





May 7, 2011


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  1. what a sweet baby girl…i bet you have so much fun with her right? those big blue eyes are like out of control fyi!!!


  2. BEAUTIFUL! 🙂 Just like her mamma!

  3. Mama Jill says:

    oh my goodness! she is so sweet! I hope I have a little girl someday. 🙂 My little man looks similar to your little man :-)
    well he has blue eyes and curly blonde hair too…. Its really weird too because my hubs and I have dark hair and dark eyes.. who knew!

    Love your sweet little blog. 🙂

  4. Lindsey says:

    she's such a pretty!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Adorable. Simply adorable.

  6. Kelly says:

    Casey shes gorgeous! I mean you all are!

  7. Alyssa Rae says:

    I want to squeeze her! a-dor-a-bible!

  8. Alyss says:

    Such a sweet face. I could cuddle her up all day long!

  9. Brigitte says:

    Beautiful BEAUTIFUL photos of a gorgeous little princess !

  10. Sarah B. says:

    I just want to squeeze those adorable little cheeks!! 🙂

  11. stephanie says:

    she could not be anymore perfect. beautiful pics friend!

  12. Jhen.Stark says:

    I just found your blog and I think your family is absolutely beautiful and your blog absolutely divine!

  13. lauren says:

    gee whiz, all of your family photos are PERFECT! i LOVE THEM!!!!

  14. oh my word…she is beautiful <3 love the pic of the both of you where she's smiling right at the camera. she's gorgeous 🙂

  15. total cutie pie!! xo

  16. LBrecher says:

    beautiful pictures and especially love the monogrammed ruffle diaper cover! my sisters and I used to wear those 🙂

  17. Natalie says:

    adorable pictures!! adorable family.. 🙂

  18. the lowes says:

    oh man so cute!!!!! PS we need to bump into each other in the food court at NP sometime!! 🙂 (I recognize those big white chairs!)

  19. such sweet pictures! 🙂 adorable.

  20. i love these pictures…it helps that both of you are super cute too!! looks like a beautiful day for a photo shoot!

  21. Stephanie says:

    Both of your children were just born for the camera. They are so beautiful.

  22. Kelsey says:

    She is so precious! What amazing pictures! How do you narrow down what to frame…they are all so gorgeous! 🙂

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