
a new life.


I don’t know if I have the guts to publish this. I had no intention of talking about this until 12 or 13 weeks…but I am so overcome with emotion right now. 

Scared to say anything and have to deliver bad news again. 

Maybe if I get the courage I will. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind and I process best when I write.

I took a positive pregnancy test and instantly felt a rush of panic. (of course after the tears of gratitude and celebration of this new life). Now a mother of four, forever. 

One in heaven, two on earth…and one new one….. It has been days of tears and pleading God to protect my heart if something goes wrong again. It’s so early on, it seems like an eternity before I will just let myself breathe.

Just 4 months after the loss of Addison, still all of that so fresh in my mind.

Two days ago I went in for bloodwork and a sono and my sono was empty. Nothing at all. I came home sick to my stomach. I have absolutely the most precious, beautiful and loving doctor and nurses…. they assured me it might just be too early and not to get down.

I sat up late on the computer searching for answers. The entire time I clearly felt God speaking to me…

Casey, the answers aren’t there, they are with me.
Casey look to me.
And me alone.

Casey I can do miracles. 

Then this morning my bloodwork came back and they told me I needed to immediately come in for a sono. “We should see a baby by your numbers.”

I drove there alone. Turned off the music and just drove in silence. “I am going to be okay. no matter what happens, I can get through this.” Over and over again. Clenching my jaw, fighting back tears.

I sat in the waiting room. My legs were shaking. I text Chris, ” be prepared. It may not be good.”

She called my name. I walked down the long hall. Fighting back tears the whole way down. Before we started I looked at her and said “I am going to be okay….whatever happens I can handle this.” I had my hands covering my eyes…..I couldn’t look.

Casey, Casey open your eyes.



Literally I have never cried out with such thanks and gratitude. An answered prayer. Hope. A baby.

I am still early on. 
And obviously we have a long road to go. I will get bloodwork every 2 days and have a few more sonos. 

But for today, I am praising the One who blessed us with this life. 

And celebrating a new journey. Because no matter how small or young, little baby you are mine. And regardless of what happens, one day I will hold you. 

Heaven or earth, I will hold you.



January 20, 2012


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  1. Sky says:

    Praise His Holy Name!

  2. JeNeal says:

    Congrats luv. That is amazing. My prayers are with you! xoxoxo

  3. Congratulations on your wonderful happy for you love <3

  4. Liv Szari says:

    Casey, this is so amazing! I also just found out that I am pregnant for the first time, still early on…such a fragile time. Praying for you and your little one! God is so good! =)


  5. oh case!
    praising God for this little miracle already.
    so happy for you… but i know how hard it is to be pregnant after a miscarriage.
    so many fears… so much unknown.
    rest in Jesus.
    let Him swallow your fears… let Him dry your tears.
    look to Him when you're feeling anxious.
    only He can satisfy… and this little precious babe is in His hands.
    lovin' on you from afar…
    praying for you as a sister in Christ.
    congrats, by the way!
    wonderful news!!!

  6. Rachel says:

    Praying for your new blessing, and thank you for sharing your awesome news with us!!!

  7. I am SO happy for you! Our babies will be 11 weeks apart (and probably both born early again…)! Tell Chris CONGRATULATIONS for me. I knew it would happen. When I texted you the day I read my test, I KNEW it wouldn't be long before you shared the news yourself. SO exciting. Love you!!

  8. Breeann says:

    Oh friend, what a blessing! Praying for you and your beautiful family 🙂 xoxo

  9. congratulations casey, i am so happy for you and will be praying for you. god works in such amazing ways!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Casey. I am sending out plenty of heartfelt praise and hope for your family.

  11. Praise the Lord! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. SO EXCITED FOR YOU! I'll be excited for you. I can imagine how anxious you may be feeling. I'll be praying for you and this new life. So excited for you. What a blessing!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Casey, it is beautiful and admirable how much you open your heart to God and the world. Thank you for sharing the news with us. Know you and your family will be in my prayers. I will pray for your strength and for God's will be done. He alone can do miracles, but can make them through us.


  13. Oh sweet Casey! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!! I will be praying for you!!

  14. Alyssa says:

    I'm so excited for you! Our God is truly a God miracles! He amazes me every day! Congratulations! (:
    I hope you have a smooth pregnancy!!

  15. Michelle says:

    Oh my word, Casey. This makes me so happy. I am so excited for you! No matter what happens down the road, you are a mother of four and nothing and no one can ever take that away from you! God's holding your baby's precious life in His hands!

  16. Esther says:

    casey how wonderful! will be praying for you. faith & strength, my friend.

  17. Rachel says:

    Congratulations! I have tears in my eyes. I pray that God will protect you and the sweet one growing inside of you! Many hugs to you and your family!

  18. Jessi says:

    You know you have an entire community of us praying for you and your baby right now!

    I have been in your shoes 4 times. Reading a positive pregnancy test, overcome with joy and fear. Terrified that what happened last time will happen again. But I can also testify that God does amazing things. I am so grateful for the beautiful baby boy He gave to me when I thought we could never have a baby.

  19. Oh Casey.
    I am so happy for you guys. I'll be praying for you guys everyday. Heavenly father is watching over you and your family.

  20. CONGRATS Casey! So excited for you. Your post made me well up. So thankful for you right now.

  21. Praise, praise to Jesus! Tears of joy for you!

  22. Cat says:

    PTL!! praying for you all!

  23. Congrats Casey!! Praying for the healthiest & happiest pregnancy possible!

  24. love. he is good. always.


  25. Natalie says:

    Congrats!!!! You are in God's precious hands:)) And praying for great news along the way for you and your newest little one! God bless!!!

  26. . says:

    Congrats!!! This is a blessing you deserve!!!

  27. Awww congratulations Casey!!! What a blessing and I'm praying for a wonderful pregnancy for you! You're such an amazing mother 🙂

  28. Lauren says:

    I have been following your blog for about 6 months now. I remember reading about sweet Addison and it brought tears streaming down my face. It stuck with me for quite awhile. When I read this, I shouted out in my head 'YES'! I am so happy for you and you are in my prayers, Casey. You are a beautiful person and I wish the best for you in this journey….

  29. Kim Sasse says:

    CONGRATS CASEY! Praying for you 🙂

  30. Ronni says:

    Casey! A new yummy smelling baby for you! 😀

  31. Praying for you lady!! What an unbelievable blessing!! Congrats!! XOXO!!

  32. Tears,tears,tears for you Mama…………..

    I know this is anxiety.
    I know this pain.
    I know what its like to look at that little dot on the screen and plead with God that you get to keep this one.

    Prayers for you and that little one.

  33. wonderful! absolutely wonderful. congrats and hope for a very healthy baby.

  34. You are such a sweet soul! I am so happy for you and will be praying that everything will go well with your new little one!

  35. Christa says:

    Good luck hun! Try not to worry, it does no good for either you or your baby. Its hard not to but just remain joyful and positive 🙂

  36. Ashley says:

    I am so happy for you! Each day as I pray for the safety of my growing baby, I will pray for your new blessing as well. 🙂

  37. Oh my sweet friend. . . I am overjoyed for you! 🙂 You have another little one! 🙂

  38. Jessica says:

    What a blessing!

  39. Congrats little mama! Thanks for sharing the exciting news! All the more prayers sent up to keep your new love safe and sound in your womb and in cradled in HIS hands.

  40. monique says:

    praying for you and your little one…I know exactly how you feel! I lost a little one and then a year later I got pregnant with another. At my first ultrasound, there was nothing to be seen (just like you) I started to panic, but the doctor said it could be early. I had to bloodwork, every 2 days for a week. Then I went back and saw my dear little one. There she was! I continued to do bloodwork every 2 days for another week and then once a week for the next month. Everything continued to be fine. And then exactly nine months later I gave birth to my little girl.

    I had a few minor complications during my pregnancy like, gestational diabetes and then I went into early labor at 7 months and I was on bed rest–but it was nothing knowning that my dear little was inside of me safe and sound and just growing away.

    My little girl is now 7 months and everyday I look at her and see God's beauty and promises. It may be scary at times, believe me, but when you first hear that cry, all the worry just melts away.

    sorry for the long novel. just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I've been there. I know exactly how you feel.

  41. lauren-emily says:

    I have never met you, but your blog has helped me find my faith. YOU have helped me and inspired me to take the walk towards God and let him lead me the way my life needs to go. Having said that, I have tears of happiness for you. I pray that this wonderful news continues with a wonderful birth. You will be in my prayers every day. Your writing helped me when I was lowest, you have showed that even through the toughest times relying on God to do his work is all you have to do.
    God Bless.

  42. WOW congratulations I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face in excitement! What a beautiful blessing…He is the maker and there is nothing that is too hard for HIM!

  43. lovejoy_31 says:

    Yay!! I will be praying every day. It is so very scary each and every time. But God will be with you no matter what.

  44. Tarah says:

    so exciting and such a beautiful experience! congrats!!! <3

  45. Ashley says:

    Rejoicing with you sweet friend:)

  46. Em says:

    Yay! What a blessing! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Your post brought tears to my eyes. I have had a some little ones in heaven too. Blessings to you, dear one. 🙂

  47. Praise the Lord!!! I am SOOOO happy for you 🙂

  48. ali says:

    Praise God for this miracle. Remember… He only gives us what we can handle. I'll be praying! Congrats to you and your family!! 🙂

  49. ali says:

    Praise God!! Remember… He only gives us what we can handle! I'll be praying. Congrats to you and your family, Casey 🙂

  50. Praying for you and your new little life! Congrats, Casey!

  51. Sarah Nicole says:

    <3 Praying for you!

  52. Congrats! God Bless you!

  53. Brooke says:

    I'll say a prayer for you and your new little life.
    Beautiful post as always your honesty and grace shine through

  54. Mrs. Baker says:

    tears. so happy for u!

  55. First time commenter here, but just wanted to say CONGRATS! I lost my first baby (early… at 5 weeks…) and had so many of these same emotions the second time. It's a scary joy, don't you think? But joy all the same. Thank you, Jesus. My baby girl is 6 months now, and I am still missing my first child, but so grateful for both of them. And like you said, some day I will embrace that precious first in heaven.

  56. Congrats! So excited for you and your family. I have 4 babies in Heaven, 3 here with me and I am 15 weeks pregnant. I know that feeling of not being able to breathe the first 12 weeks. Praying for you and your new little one.

  57. Erin says:

    Praise the Lord 🙂 What a miracle. This post made me cry and reminded me to have faith and to believe.
    Thank you for being so honest and open, it means the world to have a role model like you.
    You are an amazing woman and momma!

  58. Ellie Coburn says:

    I wish you could have seen my reaction to this post.
    I was literally dancing. My friends were looking at me like I'd lost it. Casey's having a baby!!! Then I cried. & could not be more happy for you. I feel so blessed that you are blessed. You are a true inspiration. Everyday. Praise this new journey. No matter the outcome you have been blessed.

  59. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to you and your beautiful family Casey! What a blessing! I will be praying for you and your little one! Hugs! p.s. your giving me baby fever ;-D

  60. So incredibly happy for you. God is SO good.

  61. So incredibly happy for you. God is SO good.

  62. Franchesca says:

    Casey, TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you, thankful to the Lord for keeping your heart through this. Oh my word, and what you said brought me chills, it's so true:

    "Casey, the answers aren't there, they are with me.
    Casey look to me.
    And me alone."

    Ahhh…. I am so anxious for you precious friend, prayers for your peace and this beautiful little life, and lots of love.

    xx franchesca

  63. {annie} says:

    OH Praise the Lord Casey! What amazing wonderful news! I'm so thankful! This one's going to be wonderful. Healthy. Perfect! And so are you sweet momma! Can't wait!!!!!

  64. Kirsten says:

    Sending you positive vibes Casey!

  65. jessica says:

    Casey, that is so wonderful! Praise God for the amazing miracles he puts in our lives. I am so happy for you and Chris and I will definitely be praying for you as your journey continues!

  66. congrats on your little miracle! 🙂

  67. artsavesyou says:

    I am so happy for you Casey! Remember if you need us we are here to lean on. So many people care and we will all be thinking good thoughts.

  68. Cori Janae says:

    You are in my prayers Casey! Lean on God during this journey and He will be everything you need! 🙂

  69. Dawn Braun says:

    tears filled my eyes as I read your beautifully written post, congrats on the sweet miracle growing inside of you! 🙂

  70. Stephanie says:

    Praising God with you!

  71. My eyes just filled up with tears reading this! Congrats to you and your family!!! 🙂 I'll be keeping you and that baby in my thoughts!! 🙂

  72. Kassie says:

    This made me teary eyed. I can't imagine the fear that is there, but God is right. He has the answers. So happy for you!

  73. Anonymous says:

    Oh, Casey! I'm so so so excited for you and your sweet family. You'll be in my prayers for a safe pregnancy, strength, and peace. I know you have worries but know that the Lord wants you to lean on him. I totally believe that stress and worry are not good for the body (I've seen it cause problems in my own life) so hand over your burdens to Him. He will take care of you.

  74. Lauren Helen says:

    I will be praying for you!
    What a beautiful, happy time!
    God is so good 🙂

  75. Aja says:

    🙂 wonderful news! Praise Jesus.

  76. Lisa says:

    oh Casey!! I am crying for you right now ! praise God – xo

  77. Bridget says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful news! You will be in so many prayers! XOXO

  78. Amanda says:

    Congratulations! May God continue to protect you and your entire family, keeping you all safe and healthy.

  79. Smile Steady says:

    Such wonderful news! This brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations, and I will say a prayer for you and your newest little one. 🙂

  80. CASEY I am so so so extremely happy for you. you are such an amazing person and such an amazing mother. you deserve everything your heart desires. I am so glad that the Lord blessed you with this. Good luck! You'll be in my prayers.

  81. Anonymous says:

    Oh Casey that is so wonderful!! Thinking of you and this new blessing always 🙂

  82. Heather says:

    SO HAPPY TO READ THIS! 🙂 love you!!! <3 xoxo

  83. I am so unbelievably happy for you!!!
    I think from now on every time I hear anyone celebrate a baby I will tear up with happiness in my heart for them. The chance of having more babies was taken away from me last year and it has been an emotional journey. I SO wanted more children. But I have four. I love them all. My last one was a miracle.

    Love you Casey!

  84. mandi c says:

    all available fingers, toes, hairs and anything else that I may cross are now in yours and bitty babies names for extra extra good luck and blessings. Congratulations Casey!

  85. Oh congratulations to you and your husband!! I'll be thinking of you and praying. Such amazing news.

  86. Meagan says:

    There isn't anyone who deserves this kind of news right now more than you. I'm so so happy for you! 🙂

  87. Candice says:

    Congratulations!! Don't let fear spoil your joy. A new life… 🙂

  88. Rachel says:

    Wow! Congratulations! Wishing you the best dear, but either way it's a blessing to simply be enraptured and caught up in such beautiful moments and emotions.

    All is well.

  89. Danielle says:

    I don't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog but I'm so thankful I did. In a society that feels to be lacking God, family, and the respect of the sacred commitment of marriage your family has given me hope. I admire you, your faith, and your ability to accept yourself for who you are. I pray for you and the precious the little life your carrying. Congrats to you and your family. In Jesus Name I bless you and this baby.

  90. Leigh says:

    Praying for you!!! This is God's baby 🙂 It's in His hands–which is the very best place to be.
    Love, Leigh

  91. Julie says:

    Congratulations to you and your husband! I'm so excited for you! I will be praying for you to have a safe and healthy pregnancy 🙂

  92. Kerrie says:

    the way you talk about your babies warms my heart. I had a miscarriage (my only pregnancy) in October 2010 and it was hard for me to process that I lost my child. I don't think I had let myself connect fully with our baby because they had told me I lost it in the beginning when I hadn't. Two days after I found out I was really pregnant, I actually did lose it. Anyways, it took me a while to feel excited that I have a baby. In heaven. Waiting on me. Wow.

  93. Alyx says:

    Awww, Casey! Congratulations! Everything will be okay. Just stay strong and keep praying, and take care of yourself and your newest baby!

  94. Erica! says:

    Oh Casey! Praise the Lord!!!!!!

  95. Summer says:

    Praise God I'll be praying for you Casey!

  96. I don't think I took one breath while reading this! God is so good! I am so happy for you and your family and too your new little miracle! 🙂

  97. ~lori says:

    your posts have a way of always tearing me up and I learn so much from the tone you set your life too. I wish you many Blessings Casey for yourself, your family and this growing child of yours. Peace…

  98. praise God. Will keep you in my prayers, sweet mama.


  99. I'm praying for you, your family, and your new little baby today Casey.


  100. I had this feeling you were going to announce something like this soon. I went through this fear too sweet one, it is so hard, waiting for the "all clear"… hang tight, pray… have you thought of taking baby aspirin just in case? I took baby aspirin and used a natural progesterone cream daily until 13 weeks (Restored Balance is the only one I would recommend)… baby aspirin and progesterone usually together address most issues that lead to miscarriage. Just something practical that might help. And pray! God is faithful.

  101. Stacey says:

    Congrats!! I remember that feeling of wanting to be excited, but being so afraid. God can handle your anxiety. He will help you make it through! Praying that this little bean will be around to stay 🙂

  102. Nicole says:

    Congrats pretty girl!

  103. Lindsey says:

    This was a truly beautiful post. Thank you.


  104. OH CASEY!!! this is such exciting news!! Sometimes I have a really hard time staying positive at other people's pregnancies because I myself have had a terrible time getting pregnant. We are almost 2 1/2 years of being open to it, and nothing. I'm not going to lie when I say I have an immediate gut reaction of jealousy. But I am truly so happy for you. I will pray for a wonderful pregnancy and healthy babe for you and chris <3

  105. So happy for you!!! For being such an incredible mother I hope God blesses you with tons of little tots! you're in my prayers!

  106. SO happy for you! I knew it wouldn't be long before there was some exciting news!! Praying for you!!

  107. sarah says:

    oh casey, how wonderful! blessings on you and this little one during this precious time! rejoicing with you!

  108. Hallelujah!! God is so amazing. Praise Him!

    Something 2 Write About

  109. So very, very happy for you Casey!

  110. Casey I am so happy for you! I am expecting our 2nd baby in July…and I have had more fear and worry over this one than I thought possible. I've never miscarried, but my heart has been aching with the "what if" ever since I found out…because I've seen the heart ache first hand, even through your beautiful blog.

    I'm thankful though for the fear because it leaves me feeling so raw at times that I can do nothing but show my fragile hopes to Jesus and trust that He knows my heart. That gives me such joy and peace…and the ability to just be thankful for whatever He gives. Be it a healthy beautiful baby in 6 months, or a heart breaking trial that will leave me longing more for heaven!

    Anyway…I'm so thankful for the openness with which you share your life, and I will be praying for those numbers to multiply each day!! Grow baby grow <3

  111. Jocelyn says:

    Congratulations on the new life that God has blessed you with!!!! I will be praying that God will protect the new baby that He has blessed you with!!! You are such a sweetie!!!

  112. Carly S. says:

    So wonderful! I will be praying for you and your new little life. Congratulations!

  113. Lauren says:

    Congratulations. God is so good! x

  114. Congrats Casey! As someone who has felt the pain of miscarriage..I also understand the anxiety that comes along with being pregnant! Enjoy each moment! Praying that all is well with you these next 9 months.

  115. Très bien says:

    Way to be courageous! I see this a step of faith. Praying that God continues to bless you during this time and gives you the peace that surpasses understanding to guard your heart and mind!
    Blessing to you and your family!!
    So wonderful!
    Très bien

  116. brynn says:

    I have never commented on your blog before. I. Started reading you shortly before your loss. I cried the day I read that post post like I knew you personally. You have such a beautiful soul and I am so happy for you and your wonderful family. God is so good. Congratulations.

  117. Ana says:

    Congratulations! SO happy for you!

  118. Anonymous says:

    I am so unbelievably happy for you. Tears are welling in my eyes. God will be with you. Sending love and prayers!

  119. Congratulations! You are such an amazingly strong woman!!

  120. Beautiful Casey! Wonderful news. Prayers and good thoughts for you. I'm so happy… God is great! Much love to you… Bless you and keep you… I'm crying and so stinking happy for you my heart just might burst!

  121. Congratulations Casey!!! So happy for you, will be praying for you and the new baby 🙂

  122. Jenafur says:

    This is so exciting! Congrats to your beautiful family. You deserve it so much, and he or she will love having you two as parents.

  123. So happy for you and chris! Keeping your family in my prayers.

  124. ashalily says:

    I am so happy for you. I am a new reader to your blog and I looked through some of your archive to kind of catch up and I read about your loss and my heart ached for you. God is good and he can do miracles!

  125. It's the craziest thing…it's impossible for me to visit your blog and leave with dry eyes. Congratulations on the pregnancy, Casey!

  126. Baby, you are gonna freak out when you see the post I'm about to send you. The Lord is so good!!! I am completely in awe of his plans that unfold so crazy and surprising and beautiful before our very eyes. With you right now in heart, girl. Big giant hug with delight for you!!!

  127. beautiful soul, casey. thinking about you and chris with this heartwarming news 🙂

    xoxo – kylie

  128. All of us are rejoicing with you, Casey!! You have this whole community of people loving you & praying for you. This little one is definitely in His hands, friend!! Praying for all of you tonight. XOXO.

  129. Rach H says:

    Oh sweet baby! welcome! prayers to you all.

  130. Laceymade says:

    this is such wonderful news casey! so happy for you and your family. i will keep you and your new little baby in my prayers!

  131. Casey, I am beyond words , just tears of joy running down my cheeks, I am praying for Gods holy favor and supernatural protection, you have such a beautiful heart and are a wonderful mommy, keep yor strength and let Gos hold you in the coming days, so very happy for you guys. Xoxo

  132. Elise says:

    This is beauty in its purest form.

    So, so beautiful.

    Elise X

  133. So happy for you! God is GOOD. I will say prayers for you and little baby every day 🙂

  134. Jen says:

    Congratulations and praise the Lord! I am so happy for you. As a momma who has miscarried, I know the terror that can overcome the joy, but I rejoice with you in this new life. I've been praying that God would give you another precious baby. Praise Him!

  135. Sierra says:

    amazing! you are in my prayers sweet girl!!

  136. Jeanna says:

    What wonderful news… Congratulations to you and you family.

    Jeanna @

  137. So much love for you my friend.

    You are in my heart.


  138. aislin says:

    oh casey, sending love your way. so so so much love.

  139. Nicole M says:

    Casey, Casey…. oh Holy is the Lord, God Almighty. Praise His Holy Name!! He has this very special plan for you and your new baby… praying for you every day. Love you my Dallas sister!!

  140. Heather says:

    oh Casey, you just touched me so… thank you for always sharing your amaizing heart with us. Congratulations to you and your sweet family! I will be praying!!

  141. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Jesus! He is so good! Praying for you, xo

  142. BethAnn says:

    I truly gasped out loud when I saw the photo associated with this post – you and your family are so heavily in my thoughts. Hugs, loves and prayers from CO.
    God bless!

  143. merideth says:

    beautiful!! hoping for the best and that the days may go quickly for you.
    i am a new reader. your blog and life are beautiful… i wish i could take art classes from you.

  144. Traci says:

    Reading this brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations and prayers to you.

  145. Nichole says:

    To add to the hundreds whose prayers are with you and that precious little soul I am so excited for you and will be praying for you.God is faithful and prayer does work.your beauty in light of what you lost was such an inspiration and I am so excited to see your family grow!

  146. Mindy Harris says:

    u r a blessed girl indeed and your perspective is such a blessing to hear…i hear it coming from you heart and it makes me so happy for you and that much more prayerful that you will get to hold this baby on earth…

  147. Congratulations Casey and family! It's going to be a beautiful journey for sure!

  148. Oh gosh, you have tears from me too here! Sending lots of prayers your way to keep you and baby safe.

    Emma xx

  149. Bettina says:

    I couldn't be happier for you and your little family. I had the same scare early on in my pregnancy. Even though they said it was probably just too early, I too scoured the net for answers. And even though I am almost at the end, I feel like I am still holding my breath, feeling like I can't believe it completely until I hold him in my arms.
    I love your quote about holding this baby, either on earth or in heaven. I wish I had your faith.

  150. SarahV says:


  151. Praying for you both <3 Congrats Casey! I'm so so happy for u <3 xoxox

  152. Jess says:

    Casey I discovered your beautiful blog just a few days ago and have been re-reading it from the start.
    Your words and pictures are wonderful and your honesty is refreshing.

    I understand your fear well, I had a miscarridge a few years ago and truely understood what it felt to have your heart broken. Then about 17 months ago I woke up one day and knew I was pregnant again, I was terrified, I put it to the back of my mind pretended it was only my imagination and kept it from my family. I didn't have any of the early issues of tiredness or morning sickness, which mean't keeping it from my husband was easy but the lack of issues just convinced me something was destined to go wrong. At about 9 weeks my husbands figured it out but I felt so sad I couldn't give the the excitment of showing him a postive test and being happy about it.It was another 2 weeks before I had the courage to take a test,until I saw it written down I could fool myself it wasn't real. He was happy I was fearful. In the uk the maternity care is different its only at the end of the first trim you have a sono, I went to that appointment prepared for the worst, what I saw on the screen took my breath away and filled my heart with more hope and joy than I ever thought possible, and my little boy continues to do so everyday since.

    Be brave be strong be trusting and hopeful,everything comes good in the end.
    Congratulations to you and your beautifal family, my thoughts and prayers as well as all the other people whose hearts have been touched by you are with you.

    Jess x

  153. Jess says:

    Oh my goodness, this post is truly written from the heart, you made tears come to my eyes. You have been blessed with a little miracle, i pray for you that everything goes well. Congratulations!

  154. Joy says:

    I am brand new to your blog. I read today about your good news and I was overcome with emotion. I prayed for you already and will continue to lift you up in prayer.

  155. omg amazing!! CONGRATS sweetie!! wishing you ALL the best!!!

  156. Oh wow!!!!! Many congratulations to you and your family! I had tears streaming down my face!!!! What a happy moment!

  157. Sarah B. says:

    This is so exciting!!!! I'll be praying for you and baby 🙂

  158. Fairy Baby says:

    Casey, I will remember you in my prayers, this is wonderful news!
    No matters what happens, you are strong enough to get through it, the love of God is bliss and though you are a sensitive soul you are also incredibly strong!!
    I think anybody who reads your blog will agree 🙂

    Happy weekend & keep posting for us faithful followers so we can be happy for and with you 🙂
    Oana Fairy Mom

  159. Samantha says:

    So happy for you!

  160. You are such a great person & inspiration. Prayers for that special little growing inside you. Xoxo

  161. Sam says:

    Congratulations Casey!!! That is so exciting and such a testament to God's graciousness and faithfulness to REDEEM. I will be in prayer for you (and others) who are now pregnant after a heartbreaking loss. God is good, and it's so sweet to see your knowledge of that threaded throughout your story. Praise God!

  162. The Pierce's says:

    What beautiful news! Prayers going out to you and your family.

  163. Jessica says:

    Congrats….you will be in my prayers through whatever does happen!

  164. Andrea Ward says:

    Congratulations! Your family will be in our prayers.

  165. Andrea Ward says:

    Congratulations! Your family will be in our prayers.

  166. Beryl says:

    This brought happy joyous tears to my eyes. Congratulations to you. xo.

  167. Chandra says:

    Your stories always touch me in such a special way. I love your emotion, honesty, and sharing yourself even during a vulnerable time. Many prayers to you and your family. And a special one for your unborn love.

  168. Michelle says:

    Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!! You are in my prayer's!!!! So happy for you Beautiful Mama!!!!!

  169. Anonymous says:

    congratulations casey! praying for you and your baby!

  170. Kinsley says:

    It is such a nice change to hear real stories of heartache and joy. I admire you for being one who is comfortable with spreading the word of God. I will continue to be a faithful follower.

  171. Brittany says:

    Thoughts and prayers to you and yours Casey!

  172. erin says:

    Such wonderful wonderful news. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 🙂

  173. Casey,
    You are SO brave for posting about this. I know how hard it can be. But I am so glad that you did and that you are celebrating. After my first miscarriage, I too got pregnant again about 4 months later. But that time I didnt tell anyone (except the hubs of course)! But I was too afraid.
    It was too hard for me the first time to have to tell people about losing the baby every time someone who didnt know would ask how I was or how far along I was.

    It was so hard for me to the first time. I got scared. I didnt want anyone to know. I wanted to keep it a secret until I know we were "in the clear". I'm not sure why I thought that would be best. But looking back, I dont think it was. I did end up losing that baby too. And I just felt miserable. I hated the fact that I didnt celebrate his life! I hated that I didnt tell anyone about being pregnant so that I could share the joy I felt for my baby. And for a long time I felt like it was MY FAULT. Like I didnt appreciate the life growing inside me, so he was taken from me.

    I know now thats not true. But it was a struggle. SO I am HAPPY for you! I am glad to read about your excitement for this new life, even if you are scared. You are so brave. Congratulations.


  174. The first time i read your blog was when you lost Addison, your truthfulness and raw emotion was amazing and i wept for the loss of your little one. I am an L&D nurse and although I have not experienced the deep pain you have, I have seen it firsthand and can understand you wanting to wait until after your first trimester….from reading your blog, it seems as if you couldnt be yourself unless you shared with your readers. God is soverign .Congrats on the beautiful bean you are carrying. You will be in my prayers.

  175. Kaitlen says:

    Congratulations to you and yours. Wishing you all the best. You certainly deserve it.

  176. Kasey M says:

    You are brave. You have incredible strength. And we are all praying for you and your new little one.

    Congrats on the wonderful news!

  177. Casey says:

    Casey your post touched my heart cause Ive just recently went through the same thing. Only it took us 2 weeks of sonograms every 2 days before they could finally see the baby. Now i'm 14 weeks and feeling better. However I have a long road as well. My uterus is completely upside down and severely tilted to the right side. I wish you the best of luck as I know we will both be mothers again in a few months! I'll be praying for you!

  178. Beth says:

    Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you and your beautiful family. 🙂 Prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy. 🙂

  179. Lisa Stepi says:

    Congratulations – so happy for you! I've been following your blog for a while but have never commmented – may God give you his peace during your pregnancy.

  180. Clara says:

    Casey, I have just started blogging and reading blogs, and yours is truly inspiring. I am praying for you and your family during this time. Thank you for sharing and being so open and honest.

  181. astr!d says:

    PTL!!!! i too have lost a baby. she lived for 21 days in the nicu at arkansas childrens hosptial. and the thought of getting pregnant again scared the daylights outta me. so i just wanna say congrats for being strong enough!!! be well! i wish nothing but the best for you and that little life. its so exciting!!! and your readers and bloggy friends will be with you every step of the way!!!!

    im so excited!!!

  182. vixendufeu says:

    Casey, I just came to your blog from "Little Miss Mommy's" blog, after having just read your post about having lost Addison and wanted to read more about this strong woman who guest blogged for her on loss & strength. Only to find WOW! BLESSINGS!! Congratulations – on another baby, on more hope, on continuing to be the strong woman it sounds like you are. Just THANK YOU for sharing that strength with us all – and please know that you will be covered in prayer as you away details of the growth & health of your new addition. I'm putting a reoccurring reminder on my Outlook calendar to pray for you & your family & your new addition. God is good in ALL THINGS, ALL THE TIME.
    Much love from a stranger, Jessie Warren

  183. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! Sending prayers your way as you begin this journey!

  184. Clauz says:

    Casey what a wonderful notice!! congrats!!No matter what, God knows, that does things, and if it didnt work last time I'm sure this is a second chance and that everything will turn out a great .. This new baby will be tested for all your effort, joy, tears, fear you've gone to be a better person from here I pray to God that everything goes well, and grant us the joy of knowing another Wiegand beautiful baby. Dont be discouraged casey always with your head held high and your faith in God!

  185. Congratulations!!!!!! Thank the Lord!!! — I'm so happy for you!!!

  186. Heather says:

    Tears are literally falling! Praying for you and your little miracle! Such a beautiful story!

  187. Heather says:

    I have tears in my eyes Casey. What wonderful news!!! What a blessing and answer to prayer. I have been there- waiting for a sonogram with a sick stomach and terrified of bad news. Praise our God who is faithful in the midst of our fears, and is always better than anything we imagine for ourselves.

    My husband always says to me- even if the worst were to happen, Jesus is the most important thing in our lives and He is better than anything else. We hold fast to His word and His truth and know that he holds our hearts and loves us with our fears more than we can imagine. He always has our good in mind & he has chosen to give this blessing *now* So we will enjoy it, and be thankful and praise him for his goodness that we don't deserve.

    prayers for a healthy pregnancy and little one. How wonderful!

  188. Anonymous says:

    Casey, wow! My heart skipped a beat reading your post. Sending positivity to you and your family!

  189. Anonymous says:

    Casey, wow! My heart skipped a beat reading your post. Sending positivity to you and your family!

  190. Tara says:

    congrats! How exciting! I am so happy for you! I have tears! Yay! God is amazing!!

  191. Ruthie Hart says:

    Congratulations sweet Casey! God has wonderful things planned for you!

  192. THE COOK'S says:

    My oh my, how stinkin' exciting!!! I'm beyond THRILLED for your sweet little family. You are blessed beyond belief. Praying for health!

    Many, many blessings,

  193. Hannah says:

    that's one of the most emotional post i've ever read. so full of love to your children (every of them). The new baby will be a miracle, like your first kids.
    I pray for you and your family that everything wents great.
    i know how it fells to loose someone you love for ever.

  194. Congratulations Casey!

  195. sarah wagner says:

    I just started reading your blog and am SO happy for you! As a mom who has one child on earth and two in heaven I can understand your fears. But God is right. HE holds the future as well as our hearts. I will pray for the safety of your precious baby! Congratulations!!

  196. julie s says:

    Congratulations! I will pray for peace for you and for health and a LOOOONG stay inside mom for this new life!

  197. Sarah says:

    So happy for you and praying! Rest in God!

  198. Wow, congrats! I stumbled upon your blog recently and have a great time reading about your life and your little family. I wish you nothing but the best! 🙂

  199. autumn says:

    Praise our huge God for these days with your 4th! What a miracle we all are… what life is… this baby! I am SO blessed by these words, your faith and Gods unchanging love. Hooray for baby! GROW, grow, grow!

  200. Nitzalie says:

    So unbelievably happy for you. Praying for you and your family. Rooting for that little one to continue to grow and develop:) Your blog is such an inspiration and you are such a beautiful soul, inside and out xoxo

  201. This is a blessing!
    Congrats mamas!
    You are not alone.
    You have your family & friends.
    Plus your loving readers 🙂
    And most of all JESUS 🙂
    all the best!!!

  202. Gina Toothe says:

    Congrats on your new little miracle. I will be praying for you sweet girl 😉

  203. Laura says:

    Congrats mama, that is exciting news! I pray everything will continue as it should!!

  204. Wow ! Congratulation ! May God lead you trough all of this journey !

  205. oh goodness, you are so brave girl, and i just know that you have thousands of people praying for you and your family this time around. everything will be okay! so very happy for you!
    xo TJ

  206. Lizzy says:

    This is so amazing Casey!!!! I am so very happy for you and your family. My prayers are with you guys and the new little one <3

  207. SO amazing! You are such an inspiration in your faith!

  208. So so happy for you!!! 🙂

  209. Lindsay says:

    Congrats Casey! Sending lots of prayers for you and your lil miracle. Thank you for sharing such a personal moment.

  210. Anonymous says:

    Prayers for you, Casey! God is SO good, and he is in control of everything. I know you know that…try to take comfort! Congratulations!

  211. kori says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! PRAISE THE LORD!! I love reading your sweet blog! and I will be praying for you to have a healthy worry free pregnancy! I am so excited for you and cant wait to watch your family grow!!!


  212. Sydney says:

    Oh Casey – I'm so excited for you and your family!! Congratulations and you're all in my prayers. You are an amazing and strong woman. *Happy Dance*

  213. Susan says:

    How absolutely beyond exciting!
    Your sonogram piece totally reminded me of my own experience. I literally laughed out loud when she told me to look ~ so sure I was that I wasn't pregnant.
    So happy for you. Hugs.

  214. Brit says:

    amen honey! just take it one day at a time, praying all the while. you'll be in my prayers and thoughts as well. congratulations!

  215. Leah says:

    Wow, what a powerful testament to His faithfulness and power. I pray that all goes well with you and the new baby!

    xo L.

  216. Wow! So beautiful! Praise God & congrats!

  217. I will keep you in my thoughts! This is one the most emotion post I've read and I'm so happy for you! I'll send positive EVERYTHING your way. Just keep positive!

    xoMadeline Grace

  218. Talia says:

    Congratulations! What wonderful news! Sending hugs and prayers your way!! Yippee!!

  219. Ashlea Boyd says:

    Casey, I have recently started reading your blog and as someone who has dealt with troubles and pregnancy, I wanted to share something that helps bring me to a calm present moment,

    "Today I am pregnant, today I am happy"

    I will be praying for you and your beautiful family.

  220. Anonymous says:

    Such amazing news! Wishing your little Family all the very best. Such exciting news. You have an amazing outlook on life…having a positive and bright outlook is the best way to look at life.

  221. Breanna says:

    Congratulations love. You're family is in my prayers!
    God is good all the time 🙂

  222. wildchild says:

    oh my gosh, so happy for your sweet family. i'm praying that everything works out and god gives you strength for whatever the ending of the story is.

  223. Peggy says:

    OH sweetie! I am so happy and want you to know that you are being bathed in prayer for peace, safety, and health for you and your sweet babe. Congratulations!

  224. Thinking of you. So happy <3

  225. kinze says:

    oh girl … i felt like you were retelling one of my baby's stories … i felt your emotions to a T and know that i am praying … as i am pregnant once again and have passed the time when i miscarried i still deal with that fear … it is a daily thing that we need to hand over to God … but believe me … i know it's hard. luv ya and am soooo happy for you!

  226. Heidi says:

    You have an amazing perspective!! By realizing that God has the answers and not google…by knowing that one way or another you WILL hold your sweet babies, whether it is now here on Earth or when you meet them again someday. You will…families can be together forever! I admire your strength Casey! Your sweet little family will be in my prayers!

  227. Regina says:

    Think you should not have so many Sono´s with your Baby. It´s proved not to be so good for the baby.
    Be blessed

  228. So so excited for you! I've been following your blog for awhile now and am touched by your journey. I will be praying for you and the sweet precious baby love in your belly!! God is so gracious…makes me want to cry!!! Blessings!!!

  229. Ashlee says:

    This makes me so, so happy for you! I will be praying for a safe and happy momma and baby! May God bless you and keep you! 🙂

  230. Kira says:

    Praise the Lord! Congrats to you and your family.

  231. Lauren Shaw says:

    Casey, I read this post with tears of joy and gratitude for you and your family. Congratulations! My family is celebrating for you…my two year old just did his happy dance because I told him I'd read happy news : )

  232. Casey I am overjoyed for you and your beautiful family!! Thanks for sharing this with us..even though it is a scary thing to mention so early on. We are all here for you no matter what! You are a wonderful, sweet person and have such a good way of expressing your emotions. Congrats again, that is so exciting!

  233. Jennifer says:

    What a wonderful blessing and amazing faith!


  234. Anonymous says:

    SO so so so so so happy for you, my sweet friend. <3

  235. Aida says:

    may God bless you and your family, for you do deserve it!

    wishing you the best my dear!!!


  236. Congratulations! Praying for you…

  237. Aleyta says:

    Congratulations 🙂

  238. Mary says:

    praying for you all!

  239. I am Praising God for this wonderful news! you are such an amazing mama… i love hearing this!

    Exciting journey ahead! xxxx

  240. Tracy says:

    another A baby to add to the mix! so exciting! god bless!

  241. Casey– i dont know you, but i am so very proud of you and inspired by you and your sweet family. I can say that i can to relate with the feelings of panic, fear, excitement, joy all meshed into one tidal wave of emotion! When we got the positive for our baby girl Eden, i was terrified that i would too lose this baby. We lost our son, Noah before we even knew i was pregnant. God worked so many miracles through Eden already, and she is only 12 weeks old! Praying for you, chris, and your littles!!

  242. Casey, I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations! I know the feeling of being so excited and not wanting to wait to tell everyone. I pray for a strong and healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. =)

  243. Marie says:

    praise God for this new precious life in you!! So excited for you 🙂

  244. Crying tears of joy for you! As a mom with two on earth and one in heaven as well, my heart feels your words with such deep empathy. My prayers are for peace for you, and for a healthy journey of growth for your sweet child from your womb to your arms. God be praised!

  245. Elisha(: says:

    wow. So touching!<3 now following you!!

  246. You really have such an amazing family, I am so happy to hear of your new addition! So sorry to hear about your baby in heaven, but she/he is looking down and watching over you all. Many blessings on your journey together!!

  247. Congratulations on this little blessing! Many prayers, strength, and love for you, your family and your precious little gift of life!

  248. Amy Lynne says:

    SO excited for you! Congratulations sweetie!!

    I miscarried about a year and a half ago and I am still scared to get pregnant again, but it doesn't take the hope away. When I hear stories like yours it makes my heart so happy!

    I hope you have an awesome pregnancy!!

  249. Liesl says:

    What a heartfelt and honest post, Casey! This must have take so much courage to share, but by doing so you help so many others as well! Things happen for a reason, even when they are heartbreaking and hard to understand, but I am so glad that yours lead to such wonderful new of the new little one on the way! Sending all the best to you and so glad I was lead to your lovely, beautiful blog today to read such a genuine post…writing has always been a way of helping me as well!

    Liesl 🙂

  250. Unknown says:

    Crying tears of joy for you this morning. God bless you and your beautiful family. You two will be in my prayers daily.

  251. Yay! Praise God!!!! I thank you so much for sharing your story.. I am only 14 weeks along with my first and I have already been so inspired by you! When I think of the type of mom I want to be or when I start to feel scared or complain about not feeling well I think about you and what you have written and I am overcome with joy and gratitude that I am on this journey. Thank you and I pray for you and your little babe often!

  252. Mrs. Ford says:

    Praying for you and your little one! I hope all goes well, God will protect you through this!

  253. Rachael says:

    Congratulations on your new baby!! That is wonderful news. I haven't read about the loss of your child Addison, but I'm glad you have something now to be bursting with love about!

  254. Jen says:

    Hi Casey,
    I am new to your blog. I actually found it at a time in my life when I really needed it. At the beginning of November I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks after trying for 1 1/2 years to get pregnant. I always thought it would be so easy to get pregnant and never thought I would have to deal with this heartache. We got pregnant before without even trying and had a very healthy pregancy and now have a very healthy 4 year old, miscarriage and infertility couldn't effect me. I was so wrong. I was very depressed and I found your blog through another blog I read and saw your stories. It inspired me to write about our story in our private blog as well as do something to honor the baby we lost, Alexander. I did a photoshoot with the blanket we bought for him and a teddy bear I had bought to tell my husband when I found out about him. I didn't want to do anything at first, than I read your story about honoring your baby by naming him and it felt so right. I wanted to thank you for posting it and being brave enough to post this as well. It truly gives me the hope I desperately need! My doctor keeps saying it will happen, it will happen and it is hard not to give up but this makes me so happy and renews my faith! Prayers for your rainbow baby!!
    – Jen

  255. Congratulations to you and your (growing!) family! x

  256. Anonymous says:

    Congrats! Will be praying for you 🙂

  257. I am LOVD says:

    Casey, this will turn out good – believe it! You have to just believe it! Believe…

  258. Mrs. T says:

    Praise God! So happy for you all! Will be praying for you!

  259. steph nelsen says:

    so happy for you! my heart just raced. i know that horrid feeling of an empty sono. i had three these past two weeks and, unfortunately, was given the sickening news that it was ectopic. i am still recovering from the effects of the toxic methotrexate shot and slowly recovering emotionally, as well. prayers and positive thoughts your way for a healthy pregnancy! … and some for me next time too : )

  260. Beth Henson says:

    Congrats Casey!! I will be praying for you and baby!

  261. Lord Girl says:

    Praying you all the best for a smooth start to your pregnancy and beyond. God has it in control.

  262. YAY!!!!! 🙂 My hus and I are so excited for you and your family! We will be praying!

  263. I lost my last baby a few months before you, I became pregnant again a couple of months later. (we are now expecting a baby girl in 10 weeks) My heart broke for you when I read about your loss. I know it will all work out for you this time. Congratulations momma!

  264. Oh Casey, my heart is so happy for you this morning!!! What wonderful news! You, Chris, and that wonderful new miracle are in my prayers, always. LOVES!

  265. rachel says:

    congratulations & many prayers for a healthy pregnancy!

  266. Jen says:

    I am so happy for you. I just wanted to share that I miscarried my first baby and then four months later found out I was pregnant again. My next pregnancy was very healthy and it was a very easy pregnancy. My daughter was born several months later. I'm praying the same for you.

  267. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Casey!!!I'm new to your blog and I absolutely love it. I'm not a religious person, but you have such a beautiful heart. Not only are you such a fashionable and artistic woman, you are a great writer. I wish your family the best.

  268. CONGRATULATIONS! I wish you all the best with your gorgeous little baby. You are so loving and deserving. I'm pregnant with my second child, and I must say I can't believe how much strength and self belief God as given me, over the past year or so. I'm truly grateful. & just want to say a BIG thankyou, since reading your blog you've made me realize how important God is in life. Thankyou again and best of luck 🙂 <3

  269. Katie says:

    I almost cried. Congratulations Casey; you're a wonderful mother!

  270. Cecilie says:

    Dear sweet, sweet Casey! I can not tell you how excited I was for you guys when I read your post!!! Will be praying for all of you.

  271. Kat says:

    Congratulations! I literally held my breath after your first doctor's appointment and frantically started reading faster and faster.

  272. Anonymous says:

    oh my goodness! congratulations.

    may god bless you and keep your little children.

  273. Jenna says:

    With tears in my eyes, I want to say a HUGE Congratulations!!!!!! God is so GOOD. I will be praying for you and your new little one 🙂

  274. Chelsea says:

    Praying, praying, praying. Be strong, God is with you! Peace, love, and a smile! Chelsea

  275. Beautiful. Congratulations!

  276. Mrs.Sanders says:

    Congratulations!! I have read your blog with such hope and prayer that you would be blessed with a new little one to love! That is so awesome and God is so faithful. Your tears, memories, joy and trust in the Lord are so encouraging. Thank you.

  277. kittymclewin says:

    just want to say congratulations!!!! you've helped God change the way i see my kids and my life. 🙂

  278. Theresa says:

    You are so loved- there are so many comments here- it is amazing. I love when people share pregnancy early because a life is always worth celebrating.
    I know you are getting blood work done a lot, but I still wanted to suggest something to you. Ask your doctor about progesterone if it is not something they test. I had a miscarriage with my first but later had two happy healthy girls with progesterone supplementation. I am not saying you need this- of course not everyone does… it is just so easy to supplement that I try to tell everyone I know who has had a miscarriage. Not enough doctors know much about it so it isn't always looked into.

    Congratulations on this life! I know you are so excited and that is beautiful.

  279. WHAT?!?!? I am so behind!! Congrats,mama!! So so happy for you and your wonderful family!

  280. LindaMae says:

    I am a wife and mother of 3. I have never lost a baby but I have friends who have. I am also a woman who loves Jesus ad I am praying and believing for healthy baby. God knows that by telling part of your story you are encouraging other women. Keep sharing. Blessings!

  281. Renee says:

    Hi. I just recently found your blog and am in love with it!! I also wanted to say congratulations on the pregnancy… I have read through some older posts about your previous pregnancy and wanted to remind you (although I think you already know ) that God doesn't give anyone and I mean anyone more than they can handle…he knew you'd be strong enough to make it through last time and this time you will be stronger and hopefully God will bless you with a joyous and happy pregnancy and loving and healthy baby to be loved by all. May God give you all the strength to make it through this journey no matter the outcome and may he heal your hearts with a new love. 🙂 Your family sounds so lovely and I know the new baby will be adored! Congrats again!!

  282. I just now read this but I am SO EXCITED for you!! Praying for this pregnancy!

  283. Anonymous says:

    So amazing, casey. We are speechless and happy for you all. I also have one in heaven, one on earth and one due around the time Addison would have been. So I'm with you for all of the ups and downs. Thank you for your constantly open-hearted and uplifting writing. You are an inspiration to us all! We will be praying and looking forward to September right along with you!

  284. Congratulations on your amazing news. We too suffered a miscarriage 4 years ago and I know the anxiety it creates in subsequent pregnancies. May you find peace and comfort in Him. Congratulations!

  285. Ashley Rae says:

    All praise and honor to Him who holds our lives in His hands.
    I am truly touched by this. I myself have a child in heaven but it was because of my sin-my decision not to own up to my actions at the age of 19. And it took years before I could really give it to God and ask for forgiveness. But on the day I did, I felt such an incredible weight lifted off me and can't begin to explain the newness of life that has completely come over me since then.
    Our God is good.

    IG @always_ashleyrae

  286. Julie Marie says:

    this feeling that you explained is so real to me… i lost 2 babies, before i had my other took all my faith to trust that Gods promises were true and i would have a baby… =) congrats…

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