
parent child journal

Just Mom and Me: A Mother-Son Journal

Just Mom and Me: A Mother-Son Journal – Now Available for Preorder! There’s something so special about the bond between a mother and her son. It’s a relationship filled with love, laughter, and little moments that make life meaningful. But in the busyness of everyday life, finding time to connect can be a challenge. That’s […]

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Mar 14

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    Eight. ❤😭  At 11:32 on this day our eyes met for the first time- I’ll never forget the way in an instant my heart changed forever. Our eyes locked and I realized that day my heart would never be the same, there would always be a piece of it with you. You are the most […]

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    For the past few years I have chosen a word for the year.  It’s something that means a lot to me…it’s just one way I see God tangibly moving and working in my life…I see the constant theme of the word coming up over and over again throughout the year. The word is a symbol […]

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    Cali Trip.

    Last week we got back from a fun family trip to California and I wanted to put a few of the photos here! We took the kiddos out of school for a week and met my parents in Dana Point…it was truly such a sweet special time!  I posted this this week on Instagram and […]

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    Life Lately.

    It’s been awhile since I have written over here! This Christmas was so special and filled with so many sweet memories and moments that I will hold dear to my heart forever and ever.  We surprised the kids with 3 new pets! Ainsleigh and Apple got two new orange Siberian kittens ( Arlo and Simon….lovingly […]

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    Blog How to & Email List.

    I rarely talk about CaseyLeigh Essentials business over here but the truth is over the last two and half years it has radically changed our life.  Residual income, a community that feels like a family- a true sisterhood, an outlet for dreamers and lovers of wellness and walking along side people who want to change their […]

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    Buckwheat Pasta with Zucchini Pesto & Sunflower Seeds.

    Find The Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook here! Photography by Melina Hammer 

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    SO proud of you Christopher Wiegand !!!!  This film has won many awards and is such a beautiful piece, SO excited that I can finally share it now! It completed the festival circuit and is now online! It’s truly incredible to watch the person I love most, the person I get to do life with […]

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    NuRoo Baby.

    All four of my kiddos are so different and were even different as babies, but one common theme that they all ADORED is the swaddle. Literally I swaddled all of them for so long and sweet baby Adelaide is following right in those footsteps. So a good swaddle is key!  You guys, if they had […]

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    little peach.

    How sweet is this little peach? Savoring every little noise, snuggle and each sleepless night….because she’s our little dream and we love her so so much.  Adelaide Grace, you’re everything…. we all cant get enough of you! 

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    Can we seriously talk about my love for Mary&Kate?  Their organic products are not only exactly the kind of products that I want for my little ones but also ADORABLE.  Safe, non toxic products, I mean this is literally #1 on my priority list. And then on top of that, they are SO CUTE- they […]

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