
Fairybirds. Our party.

This past weekend we had three little friends over, their mamas and both my mom & Chris’ mom (Meme & Monga) for Ainsleigh’s Fairybird party. It was a small group for a private book reading and little celebration…. words really can’t describe how special this day was for our family. 
It started out and each little girl got a pair of wings and a headband. (Aiden went and got his Nike soccer headband so that he could hang too). They sat down in our living room by the Christmas tree and an explosion of colorful decorations to hear this precious & beautiful story.
I was immediately drawn to this book because the message is to teach children Giving, Love, Kindness…everything that we work to instill in our little ones daily. I have such a love and appreciation for art and for color and this book is so whimsical and beautiful….it’s true magic. 
After the reading the kids sat down to work on their Giving Craft and all did such a beautiful job. Seriously they were so cute y’all! And then just for fun (even though her birthday is in September) we let Ainsleigh blow out candles and everyone had lemonade, heart sandwiches and cupcakes! Swoon!
The book has such a beautiful message and the entire day was just incredibly sweet & precious. It blessed each of us so much.
Thank you SO much Fairybirds, we are HUGE fans!
You can purchase the book here// and watch a darling video here


December 18, 2013


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  1. Leah says:

    Everything you guys do is beautiful magic! I simply adore this and will check out the book and video! Hugs! 🙂

  2. TOI says:

    This is such a beautiful occassion. Aiden is so cute with his friend 🙂

  3. Raewyn says:

    Apple is beautiful beyond words – such a lovely little fairybird. Love, love the soul in these pictures…also, your children are far too precious, Casey, especially Aiden who keeps stealing my heart. When I can come babysit??

  4. Marsa says:

    Casey you are such a beautiful mom! both inside and out
    can't wait to see your little ones grow through the blog 🙂

  5. Shio Waline says:

    These pictures are just so whimsical and full of beauty!! I just love how your love for your children are captured in these precious moments! And that book sounds wonderful, I am definitely going to be checking that out! I always seem to think that you can never have too many books, right? 🙂 Thank you for always sharing you and your family's loveliness through your pictures!! xoxo!!

  6. toria says:

    so beautiful!! just the sweetest. are the flower crowns from the flower felt shop by cole on Etsy?

  7. Alexandria says:

    These photos are amazing.. love the film.
    Everything is so natural and angelic,
    what a precious family.

  8. Laura Hyde says:

    What a great party idea! I love each moment that you captured in these pictures. I am in awe of the little wings and how magical this whole day looked!

  9. raising your kids with such a passion for creativity and art is so inspiring…. thanks for sharing it all with us 🙂

  10. Katie F says:

    I love fairy birds. Their book is truly magical. And so is this party. I love reading your blog and seeing all your beautiful pics. What a great day

  11. oopsiemaizie says:

    such an adorable gathering… and such joy on your face! what a good mommy you are… this whole post made me smile… xo

  12. Oh my gosh! Aiden! He looks so grown up…and those pics of him and that cute little girl gave me flash forwards to when he goes to prom. You have the loveliest children, Casey! Thanks for always sharing your life and heart with us. As a new mama, I feel encouraged.

  13. CaseyWiegand says:

    ah I know he seriously steals my heart ahh!

  14. Jenna says:

    what a perfect little celebration! i can't believe how big apple looks. it happened over night!

  15. So incredibly precious! Beautiful photos–those are priceless.

  16. Charis says:

    How absolutely gorgeous!

  17. Krista Nile says:

    Loving this post and all of these pictures! Such a neat idea for a party, too! Thank you for sharing this 🙂

  18. Sherri says:

    I was not blessed with children but God has given me a full life in other ways, so I am okay. I so enjoy your posts because, if I did have little ones, I would want to teach them in this way. We are all "flesh, " so if we impart what Jesus wants us to be like early on, children can embody the fruits of the spirit as they grow up. Ainsleigh captures my heart with those dimples and blonde curls. Her tenderness with God's small creatures is something to behold. You have one beautiful family, my friend.

  19. This is so adorable! I did a similar party for my daughter a few years back. I got her the book of fairy houses that is amazing! Each of the girls at the party made a fairy house to bring home using the book as inspiration. Even as an adult these gorgeous houses made of nature where so magical and whimsical! You never get too old for fairies:)

  20. Alison Doyle says:

    Such a wonderful idea and it turned out beautifully! So much love in these photos. I wrote about this idea in a special place in my journal so that when I have kids I can do something similar to this!

  21. Julie Kure says:

    Oh my goodness, Ainsleigh is such a cutie pie. I love the theme, so special. You take amazing pictures, I am happy to have found your blog!

  22. Julie Kure says:

    What a cute theme. Ainsleigh is such a cutie pie. I love your pictures! Happy to have found your blog!

  23. Oh, Casey! I don't comment enough, but I wanted to let you know how much I love your blog. It always "speaks" to me and your photos are simply incredible. Thank you for sharing your sweet story and beautiful family with us readers.

    Hope you guys have an awesome weekend!

    Jessica @

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