
Love In Numbers.

I did one of these posts awhile back and felt like doing another! //
 original idea from Sometimes Sweet

1: The number of double dates I went on this week. I rarely eat out…so I kept joking that I was going to eat like a queen. How silly to be so excited about a huge Hibachi meal the entire day but I was! Oh and on the subject. Dressing up. It was so fun to get all dressed up…dress, tights and heels for a night on the town with my man. The wind in my hair and his hand in mine. Perfect. 

17: the number of photos on my pinterest board called “adventure”. If I had to place a visual with the way my soul feels about life- it’s this board of photos. They are my soul spilled out and transformed into the pixels of a photograph. Freedom & a desire for adventure!

21: the number of dinosaur pictures that I drew this week for Aiden to color. It is his favorite thing for me to draw a picture, he colors it and then practices his letters/writing by labeling their names on the various dinos! 

70: The number of times Apple & Ainsleigh played the Frozen soundtrack this week.

9. The number of swimsuits worn. We have had such nice weather in Texas. As soon as the sun comes out we pull out the sandbox and inflatable pool…ice pops in hand!

15: days until Hopespoken. If I seem all over the place the next two weeks this is why. So much to do, so much excitement pumping through my veins….pure bliss!

1: the number of times that I got to go see my sweet new little nephew this week. oh fever. The smell of a precious new babe, the little noises they make and the way their eyes look at everything with such wonder. Oh boy. He is perfect and snuggling him was a highlight.

Countless: the number of times my heart nearly stopped with such overflowing gratitude. 



March 14, 2014


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  1. Franchesca says:

    B E A U T I F U L <3 I love this type of post!!

  2. Simple-Savvy says:

    love those dinosaur pictures. so cute!! also, really like this post 🙂

  3. I absolutely love this! I think I have listened to the Frozen soundtrack almost as many times as Apple and Ainsleigh!

  4. I just love you! And I so wish I was coming to Hope Spoken!

  5. Annie says:

    I love that Aiden loves dinosaurs as much as he did last year when we saw you and your family. I adore that picture of the girls. And I can't wait to see you at Hope Spoken! I can't believe it's almost here already!

  6. Karly Gomez says:

    What a great idea, love in numbers. I miss getting to do a lot of things because having four kids barely four years apart in age makes it difficult for me to manage alone. I get this crazy fear that something bad will happen to one of them because I only have so many eyes, ears and hands to keep track of everything. If it's possible to love them too much, I'm there, in it deep. I'm blessed with these darling children and it's paralyzing.

  7. Jane says:

    I'm the same way. We rarely eat out as well, and I get really excited when we do. Btw, i love hibachi, one of my favorites.
    My kids have been playing the Frozen sound track non stop as well. We love it at our house 🙂
    When I look at my kids, i feel so blessed. It's a feeling that cant be described w words. It's overwhelming and beautiful all at the same time!

  8. Leah says:

    I love, love, love this SO very much! You are just the sweetest and make my heart so happy!! 🙂

  9. Anonymous says:

    You and your kiddos do beautiful artwork! Maybe I'll have to try this numbers thing on my blog too.

  10. Aunie says:

    The dino photos are so cute! What a great idea for kids to do as an activity with their parents 🙂

  11. Anonymous says:

    Such a fun post, Casey! Love the idea and may have to borrow it for my own blog. (Winks!) Beautiful photos; sweet words. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Georgia says:

    such a nice post and wonderful photos!

  13. McKynzie says:

    This is so cute! I love your blog and am in love with your photos! I might try this sometime…

  14. Your love is contagious. Thanks for sharing all the good stuff 🙂

  15. Johnsons says:

    I have to tell you…I've had "one of those days", but coming to your blog brightened my day and has made me step back to think about what I'm grateful for. Now I can't wait to get home to my babies for kisses and cuddles :-). Thank you!

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