
Sprinkle Milkshakes in Mason Jars

Mary Beth Johnson is a writer based in Atlanta, GA. She is currently writing her first book in between school drop off and laundry piles.

She can be found every day on Instagram and at the local coffee shop.

Start the New Year off right with these sprinkle milkshakes in mason jars. You can whip up your favorite shake in a blender with some milk and some ice cream, but take it up a notch with these chilled mason jars and rims full of rainbow sprinkles. Your kids’ faces will spread into wide smiles of delight when they see a little splash of whimsy added to theses glasses.

Sprinkle Milkshakes in Mason Jars

What You’ll Need:

  • Mason jars
  • Rainbow sprinkles
  • Melting white chocolate – I’ve tried many and Ghirardelli is my favorite
  • Favorite ice cream flavor
  • Milk

tae mason jar and dip in melted white chocolate

Step One: Melt the white chocolate in a microwavable bowl on low/medium heat. I’ve used many melting chocolates and it’s hard not to overheat them and cause the consistency of the chocolate to become unusable. I tried these Ghirardelli white chocolate melting wafers this time and they worked perfectly. Smooth, creamy, and the chocolate is incredible! Take the mason jars and dip them into the melted chocolate. Have your sprinkles ready for the next step.

twist melted chocolate rims of mason jars into bowl of rainbow sprinkles

Step Two: Dip the melted chocolate rims into a bowl of your rainbow sprinkles. Swirl until the rim is completely covered.

rainbow sprinkles on edge of mason jar glass

Step Three: Put your mason jars in the fridge to speed up the cooling process. I didn’t realize that the rims would start to sink down (as seen below) but if I had put them in the freezer or refrigerator for a couple minutes I think it would have prevented this from happening.

rainbow sprinkles on rims of mason jar glasses

Step Four: mix your milkshakes with your favorite ice cream flavor and milk. I like to use my Ninja blender to shake the ice cream so it becomes frothy and well incorporated. Pour into the chilled mason jar glasses and top with a straw.

white chocolate melted on mason jar rims to hold rainbow sprinkles in place

Whether you’re staying in or going out for New Year’s these sprinkle milkshakes in mason jars will complete the celebration and bring festive cheer to every heart and hand. Happy 2020! May it bring you much peace, love, and joy as you say goodbye to 2019.

sprinkle milkshakes in mason jars with gold striped straws


December 30, 2019


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