
Spring Cleaning Tips & Must-Have Gadgets

Spring Cleaning Tips & Must-Have Gadgets Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home, declutter, and deep clean. With the right cleaning tools, essential oils, and strategies, you can make your home feel fresh and renewed. Let’s dive into the top five spring cleaning tips, the best cleaning gadgets on Amazon, and must-have Young […]

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Mar 13


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    Ainsleigh Kate Wiegand

    Ainsleigh Kate Wiegand entered the world yesterday at 1:57 pm, 6 lbs 7 ounces. She came at 36 weeks just like her big brother Aiden and was admitted into Baylor NICU immediately after she was born. She is in the exact same situation as our Aiden so if you would like a refresher you can […]

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    Ainsleigh’s Nursery

    When we created the nursery for baby Aiden we tried to do everything soft and neutral so that when baby number 2, 3 & 4 roll along we wouldnt have to change much! Just add pink or blue accents and new clothes! I also have had a baby boy box and a baby girl box […]

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