
hOme at last.





I have missed you all so much! We have so many things to talk about from our big announcement to our trip! Where do I begin?! I much much to share, many things that have been placed on my heart this week but for now I will give you a brief taste…. also, jetlag and morning sickness are kickin’ my bootie so hang with me through this!!!

First of all, yes we are expecting baby #3 and THRILLED! I actually have no idea how far along I am…I just know that I took 2 positive pregnancy tests, have been super sick and wanted to share right away so that I could share every step of this journey with you all! Our first sonogram is Wednesday so we will know everything then!

OUR TRIP!!!! Well, let me start with the bad news. We got off of our long flight, stand at baggage claim for a good amount of time and realize that our bags never made it. The deal was Christopher was working on this trip for an amazing organization called Student Leadership University. So, as soon as we landed we were to meet the group, get on our bus and Chris was to start filming. (A majority of his equipment was in the lost bag.) We landed near London and were taking an immediate bus ride and then a ferry to France. So we didnt have time to deal with the bag situation. I won’t drag you all through the 6 days of details…I will just let you know that on Friday we were still in the same clothes. The same clothes since Sunday. My suitcase filled with clothes for cute outfit posts, my toiletries, headbands, hairdryer, brush, shoes, jewelry- all missing in action.

The other thing is that this trip was completely paid for for us both. So spending 40 dollars for a pair of socks (im not joking that is how much they cost in france) was not an option. We had hundreds and hundreds of christian students who came on this trip…all watching to see how we reacted/ dealt with the situation at hand. I can say that we laughed a lot about it, we decided to not let it effect our trip, we decided to be flexible and embrace the card we were dealt….and late Friday evening our bags finally were found and delivered to us.

So if you are wondering why we look so grungy in the pictures it was because we spent 6 days in the same clothes…BUT we had the time of our life, we laughed, we made the most of a mess….and we got to learn a few lessons along the way. 

And even though my expectations of the trip were to dress cute and feel beautiful…I wound up getting something more authentic. Something I can’t explain.

And for those who have asked how I handled leaving my littles…I cried like a big baby…and on the flight over I cried, and the first day I cried… but the way it felt to hold them, kiss them, snuggle them after longing for them so deeply was something I will never ever forget. I am a happy mama!


August 2, 2011


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  1. Ashley says:

    What a bummer about the clothes and all of your stuff! But so happy you guys made the best out of it and the trip was still successful. :]

  2. Pictures are amazing and I think you look fabulous! Glad the trip was amazing – sounds like an once in a lifetime experience!

  3. Susanne says:

    congratulations on your baby!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I've been so excited to hear how your trip was! What an amazing experience – one you will never forget. I love how people can make positive out of crappy situations! Welcome back.

  5. Bree says:

    You still look super cute even after wearing the same clothes for a week!! I'm jealous, teach me how to look so gorgeous? πŸ˜‰ I'm glad you had fun still! Congrats on little number 3!! πŸ™‚

  6. oh no! that is so sad. yeah, some french stores can be really expensive. h&m has really cheap socks and little things (i recently was in the same situation and went there for clothing help) but i'm sure you didn't have a ton of time to wander around looking for cheaper options. that really is a major letdown.

    but i can't wait to see your photos, regarless!

  7. What a HUGE gift you ended up giving those kids. To be able to roll with the punches and realize in the moment that the little things (clothes) should not affect the big things (embracing the trip). I am sure THIS trip will be remembered more by everyone than if you had received your bags.

    Glad you took the chance to just go with it.

    Can't wait to hear more.

  8. naomi: says:

    So happy you're back, casey! Too bad about your luggage, you sound like you handled it the best way anyone could though. At least it all worked out in the end πŸ™‚
    Congratulations on your new little!!! I'm so excited for you and your family, can't wait to hear more!

  9. SaffaKate says:

    OH GOSH! I have had my fair share of lost and even stolen luggage so I know exactly where you are coming from.
    But you guys of all people, can totally rock the dirty clothes look! haha.
    Hope you feel better.

  10. You still look so beautiful even wearing the same clothes for 6 days.
    I would miss my son so muuch as well. But its nice to get away sometimes πŸ™‚

  11. Mrs. T says:

    I am interested to hear what you gained that was "so much more" =) Can't wait to see more pics!! I am so glad you guys got to go on this dream of a trip!

  12. Casey, I don't really think you could look grungy if you tried…lol

    So excited for you and I hope the sono goes great! I'm glad you had an amazing time and that you are back with Aiden and Ainsleigh!

  13. You both wear "grungy" well! πŸ™‚ Embracing the best-of in a situation like that can be emotional, so glad you enjoyed your trip!

  14. Marie says:

    There is no way I would've guessed from the pictures that you had wore those same clothes all week! You of course look gorgeous, like always! Hope you are feeling well and again I am so excited for you guys and baby #3!!

  15. aw, please. You still look gorgeous! <3 Glad that your back home snuggling with your littles.
    xo, ali.

  16. Nicole says:

    You two are troopers for dealing with and laughing off your baggage ordeal in such a positive manner! I'm sure you looked beautiful regardless πŸ™‚

  17. Lindsay says:

    WELCOME back! Cant wait to hear ALL about it!

  18. I'm glad your trip went well except for the luggage part. That happened to me when we were moving to Italy. Can't wait to hear more!

  19. Char says:

    Seriously, you inspire me.
    I'm glad you had a wonderful trip, despite the setback.
    The pictures are beautiful.

  20. annie farrar says:

    You would still look beautiful in a paper bag! Sorry about the luggage but so glad the trip was a success and you are home SAFE! It's always so wonderful to be home! Especially when there are kiddos waiting on you!

  21. Kelsey says:

    Aw that is such a bummer about the clothes – but it's so great to hear you embraced it and made the most of it. God wanted you to be a little more "authentic" in the end haha. Glad you're a happy mama again and home safe:) and congrats again on the new babe!

    visit my blog someone – I would loveee for you to stop by!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Grungy? Heck no! You both look stylish!

    I really can't imagine staying in the same clothes all week but it sounds like you handled it well. πŸ™‚

    I hope your ultrasound goes well!!! So happy for you!

  23. You still look amazing! There's no way I'd still look so stylish and gorgeous like you do if that had happened to me. I think you pulled it off well!! Looking forward to hearing and seeing more! Congrats again and wishing you the best during the pregnancy and ever after – so exciting!

  24. Alyss says:

    Welcome home! I missed you! So glad you were able to enjoy yourselves. I bet you smothered your little A's the second you got home.

  25. Stesha says:

    These pics are beautiful! and you still look cute as ever, even if the clothes are 6 days old!! Congrats on baby #3!!

  26. I am so glad that you are home, love! πŸ™‚ AND glad that y'all laughed about the luggage disaster! πŸ™‚ Can't wait to hear more details!

  27. Leah says:

    Congrats on the pregnancy! hope you still enjoyed the trip despite the missing luggage.

    xo L.

  28. katie says:

    You are such a trooper! You set a great example for the students and you look beautiful in the pics despite the fact that you were missing all your things.

  29. Keri-Anne says:

    my gosh! what a mess!
    glad you got them back

    and congrats again to you both xx

  30. Sarah B. says:

    I've dealt with my fair share of lost luggage, so I feel your pain!!!! I'm so glad you didn't let it ruin your trip though – can't wait to hear all about it!

  31. Tara says:

    So happy you are back, so happy you had an experience to relish in, so happy you are glowing with joy for #3, so happy you have your babes back in your arms….just SO HAPPY!!!
    You were missed. I cried a little that you were gone. πŸ˜‰

  32. Jami says:

    you guys look wonderful! no grungy πŸ˜‰ so glad you got that special time together. Can't wait to hear more baby news.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on your pregnancy! Sorry to hear about your missing luggage. That's happened to me before and it's so frustrating, but I'm glad you were able to still remain happy and were able to joke about it.

    Oh Jazmynβ™₯

  34. Laura says:

    welcome back!!! i'm so glad your luggage wasn't forever lost and that you at least got it back. i'm so excited for your special news…how fun to go in for your appt and find out exactly how far along you are!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Good for you two!! Love the positive laughter in a otherwise somewhat frustrating situation! I'm sure you were a beautiful light to all those around you. God bless!

  36. Congrats to you! You'll have to let me know when you're due.. I'm March 2012!

    You handled the bags much better then I did. I would have had a mental breakdown!

  37. Shannon says:

    Congrats on the newest additon! It sounds like you guys had an interesting trip, I cannot imagine! lol Glad you made it back safely. Love reading your blog. πŸ™‚

  38. Amanda says:

    congratulatuons to you guys! i hate it when the luggage doesn't make it. ugh! but you guys still look amazing in these pics. you always do! πŸ™‚

  39. ... says:

    Beautiful photos. Congratulations on baby number 3! That is very exciting. XO

  40. Kelly says: biggest fear when flying is my luggage getting lost.
    your photos are gorgeous. I am glad you had a good time. there's nothing like getting your hands on your kids after being gone… it's HEAVEN.

  41. Sierra says:

    Can't wait to hear more! Congrats on baby #3:)

  42. Wow! Glad you made the best out of your trip. Europe it too beautiful not to enjoy. Look forward to reading about baby #3

  43. melifaif says:

    So awesome that you guys did not make this HUGE, terrible scenario into a bigger deal!!! I know you taught those kiddos a few things, just by that alone. I am loving your pictures too. Your phone booth pic and the tower pic??? So fab. Can't wait to hear and see more….{of the same outfit!} Ha.

  44. Courtney E. says:

    Beyond excited for you and your precious family… from Baby #3 to your wonderful trip to getting to see your precious little ones!! 4 years ago I made the very same trip you did with SLU to Europe… so happy that you and Christopher were able to go along with them… such an amazing organization! Praying for you and your sweet family!! Much love!!

  45. Carly Anne says:

    Oh my gosh, girl. Lost luggage is the worst. And, to be in a country where it's basically impossible to buy new things – WOW! In any event, I'm glad that you guys managed to have a great time without your things.

    Oh, and, congrats on baby #3! I can't wait to hear more!

  46. I love your blog! Your faith and your expression on it. Hoping for a baby #3 myself…good luck to you my dear. xxoo

  47. L says:

    Congratulations so much!!!

  48. Oh my goodness that would have stressed me out big time! You guys look pretty darn good for losing your luggage, though! Congrats on Babe #3, and being back with your kiddos!

  49. Nelah says:

    Sorry to hear about the lost suitcases ordeal but it was a happy ending towards the end. It must have been very hard staying away from your little ones that many days but you passed the test. The longest I was away from my daughter was 3 days. In a way, I think we all deserve a little time away. It makes the reunion and anticipation more meaningful.

  50. I am Megan says:

    Wow, bad luck just seems to ride you doesn't it?! Luckily you got your stuff back and you are back safely in the US! Imagine the drama and expenses you would have had to fork out if you didn't get your bags back. Welcome back!

  51. Anonymous says:

    The pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  52. Melissa C says:

    Beautiful photos! Sorry to hear about your luggage issues. BIG Congrats to you on baby #3!

  53. Stephanie says:

    Well, that is one heck of a story sista! One that I am sure you will be reliving over the years with a lot of, "Its really not so bad as the time we lived in the same clothes for 6 day . . . !" LOL. I can say, "been there and done that" as we have had a similar experience. But I didn't have the grace you clearly showed!

    And this must be said…"you BOTH look amazing! If that is you guys in your best grunge, ROCK ON!"

    Glad you got to squeeze those precious babies when you got back!

  54. Mindy Harris says:

    welcome back to the states! praying you get some extra energy as you get through jetlag and morning sickness. i'm excited to hear more about the trip…kudos to you guys for wearing clothes 6 day straight. what a graceful way to handle it.
    also, baby number 3?!! oh happy day!

  55. I'm glad you ended up having a fun trip! I hope you feel better soon!

  56. Amanda says:

    Amazing photos! Has anyone ever told you that your hubby looks kind of like Ashton Kutcher? Because he kind of does in these pics. (And that's meant to be a compliment!)

  57. The Duty's says:

    that's a bummer! but soooooo excited for you to have another little one!! and i'm so happy you're back! i've missed your posts!!

  58. Live Joyful says:

    So glad you made it back safely! πŸ™‚

  59. Christa says:

    has anyone ever told you or your husband that he looks A LOT like Ashton Kutcher? Lol well he does!

    Conrats on baby #3!!

  60. Toni & Devin says:

    so, I just read your entire blog. I have been following for a few months now… and have come to love you wonderful posts. But today after I layed my baby down for a nap I just got sucked in… and could not stop reading. You are amazing, really – thank you for reminding me how amazing life is. How amazing my baby, my husband, my dog is. How amazing God is. You dont know how beautiful I find some of your words. Your out look on life is something amazing!

  61. Emily Kate says:

    Uhhh, I would've been irate over the lost bags, but awesome testimony to those with you guys that you showed no drama. There is nothing like holding your babies after not seeing them for a bit, I think every momma needs the occasional night or two away to truly grasp how blessed we are!

  62. Breeann says:

    That is so crazy about your luggage! But it sounds like God still did something great in you both on your trip!

  63. JessicaLynn says:

    I'm so excited for your pregnancy annd I know the feeling of holding your babies after you come back from a long trip. It's exactly how I felt when we came back from out late honeymoon and I got to nurse my baby again. It made all of the horrible pumping worth it!!

  64. Win says:

    Glad you are safe and sound and with your littles. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Happy to hear that you found a great journey while you were in Europe, albeit an unexpected one!

  65. So happy for you to be home safe and sound! Congratulations on baby #3…how exciting!! Looking forward to hearing about what God did on your trip in & through you!

  66. Just came across your lovely blog and I'm your newest follower!! We just got back from a European vacay also (Sweden!!) and it was the HARDEST thing in the world leaving our son Jasper (who will be four tomorrow!!) but since I spend every single day all day with him it made me appreciate him even more and be so grateful for the time I have with him!

  67. Six days in the same clothes?! I'm not sure how well I would handle that, but you look gorgeous as always! So glad you're home safe!

  68. Amy says:

    Whoo hoo! Baby # 3!

    Glad you all are back safe to your babies. πŸ™‚

  69. Welcome back home! You were missed!You really are an inspiration and I love how you try and find the good in all. Congratulations again on baby #3.

  70. larissa says:

    Congrats congrats congrats!!! Praying for you as you start this journey! So glad you're home safe and sound. I cannot wait to hear about your trip. I would have been a MESS if my luggage was lost. We always co-pack, but there's nothing you can really do if BOTH suitcasses are lost. Yikes!

  71. i just love you. really.
    you inspire me, and encourage me to see what really matters. I can't wait to meet you soon!

  72. Jennifer says:

    Dang you are so positive and hopeful and just too sweet for words!! I am amazed at your ability to find the good in that situation. πŸ™‚ So glad that overall your trip was great. And congratulations on #3!

  73. Shannon says:

    So excited about the baby, your trip, and the incredible example of humilty and persepctive you no doubt set for the students on your trip. So proud of you for keeping the chin up. And when the time comes for me to leave Behr…I might just be calling on your for some virtual support!

  74. Anonymous says:

    I always want to look cute while traveling for the pictures that will be taken, but it usually doesn't happen. but i feel like thats part of the experience. if we spend too much time fixing out hair and such, thats less time we have for exploring!

  75. sandovalita says:

    nobody offered to borrow you any clothes??? good job on keeping a good attitude anyways! you still look beautiful rocking the same clothes on day 6!

  76. steph nelsen says:

    love the pictures! you two look great even under the circumstances : ) isn't it crazy when you see the kiddos after being away for a few days and they seem bigger, older, doing different things, etc. already? and of course the happiness and relief at seeing them again is incomparable! but the breaks are good for the patience levels for sure!

  77. Nick Randall says:

    I just have to tell everyone about my new craze… Bring fun, fashion and luxury to your nursery with Baby Laundry! Featuring ultra-chic prints, deluxe plush fabrics and superior quality, Baby Laundry’s blankets, burpies and swaddlers will keep baby spotless, snuggled and swaddled in style! Check it out at I promise you'll love their prices!

  78. Bummer about your luggage, but sounds like an awesome trip!

  79. Anonymous says:

    Can I just say that I pretty much stalk your blog!?*# heehee…you are GORGEOUS and your husband "WOW"..he is GORGEOUS too…hopefully you won't be mad I say that…I have a gorgeous hubby too…but wow…you two look like MODELS! SERIOUS…I love reading your beautiful entries….you seem like an amazing woman…you INSPIRE me! πŸ™‚

  80. bethxlove says:


    & your trip looks amazing, I'm so jealous!!


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