
Travel Tips, Spring Break with Kids

Can you believe that spring break is right around the corner?! Traveling and experiencing adventure as a family is something that I treasure so much!

Travel with four kiddos can run smoothly, if I take the time to be intentional and set us up for success! I’m excited to share with y’all some of my favorite travel tips!

+ Activity Bags

I love to prepare a bag for each of my kids based on their age. I’ll stick coloring books, crayons, games, books, simple crafts – anything to keep them busy, that will limit their screen time.

Make sure and check out this airplane activities for toddlers post that I wrote HERE

+ Tablet (loaded with movies) & Headphones

We try to be conscious about screen time, but sometimes travel calls for us to relax in this area a bit! No shame in using the tools that are available to you, mamas! I download a favorite movie and show for each kid and make sure to pack headphones.

+ Stretch your legs

Whether it’s in the aisle of the plane, in the airport during a layover, or at a rest stop on a road trip, giving our kids a chance to walk around a bit, and get a good stretch in, helps them to feel their best and makes the travel time feel less daunting.

+ Snacks

This one is pretty obvious! I try to pack each kiddo some of their favorite healthy snacks, in easy to grab baggies. Hunger can affect our moods more than we may realize!

+ Treats

I’m going to be honest here, not all of the snacks are healthy 😉 sometimes you need a treat or two to keep the little ones from melting down. Consider organic lollipops or trail mix with chocolate and marshmallows.

+ Deep breaths, realistic expectations & a whole lot of grace!

Mindset is everything! I try to remember how precious this time is, and that soon enough my kiddos will have families of their own, and we might not all be traveling together. Of course there will be tough moments, traveling as a family of six, but if I can stay in a space of gratitude, it’s easier not to sweat the small stuff!

Be sure to let me know in the comments if you have any tips that have made travel easier for your family!


February 7, 2020


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