enjoyed seeing a peek into your lives. What adorable babies, you are so blessed. Praying for good change in your life, God is going to continue to work through you!

    – Margaret

  17. lynno says:

    thanks for sharing casey! i love your honesty as always…. good perspective….

    "I love the idea of imitating what I want to be until one day it just becomes who I truly am. I desire for God to give me peace that passes all understanding. I want a God-given peace that comes from Him living within me. I want to respond differently."

    thanks! 🙂

  18. Très bien says:

    Faith was our word for last year. Love the video and love the post!

  19. Emily Hege says:

    Again, Casey you say exactly what I needed today. Earlier today I inadvertently chose the word "Joy" as my word. The joy that comes with the peace that passes all understanding- that became my new years resolution without me even knowing it. Even though I don't believe in Resolutions – but intentions. Its my intention for my life in the coming year. JOY. Thank you again for your words :).

  20. Lindsey says:

    umm i love these films!! i have an obsession with home made videos and you keep em comin! You are inspiring me to "attempt" some more! love your blog too 🙂

  21. {annie} says:

    What an amazing gift Jesus has given Chris to capture and save these precious memories for your family on video! Absolutely beautiful moments!

    Bless you for your openness and honesty. You are such a sweet soul! As for your desire for peace- when I look at your blog that's exactly what l see. I see the ease in which you handle your children the tenderness when you speak of your husband and the love you have for Jesus. Peace is the word I think of when I think of you.

    Blessings to you sweet Casey as you grow this next year! I look forward to what this next year brings!

    Much love,

  22. Alison says:

    Oh how I can relate! This year has brought me to my knees. I have battled so much this year..and faced my deepest fears and hurts. It has been a hard I dont want to ever have to repeat…but I learned about myself in a way like never before. I am weak..shallow..selfish and most of all helpless. Without the Lord I would be lost and scared. I have a hard time with fear..fear of losing my health and ultimatly my life..fear of my children dying..fear of my husband dying..fear of physical losses..these things have controlled me.. literally taken my over at times. and then I actually had my fears look my in the eye and I didnt know where to turn. I lost sight of HIM and what he is waiting to give me. PEACE.JOY. True deep faith..not just some "good" feeling..but a deep knowing that he truly IS the ONLY way to rest. I love this has been so good to follow your journey. I relate so much to you… and I appreciate your blog so much!

  23. L!$@ says:

    Snappy Tom! That's one of my two words for this year too! Good luck with it 😀

  24. That video is amazing, and you look so gorgeous in red lipstick! One of my NY's resolutions is to wear red lipstick (so silly, I know!)

    Anyways, I think change is a great word. I like what it represents. Hugs, friend!

  25. Heather says:

    Love the video so much and I love the red lips on you, Case!

    I love that you are desiring change in your life for 2012. I am confident that God is doing, and will continue to do, so many wonderful things for you this upcoming year! Change was my word for 2011. And this year… perhaps it will be Peace. This just might prove that we are soul sistas 😉


  26. Cori Janae says:

    What a precious film! Your posts are always so genuine and inspiring 🙂 Thank you!

  27. chris is so talented. these videos just touch my heart. what a sweet haven you have created for your children, friend! also i love your word for 2012!

  28. I'm getting the book "A Beautiful Offering". You have quoted it so many times that I know it's what I need. Thank you!
    Your faith has been such an inspiriation this past year. So glad I found your blog.
    One of my resolutions for 2012 is to re-establish my relationship with Christ.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Couldn't agree more. My deepest goal for 2012 is to be more gentle and genuine – inquiring how people are, really are – and just taking time to smile and show the love of Christ to everyone to passes by. Thank you for this encouragement! And thank you for your boldness to share Jesus.

    Something 2 Write About

  30. That video is ridiculously beautiful.

    I wish you all the happiest of new years this year!! You are powerful and inspirational, and I know you'll accomplish your goals.

    Happy Christmas!

  31. Anonymous says:

    such beautiful thoughts. love how inspiring they are! i also love the idea of imitating what i want to become… fake it til you make it. and only through Christ will it happen!

  32. Anonymous says:

    What a touching a lovely video. I love all the videos that your Husband films…very inspiring, down to earth…just life..Family…beautiful.

    Peace and Change….two great words/actions that we could all follow. Beautiful post Casey. Truly.

  33. Rose says:

    I love the 'one word' challenge… I'm currently praying over the word Stewardship.

  34. Erin says:

    Oh how you spoke straight to my heart Casey! 2012 is going to be a year of change for me. Thank you so much for all of your encouraging posts! 🙂 This video made me smile! 🙂 Chris is amazing at videography!

  35. I love this post and I adore that video! Chris is very talented! And your word for 2012 completely defines my desire for myself, in fact you inspired me to blog about it! I love ya Casey!

  36. Anonymous says:

    oh my goodness, i loved the video!! it is so adorable!!! and the post was amazing as always:)

  37. Jamie says:

    beautiful video! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

  38. Liana says:

    I love you, your children, and your family. There's nothing I love more than seeing parents sow into their kids the way that you and Chris sow into yours. I love these videos and how excellently made they are. I love your heart and your honesty about wanting to change. I love knowing people who love the Lord. You are such an encouragement to me every time I read any of your posts. Praying that you have a great year!

  39. JC says:

    Chris is so wildly talented — such beautiful films!
    Best wishes to you in 2012!

  40. Ruthie Hart says:

    Seriously such a fun video!! I can't wait to play santa when we have babies! And in my sorority, each year we would choose a 'watch word' similar to your word. Although it wasn't a faith based word, it kept us focused and grounded.

  41. Jessica says:

    what a sweet video. i love when aiden hugs ainsleigh!
    happy new year!

  42. I am LOVD says:

    Hoping there's more where that came from in 2012. All the best to you and your beautiful lovelies in your life! Happy New Year.

  43. Stacey says:

    What a great video memory for you guys 🙂 And oh my goodness, your house is just so cute!

  44. Nicole says:

    You have such a beautiful family, and that part of the movie where you are rocking Ains is beautiful!

  45. Gina Toothe says:

    Beautiful video~what an amazing keepsake!! Some day it will be even more precious. trust me. My kids are older now and i cherish every pic, every video clip, though none as nice as yours! And what a lovely post. i wish you much peace, and pleasant changes Casey as we enter into the new year. A very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year being wished to the Wiegand family ;)from the Toothe Family in Baltimore, Maryland

  46. NKubon says:

    Love the video. It's amazing.

  47. Anna Wiley says:

    What a sweet video! Warmest wishes for the New Year! 🙂

  48. Lindsay says:

    This video brings tears to my eyes. Such a perfect little family. SO much love in that little house!! XOXO

  49. Kassie says:

    Love the video! Dino, big! So cute! =)
    And your home…so beautiful…inside and out.

    Such a good idea to have a word for each year. I've been thinking about peace lately and how I long for it because it doesn't seem to be anywhere, really. So this year that may just be my word! Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart!

  50. Jamie says:

    beautiful video! xoxo

  51. karlee says:

    What a sweet, sweet video! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  52. Anonymous says:

    I love your family Christmas video. What a beautiful family! I just love your husband's eye for the little (but important) treasures on Christmas morning.

    Wishing you peace and change in 2012.

  53. jessica says:

    Casey, you are such an inspiration. I really do see Jesus in you, through your blog. 🙂

    Hope 2012 brings many good things for you.

  54. Loving this post…perfect word. Still working on mine. Hope you guys have a great night of celebrating together! ! Love you.

  55. Erica! says:

    I love these videos! 🙂

  56. Shannon says:

    That video is so amazing. You have such a sweet family. You are so blessed! Love your blog and love that video.

    Hugs from NC!

  57. Anonymous says:

    I loved the videos you post!! Wish we could do them. And I really loved your post! Makes me think and lifts up my spirit.


  58. Anonymous says:

    I just got around to watching this video. It is so precious! And your husband's talent has no limits. I wish the very, very best to you and your family this coming year.

    P.S. My 1-year old son, Caleb, loved watching the video on my lap, too. I think he enjoyed watching Aiden open his gifts. 🙂

  59. Tiffany says:

    Getting caught up on some posts and just saw this. Sweet sweet video! And, we had that very same nativity set growing up! I love it! Pretty sure my dad still has it, we just live in separate states so it's been a while since I've seen it. :o(

  60. LOVE how I can feel the power of
    God working through you. AMAZING blog. I'm a new follower for sure!

  61. The film is goosebump-tears-in-eyes-heart-aching beautiful 🙂

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