
Young Living Convention Recap

Young Living Convention Recap

Recap of My Exciting Time at the Young Living Convention

If there’s one thing that can make my heart sing, it’s spending time with my Young Living family at our annual convention. This year was no exception, filled with excitement, learning, and of course, a lot of lavender! Here’s a fun recap of our time together.

A Lavender Lover’s Dream: Mona Lavender Farm

We ended our adventure with a visit to the enchanting Mona Lavender Farm. Imagine fields upon fields of vibrant purple blooms, their calming scent wafting through the air. It was like stepping into a lavender lover’s paradise! 🌿💜 We got to see firsthand where some of our beloved oils come from, and it made me appreciate the magic of nature even more.

We here makin MAGIC 🙌🙌🙌🙌
I’ve been aligned with this company for close to ten years and my deep love started with very personal testimonies that are close and dear to my heart. One of my own after my fourth D&C and one with one of my children who had an incredibly scary health story for two years. My experience opened my eyes fully. I saw what these products could do. I couldn’t not share what I was seeing behind the doors of my home.
Then I found a family.
Everything here in Utah has been pure, soft, beautiful, tender, and humble. They lead quietly. These are my precious people and as always there is a spot for you here too. Passionate women fighting for a different story for their families. Leading people to freedom in their health stories, getting better products on little hands and products supporting their personal health stories in countless ways, what an honor. Ten years in and the testimonies are countless. Beyond the products tho, women in these pictures and videos have touched my life forever.
Thankful for this community and the tens of thousands not pictured here at this event 😉.
Best team ever. Best company.

Team Time: Strengthening Bonds and Building Dreams

One of the highlights of the convention was the precious time spent with my incredible team. There’s nothing like the camaraderie and support we share, and this time together was all about strengthening those bonds. We laughed, we strategized, and we dreamed big. Whether it was over a casual coffee or during our business strategy meetings, the energy and enthusiasm were palpable.

Business Strategy Meetings: Mapping Out Success

Our business strategy meetings were a goldmine of ideas and inspiration. We brainstormed, planned, and set our sights on new heights. These sessions were not just about business; they were about envisioning our future and setting the stage for success. It was invigorating to see everyone’s passion and commitment to growing and thriving together.

Sneak Peek: Exciting New Products

What’s a Young Living convention without the thrill of new products? We got an exclusive sneak peek at the latest additions to our lineup, and let me tell you, they are game-changers! From innovative wellness solutions to delightful new scents, there’s so much to look forward to. I can’t wait to share these goodies with everyone!

Cherishing Every Moment

Our time at the Young Living convention was nothing short of magical. From the serene beauty of the Mona Lavender Farm to the invigorating strategy sessions and the joy of discovering new products, every moment was a reminder of why I love what I do. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who share the same passion and vision is truly inspiring. Here’s to more adventures, growth, and success together!

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July 22, 2024


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