
Spring Cleaning Tips & Must-Have Gadgets

Spring Cleaning Tips & Must-Have Gadgets Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home, declutter, and deep clean. With the right cleaning tools, essential oils, and strategies, you can make your home feel fresh and renewed. Let’s dive into the top five spring cleaning tips, the best cleaning gadgets on Amazon, and must-have Young […]

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Mar 13


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    baby love.

    Happy Monday!!! Some sweet sugar today with my little peach- she’s literally the most precious ever…words could never describe how much we adore her!  A few quick photos from last week! We are just in newborn heaven over here!  

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    Little Love.

    I actually love the nights with this sweet pumpkin. I’ve felt like this with each child…. The sweet, fleeting, intimate moments that happen in the middle of the night/ the rocking and nursing and quiet that comes when it’s just you two awake. The quiet walking up and down the hallways, the sound of the […]

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    The Story.

    5 years ago yesterday we lost our first baby.  And exactly 5 years later we will bring our last baby home.  Late last night this little peach came to our house for the very first time.  Our redemption song.  I really believe it is by no accident that on the exact day, 5 years later […]

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    One Week Old.

    When you are One Week Old today and rip out your wires so mom hurries to take a quick pic of your precious face before they put them back in!!!!  Our little princess is getting stronger each day!  So many beautiful flowers from the hospital!  Woke up with extra snuggles from my sunshine girl.  We […]

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    Adelaide Grace Wiegand.

    Introducing our precious Adelaide Grace Wiegand,  born Tuesday August 2nd at 6 pounds on the dot at 35 weeks, 5 days  ( coming early just like her brother and sisters ).  She is absolute perfection…..she’s been fought for and prayed for fiercely.  She’s our double rainbow, our redemption song. We are completely over the moon […]

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    baby girl.

    We ran over to the lake this weekend to snap a few last belly photos of this sweet girl.  The sunset was glorious and just a really sweet time by the water as a family.  It’s hard to believe it’s almost time!!! A chance I wasn’t sure I would get and now here it is, […]

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    baby. 34 weeks.

    I have about a thousand emotions as we get closer and closer to the end. Everyday at some point I get a wave of panic that we’ll lose her…. this is the hard thing about walking through loss so many times before….I guess that nervous feeling always has that sneaky way of creeping in.  Every […]

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    a Growing Baby Bump.

    33 weeks! What in the world, it is flying by!  I wanted to post a few recent baby bump pics because sweet baby girl is just growing by the minute. I am so incredibly thankful for the chance to carry this last addition to our family, for the chance to have redemption again in our […]

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