
leaps of faith, part 2



*a few pics from the show tonight!
Thank you for everyone that came out tonight to support me, it means the world!! xoxo
At the beginning of the week I mentioned a few leaps of faith Chris and I are taking this summer. The second one is that Chris has been asked to work on 
his first feature film for a couple of months in California. 
This is a HUGE HUGE opportunity for him for a lot of reasons and we really felt like it was something that we needed to do. The tricky part is that he doesn’t get paid unless the film sells…and that could be over a year from now. So, we would need to pay our bills in Dallas AND California for two months while receiving a small income. 
Leap of faith. 
We are trusting He will provide. We have been given a FREE, furnished home to live in while we are in California and hoping that through some projects Chris is finishing up, my art show and A Little Artsy we will be covered.

 We know in our hearts that He can provide in any number of ways if we are in His will.

So, we leave Sept 3 for our long road trip to California! I am excited for the opportnities it will bring and super excited to meet a lot of my California bloggy friends! Not to mention I get to hug my bestie, Gussy when she’s in town for blog sugar :).



August 12, 2011


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  1. Miranda says:

    I've just recently started reading your blog, and I think that your news is so exciting! God does amazing things. Can't wait to see what happens!

  2. Ashley says:

    okay… i need to take a road trip!!!!

  3. That is a great opportunity! What a blessing!

  4. katie says:

    Woohoo…praise God for opening up this new door for Chris and your family. Your trust in Him will be rewarded, girl! Keep taking those leaps of faith.

  5. Love your faith! you guys are such an inspiration and blessing

  6. Vivian says:

    You are an inspiration to me and to so many by always putting God first and realizing that it's his will in all things in life. You will be blessed without a doubt for you faith, I wish I would have more faith…Thank you for this post. And good luck in Cali. You are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!!!

  7. Wow! Such a blessing! Love your work; you're so talented. What are your rates for the 2nd and last paintings in the 3rd picture?:)

  8. Hollie Ann says:

    I love how you guys just go for it. It makes me happy to see that your dreams are still coming true AND you have a family. People seem to believe your dreams need to be accomplished before you start a family and I don't think that's true at all. Congrats to you all for the opportunity!

  9. Alyssa Rae says:

    ooh, what an adventure! Your in my prayers, of course! So glad the show went well!

  10. Alyss says:

    What faith you have girl! My husband started to read your blog, too, and he is always referring to your family's faith with such respect and admiration. You rock.

  11. Breeann says:

    You're gonna be in California for a couple of months?!? Ok…I think we may just have to do coffee 🙂

  12. Amy Lynne says:

    Such exciting news! I know all your needs will be met, faith is super cool like that! I hope all goes well for you while you're in CA! I am in central California, are you guys going to be in the LA area? Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time out here!

  13. Ashley says:

    What wonderful news! I wish you all the best of luck and I know it will turn out for the both of you! It always does. :]

    Happy Friday!

  14. Rachel says:

    Hooray for an adventure and for a leap of faith. The Lord will honor your faithfulness!

    Blessings on your Friday.


  15. yAy for you guys!!! this will be such a great opportunity!! I know you both will do great!

  16. What an incredible opportunity! Best of luck. I look forward to reading your posts when you centure off to CA.

  17. Robyn says:

    goodness, i'm so excited for your little family! can't wait to hear all the tales from the road and your time in Cali! what a fun adventure!

  18. Lindsay says:

    I cant WAIT to see you! Are you going to blog sugar?

  19. ellen says:

    You can count on us to pray for you!

  20. Ruthie Hart says:

    Aww this is so great Casey! What a cool experience for you guys!! Can't wait to hear all about it

  21. Katie says:

    My mother-in-law is working on the film, too! She'll make sure you guys are taken care of!

  22. Kaitlyn says:

    You have gorgeous style! I really love it!

    In our sea of love

  23. Shelly says:


    I have to tell you that your posts specifically about leaps of faith and the struggles to make it in the world really inspire me.
    My husband and I are thinking about taking a giant leap of faith this year of him changing his job. It is such a scary prospect, but I truly believe we can make it if we choose to. I agree about God watching over us.
    Unfortunately due to his job and the surrounding community I haven't felt right about making a post about it n my blog. I'm hoping things will fall into place and then I can share the excitement and anxiety of change with everyone. But until then, I want to thank you for sharing this part of your life with us.

  24. Jessi says:

    What an incredible opportunity!! And how fun that you get to be in So Cal for 2 months (there's a lot of jealousy going on over here right now :). Let me know if you need some church recommendations. There are some really great ones out there!

  25. ElisabethCS says:

    I didn 't know you were from Dallas! That's where I grew up! You looked so familiar. Wonder if we know some of the same people. Does Shady Grove Church ring a bell?


    The Happy Yoga Mom

  26. Emily says:

    Hi Casey,
    What exciting news!! My husband and I lived in CA for a year after we were married. Where are y'all going to be? I know of a fabulous church in Orange County…it's a small church but full of young families! It's one of the things we miss most about living there. I'd love to pass along the info if you are in that area.
    Best of luck to you!!

  27. Lindsay says:

    I'm so happy for you! I think that He gave you this blessing and He would never give you something you couldn't handle. Stay strong and be happy that you got this great opportunity! 🙂

  28. Bree says:

    I wish I lived closer and could have came to your art show! Hope it was a blast! That's such an exciting opportunity, good luck with everything! 🙂

  29. Major Gal says:

    how can i purchase your art? i'm searching all over the blog and maybe i'm just so excited that i can't find the link…help!

  30. Sarah B. says:

    Congratulations!!! But I am going to miss you here in Dallas :). I know God will provide for EVERYTHING. (PS: I wish I had made it to your show yesterday – instead we spent 22 straight hours in the car driving from Washington DC back home! Glad to hear your show went well!!)

  31. Aleyta says:

    Hi! I have been trying to find out where to contact you for blog design. Sorry I'm writing in the comment area 🙂 Anyway, if you could email me, I want to get my blog made over! Thanks! -Aleyta

  32. Laura says:

    congrats on your art show, i hope it was a success. and how exciting with the cali adventure!! so true that if you do all you can He will step in and provide for you the rest of the way, you have awesome faith, i'm sure all will be well. xoxo!

  33. laurie-beth says:

    That pink painting with the penant banner is soooo gorgeous, I love it! Trust in Him, He always provides for His children 🙂

  34. sheena says:

    i've been a blog follower for some time now. i LOVE your blog.

    so honest. so precious. you live life to the fullest and love even more.

    your little family is gorgeous and congrats on the up.coming addition.

    you're a beautiful mommy. inside & out.

    going out on a limb here… but i've always thought you'd be a huge addition to my women team. and you've been on my "chicken list" for some time too. but i work from home doing what's called… queens of green. you can find me on fb…

    it could be something you can always do at home with your kids and earn a great residual income too.

    i was in the exact same situation you were once, and i'm forever thankful to our heavenly father for sending me such a huge blessing!

    whether it's something you're interested or not… that's totally fine.

    think you're gorgeous! and wish you guys the best in all that you do!

  35. Shon says:

    This is so AWESOME!! I am praying for traveling graces, health, strength and of course provision. You all belong to the Lord and He will provide all mentioned above and BEYOND!!

  36. Joanna says:

    Very cool opportunity for Chris! This will be awesome and you'll get to beat some Texas heat! 🙂

  37. Shay says:

    Already following your blog – love it!!!! Especially the photography 🙂

  38. Linka says:

    Hi Casey! I'm new to blog and I love it. I was looking for your email address but couldn't find it on your page. Where can I find it?

  39. My SongBook says:

    I love your blog. I just fount it yesterday. You inspire me. You are wonderful! Good luck with everything you do. I am sure God is watching over you and your family with soft eyes.

  40. Tarah says:

    your art is amazing!! wish i could have a few pieces in my home!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on the successful show! You'll be in Cali? How awesome!! I'm waaaaaaaaay north and I am not making Blog Sugar this year, but maybe someday! Have a blast!

  42. sounds like you have some good things ahead of you, girl!

  43. Andrea says:

    Amazing art! Would love to feature you in my blog ! as I incorporate art in there. 🙂

  44. Megs says:

    what an amazing opportunity but such a leap of faith!! if anyone can do it though, you guys can. you are so amazing!! good luck! i know everything will work out so beautifully 🙂

  45. janel says:

    I hope everything works out for guys, I bet it will. I think it sounds like a fun adventure!

  46. Just found you via Sydney at The Daybook! Love your blog and that we share some similar passions. Come check out mine!

  47. CMae says:

    Casey do you ever SMILE for the camera? LOL your art opening picture you aren't smiling! You are WAY to pretty not to be grinning from ear to ear!!!! All but one of your paintings sold right? ( I think I read that on your FB update) Congratulations! Very happy for you!

  48. Deer Lovely says:

    I just started visiting your blog because I read Gussy's everyday and I have been looking for blogs to advertise on coming this fall.

    Anyways I know what it is like to take a leap of faith and there is a quote in Ecclesiastes 5:2(my favorite quote) that says "Dreaming instead of doing is foolishness…"
    I don't know you, but as a fellow mother, wife, independent business owner, child of God, and blogger my prayers will be with you and your family as you take the leap of faith to turn your dreams into actions.


    p.s. I live in California (Orange County) and not sure where you will be, but if you need any yummy food referrals let me know

  49. Marjorie says:

    New follower and LOVE your blog! I also have to kiddies around the same age as yours and I'm expecting #3.

    Your art work is beautiful!

    Check out my blog:

  50. What an amazing opportunity, Casey!!!! Can't wait to see the big things God does with your family!

  51. Anonymous says:

    So happy for you guys. Everything will work out. Life throws you curve balls but everything eventually works out. Good luck!

  52. grace says:

    Wow- that really does sound like a leap and not a step, of faith! And geez- I've been away for awhile and I'm so out of the loop! I'll be praying for you & your family!
    And here's an early welcome to Cali 🙂 I hope you have an amazing time while you're here!!

  53. Cory says:

    Yay…for taking leaps of faith. I am sure your not gonna share with the world where your gonna be, but I am in So. Cal. 🙂 The weather has been great here lately. If your ever in the San Diego area shoot me a e-mail. 🙂 Safe travels.

  54. JessicaLynn says:

    That's awesome. What another great opportunity for you and your little family. Good Luck and can't wait to read about your adventures.

  55. Nancy says:

    You're art is so beautiful, you are amazing!!

  56. Zoey says:

    Sounds awesome! Keep having faith and enjoy the ride 🙂

  57. Alisha says:

    Congrats on the awesome opportunity! Found your blog from Sydney's.

    Our Heavenly Father always provides for his children. Just keep looking to him. Prayers for you and your family as you take this leap of faith!


  58. How exciting for you and your hubby! Congrats of making dreams come true! As a growing photographer, I know just how hard it is to make art into a living. You guys are inspiration to me! As a native Californian, the possibilities are endless and you'll have an amazing time here in Cali!

  59. Ash says:

    I'm in CA! where will you guys be at?? hope you enjoy all the pleasures CA can bring 🙂

  60. i SO hope your art show went well, how amazing and exciting for you! and what a wonderful opportunity for your hubby! I pray your family makes it in every way and that your needs are met so that you can both pursue your dreams and bless others lives thru your talents! so great you get to be together in california while he's working, tho! good luck on a great adventure!!


  61. Toaster4JC says:

    I enjoy that you and your husband aren't afraid to just trust in God's provision. That's what my husband and I are doing right now. We're both mostly unemployed (he works a part time job, I have an Etsy shop but zero sales so far). We're expecting our first little one in January and if my husband gets the job he interviewed for, we'll be moving 5.5 hours away in less than 2 weeks. So of course, we are also just trying to live by Faith and not by sight.

  62. such awesome news, casey! i know that God will continue to bless you! i'm praying for you!

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