
Apple Lucy Wiegand.

Apple Lucy was born at 7:15 am on August 21, 2012. 
I went into labor at 12:40 am and was in for my third c.section by 7 am.
36 weeks and 2 days
7 lbs, 4 ounces
She has been in NICU since delivery but is doing fabulous! 

We are completely over the moon!!! She is the sweetest little thing and smells like heaven on earth, I couldn’t be more blessed. The kids got to meet her today for the first time (pics coming soon) and I got to hold her for the first time today!!

We are so in love!!!!!


August 23, 2012


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  1. Jessica says:

    She is SO beautiful congrats!!! I was born at 25 weeks!

  2. Kendall says:

    Oh, Casey. My heart is so full! I am so happy for you! Welcome baby Apple!! xo.

  3. Mrs Mason says:

    Ahh! Super congratulations to you all. Lovely name too. Hope she continues to go from strength to strength xx

  4. Kate says:

    yay! Congrats! 🙂

  5. what a sweet little one!!! so happy for you and your beautiful family!

  6. Lori Crooks says:

    Congrats!!! She is a beauty! I'm glad you all are doing well!

  7. Rachel says:

    So happy for you!! My Sam( was born 4 weeks early too! I can't beliee how big she is! Which is great!! I know you have done the NICU before but my prayers are with you and little Apple. Hoping she makes a quick exit into your arms and home!!

  8. helen says:

    This is just AWESOME NEWS <3

    Wow, 7lbs already, wonder what she would of been had you gone to 39 weeks! 😉

    Enjoy those sweet newborn smells. 🙂

  9. Emily says:

    praise God from whom all blessings flow!! she is beautiful!! hugs!!

  10. Alyssa says:

    Congratulations!! So awesome!!!!!

  11. Gaby says:

    congratulations! she is beautiful x

  12. Kami says:

    So blessed. She is a beauty from heaven. So glad you made it so far. She weighs more than both my full term babies. Congratulations!!!!

  13. Mandy says:

    so precious! 😀 congrats!!

  14. Ashley Baker says:

    She is precious! Congrats… there is nothing like sweet newborn babies! Enjoy every minute : )

  15. Chelsea says:

    She's beautiful! Just like the rest of her family! Congratulations!

  16. Incredible! Congrats! 🙂

  17. Such a beautiful bundle of joy 🙂

  18. Jen says:

    Congratulations! I am so glad everyone is okay!! My sister's birthday was yesterday…it is a great day to be born. 🙂

  19. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful name, for such a precious baby 🙂 Congratulations to you, and your lovely family. Thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

  20. She is beautiful Casey!! And I love her name! My baby is Lucy! 🙂 You are so blessed! Enjoy her newness! There is nothing like it!

  21. The picture of your hubby holding apple tight brought tears to my eyes! So sweet. Congrats mama!

  22. Congratulations!! She is beautiful!! I am so happy for you! Happy that you have her, happy she is doing well, happy that you got to hold her, and her siblings got to meet her! Ahhh so much preciousness in this post!

  23. Congrats, doll. She's beautiful.

  24. congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your awesome family 🙂 God bless you all.

  25. So incredibly sweet! Congrats to the Wiegand family!!

  26. Mrs. Baker says:

    she's precious! congrats!

  27. The Maxell's says:

    She is gorgeous! Welcome to the world, baby Apple! My son was 6 weeks early 🙂

  28. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful, beautiful baby girl! Congratulations!Even though I have never met you God has been putting it on my heart to pray for you… my prayers will continue for a quick recovery for you after the c-section and that God will bless beautiful baby Apple with even more good health and progress! Blessings to you and your beautiful and inspiring family! <3

  29. Mommy Lauren says:

    Congrats! 7lbs at 36 weeks, that is Ah-mazing!! She looks like a precious angel, what a wonderful post!

  30. Dawn Duddy says:

    Oh Casey! She's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Wow! I'm so happy for you all! Heavenly Father, bless this wonderful family, keep each one healthy, safe and strong and my their hearts always follow You! Holy Spirit, surround this family with your love! In Jesus Precious Name…. Amen!

  31. congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your amazing family 🙂 God bless you all

  32. Megan says:

    Casey!! I have been thinking of you and your family!!

    Apple is BEAUTIFUL!! That is great that you all have already gotten to hold her and do kangaroo care!! Jeremy and I had to wait 2 WHOLE weeks before being able to hold Olivia when she was in the NICU since she was so early!

    I am SO happy for you and your family that she is doing great!!! 🙂

  33. B says:

    that is SO great to hear! & what a blessing her healthy weight is!! congratulations mama!

  34. congratulations! I'm so happy for you and for your amazing family 🙂 God bless you

  35. Congratulations!! Newborn babies are just so so precious. I'm so happy shes here and healthy!

  36. Mindy Harris says:

    casey she is beautiful! i knew she would be, of course. i'm glad things are going so smoothly and that you've already gotten to hold her. she has a good birth weight, don't you think? wilder weight 7 7 and sissy 7 9. i pray for you guys alot. sure love you.

  37. congratulations! I'm so happy for you and for your amazing family 🙂 God bless you all

  38. She is so beautiful! So happy she is doing well.


  39. melody-mae says:

    The pictures of you and your husband holding her really just got to me. Blessings abound!

  40. Anonymous says:

    She is gorgeous! Congratulations to you all, what a happy time!

  41. Elisha says:

    Apple Lucy. She's darling.

    Soo proud of you!! CONGRATS!!! <3


  42. Elisha says:

    Apple Lucy. She's darling.

    Soo proud of you!! CONGRATS!!! <3


  43. The Smore's says:

    so so so happy for you all!!!! xoxoxox

  44. Holly Noel says:

    So amazing! So happy to see your sweet little apple arrived safe & sound. She's beautiful! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations & love!

    The Artist Who Never Starved

  45. Stefanie says:

    Congratulations! I'm a bit of a lurker, but I had to come out and say how happy I am for y'all… she is just precious!! God gives the BEST gifts, doesn't He??

  46. Congrats! God is good all. the. time.

  47. Gloria says:

    Praise Jesus!! Congratulations you guys!!!!!! Praying she'll be able to come home soon 🙂

  48. Ashton says:

    Praise the Lord!! We are so happy for you guys! 🙂

  49. She is so precious! Congratulations to you and your sweet family! 🙂

  50. I am so overcome with joy for you guys!!! congratulations!!!!



  51. Kate says:

    congratulations! so happy for your family! welcome to the world Apple <3

  52. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on a beautiful little girl!

  53. Congrats, Casey!! SO happy for you and your sweet family!

  54. The picture of you holding her to your chest… oh Case… such a sweet sweet moment! Love you bestie! xoxox

  55. amberlyn jo says:

    Beautiful! Everything. Just beautiful!

  56. Brenna Boyd says:

    What a beautiful little girl and I love her name! Congrats!

  57. amberlyn jo says:

    Beautiful. Everything. Just beautiful.

  58. Alyssa says:

    You kept her cooking in there for a good long day! GO you! 🙂 She's beautiful! 🙂

  59. Nicole says:

    You look so so strong! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Chelsea says:

    Wow!! I am just so happy for your family. Congratulations, she is beautiful! God is good!

  61. natalia says:

    congratulations & welcome to the world miss apple lucy.

    great job mama & dad. another little blessing for your beautiful family.

  62. Kelly says:

    Congratulations. What a beautiful blessing. Love and prayers. xxO

  63. Maggie says:

    Priase God – you made it so far! So happy for your sweet family 🙂 Love you.

  64. Evee says:

    So happy for your sweet family. You popped into my mind during yoga tonight and I sent plenty of good happy thoughts and energy your way. God bless – she is absolutely breathtaking. 🙂

  65. Roselle says:

    BIG congrats 🙂
    Welcome to the world Apple!

  66. Ohhhh, my heart was filled with SO much joy for your sweet, little family as I opened my email tonight! Huge congrats to you all, she is too sweet 😉

  67. Gabbi says:

    A great big congratulations. You did good girl. Welcome baby apple.

  68. Heidi says:

    Congratulations! What a beauty!

  69. terrid614 says:

    oh my sweet goodness! congrats and blessings to your whole family! she is beautiful! best wishes and love!

  70. Bethany says:

    She's beautiful! Congrats and praying you get to take her home soon!

  71. Anonymous says:

    Congratualtions!!!!!! She's beautiful.

  72. Precious <3


  73. Sadie Dear says:

    Congratulations, beautiful momma! I wish you and your family the absolute best in the months to come. =)

  74. Joanna says:

    beautiful. so happy for you

  75. SuperMilf says:

    Gorgeous! Congrats! 7/4 is an awesome size. She is such a lucky little baby to be born into such a loving home.

  76. Good work Casey! She is beautiful. I will be praying that she keeps doing FABULOUSLY and gets to go home soon. 🙂

  77. MJW says:

    Congrats!! She is so precious! May God continue to bless you and your family! Take Care!

  78. congratulations! what a great weight for over 3 weeks early. praise God! hope everyone is doing well.

  79. Flor says:

    congratulations! she is just gorgeous, beautiful pictures!

  80. Monica says:

    She's beautiful! Congrats to you and Chris!

  81. She is beautiful!!! Congratulations to you!! Love and blessings to you all my, Sally xoxo

  82. kelly ann says:

    So, so glad you all are healthy and happy!! I've been praying for you and little Apple… she's just beautiful. Love you, mamas!

  83. What a miracle, a precious gift. Xo

  84. Lexi Hayes says:

    you two make the most precious babies! so thankful everything went well for you, she looks so sweet

  85. Nikkiana says:

    What a cutie! And I love her little bow. 🙂

  86. mai says:

    so precious.

  87. Nicole says:

    Congrats! You have a beautiful family and she looks like a little piece of Heaven 🙂

  88. Joyeful says:

    so happy for you all!! Apple looks beautiful and healthy!! what a blessing!

  89. Lindsay says:

    Congrats Casey. She is perfect!

  90. BethAnn says:

    Casey! These photos are simply stunning. I am so happy for you and your beautiful growing family. I pray for your aches and pains due to the c-section to give your body strength in recovery, in addition to Apple's wonderful light and strength. What a beautiful mother you are. I can't wait for the next photo update!
    God bless.

  91. McCall Gray says:

    Breathtaking pictures! Congratulations on such a precious little blessing. I am sure you were in love from the 1st second you laid eyes on her. Best wishes & prayers your way! You deserve nothing but the best sweet friend.

  92. McCall Gray says:

    Breathtaking pictures! Congratulations on such a precious little blessing. I am sure you were in love from the 1st second you laid eyes on her. Best wishes & prayers your way! You deserve nothing but the best sweet friend.

  93. amy72 says:

    congratulations hun! well done for getting so far after the first scare. crossing my fingers you'll be home in no time! xx she is adorable. the nicu journey is something nobody can understand unless they've been through it – take time to look after yourself & enjoy those kanga cuddles. xx love the photos. so happy she is doing well.

  94. Alexandra says:

    Aww! My heart just melted 🙂 So happy for y'all. And I agree, she seriously is the luckiest kid in the world to be born into such a loving family.

  95. Helen R. says:

    congrats!! :)))))

  96. dalima26 says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! To you and your family,glad all is ok for you and your beautiful family. She is so precious. Can't wait to see more pics. Bless..Take care and hope you will all be home soon..Maria..xx

  97. She´s a doll! congrats to you and your family!

  98. merideth says:

    yay!! so happy. what a beautiful picture of you holding baby apple.
    looks like all is well and that is wonderful!

  99. Congratulations. I'm so glad that she's here safe and sound, and what a great weight for being so early. She is absolutely beautiful and I love those photos of you both holding her, absolutely precious. X

  100. Saar says:

    Congrats!! She looks perfect! 😀 I knew she was going to be fine! 😀

    love, Saar

  101. Jade Steckly says:

    Congratulations Casey! Your photos just warm my heart…I am so happy for your family!

  102. Lulu says:

    Congratulations Casey! She is absolutely gorgeous and you are looking so beautiful too! Such a sweet blessing.
    Love from lulu x

  103. Megan says:

    SO thrilled she's here and doing well. And, so BIG for being early!! Hoping she graduates from the NICU quickly, so that you can bring her home where she belongs 🙂
    Thanks for sharing-

  104. Casey says:

    Congratulations to you all! She's so beautiful! Prayers that she continues to grow, do fabulously, and go HOME! 🙂

  105. Kim Wedlock says:

    Congratulations! And what a great weight indeed! I was 1lb heavier and I was a week late!

    One thing I wonder though, with C-Sections, if you've had three, are they able to cut in the same place as before, or do they make an incision elsewhere and you end up with another scar? I'm just wondering – I can't tell what life might throw at me in the future!

  106. Fairy Baby says:

    Congratulations, she's a beauty and I'm so glad you're all doing well!! I've kept you in my prayers and I'm so excited that you get to experience a new baby 🙂

    Love from Brussels,
    The Fairy Mom

  107. Fairy Baby says:

    oh and looking forward to the pics of that first encounter between ains, aiden & apple 🙂

  108. Alizia says:

    Big congratulations! She is so sweet. Good health for to her!

  109. Merylu says:

    she's adorable! congratulations!

  110. Merylu says:

    she's adorable! congratulations!

  111. Alex Andra says:

    Oh my god… congratulations! 🙂

  112. Alex Andra says:

    Oh my god… congratulations! 🙂

  113. Lins says:

    Happy beyond words for you & fam.

    God is good.

  114. what a huge blessing for you guys…wrapped up in such a tiny little person…she is just the most precious little thing! Enjoy these sweet moments to the fullest…many congratulations!

  115. Sarah says:

    A talented heart, mind and mother…and talented at creating
    beautiful children to…good luck little family x Sarah

  116. Parker Post says:

    Oh Congrats! You are truly blessed!

  117. Sarah says:

    Wow, amazing little one! Our prayers are with you. Love.

  118. ::Holly:: says:

    congratulations! i am so happy that you made it to 36 weeks & that she is doing well!

  119. ::Holly:: says:

    congratulations! it's awesome that you made it as far as you did & that she is doing well. so so sweet!

  120. Congratulations; Apple is precious! I've been praying for you guys whenever the Lord brings you to my mind – praise Him for such a great birth weight and a safe delivery. I hope this means she doesn't have to stay in NICU for long…will keep praying!

  121. I am LOVD says:

    The "Apple" of your eye is finally here in the flesh!! Congrats to you, Chris, and the whole fam!!!!

  122. Devon says:

    Oh I am so glad,,congrats on a beautiful baby are beautiful..she is beyond beautiful..

  123. Tara says:

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!! She is beautiful, what a blessing!

  124. Congrats! Such a beautiful family!!!

  125. Sarah says:

    Congrats Casey!
    She is the sweetest little Apple dumpling I have ever seen!!

    Many blessings to you and your family!
    Cellar Designs

  126. mama foosa says:

    Congratulations to you and your precious family 🙂 She is beautiful!

  127. Congratulations to all of you!! She's beautiful.

    xoxo andrea

  128. so glad that she is here and doing well. Congratulations!!

  129. Ms George says:

    So precious! Congratulations!

  130. Amanda says:

    Congratulations!!! She is just beautiful! Great job keeping her in and safe for so long, Mama!!!

  131. emsie says:

    She's amazing! What a joy! Congratulations!

  132. Sydney says:

    Congratulations! Prayers that she keeps doing so well and will be home with you all soon. She's absolutely beautiful.

  133. ksmith says:

    Congratulations!!!! She is gorgeous!!!

  134. Sara says:

    Wow, she is precious. Congratulations!

  135. isabel says:

    congrats!!!! she looks precious! hopefully you can take her home soon!!!

  136. Congrats on the amazing little girl! 🙂

  137. cathylynn says:

    Congratulations to you and your family! Apple is precious and beautiful. Praise the Lord for such a wonderful blessing. Also Thanks for sharing this incredible journey with us in blog land! WOW I'm so happy that everyone is fabulous!
    Hugs, Cathy-Lynn

  138. She's so beautiful! Congratulations to you and Chris 🙂

    can't wait to see more pictures!

  139. Marjorie says:

    Congrats! Amazing pictures! My 2nd was born at 36 weeks 3 days 🙂

  140. Congrats! She is beautiful!

  141. Beautiful, wonderful news. Everyone looks over the moon blissed out. Congratulations and all my best xox

  142. Sarah says:

    A sweet congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful Apple Lucy.

    So much love.

  143. Kelli says:

    A big congrats! I have been praying for you and Apple for the last few months. What a blessing to have her here and safe in your arms! Our little girls are almost exactly 2 weeks apart :). God Bless all of you.

  144. Anonymous says:

    She's absolutely perfect! Congratulations!!

  145. Kasey March says:

    Congrats to you and your beautiful family. Little Apple is gorgeous!

  146. Congrats! That is so sweet. The miracle of child birth. Wow. Blessings to you guys!!!!!!!

  147. Lottie says:

    congratulations–you deserve this so much!

    i am so happy for you and your family 🙂

    hope you are doing well too.

  148. Anonymous says:

    Oh, congratulations, Casey!

  149. So. So happy for you. I have chills.

  150. Beth Ann says:

    She is just beautiful!!! And what a big girl she is! Great job, momma! Hope she gets to go home soon! Hugs and congrats!

  151. Mara and Jae says:

    7 pounds?? that's pretty good! way to go miss Apple 🙂 congrats! happy day.

  152. Cara says:

    Amazing! Congrats!!

  153. so exciting. much anticipated. so happy she is here and sooooo loved 🙂

  154. Anonymous says:

    beautiful! she's here! congrats! and you are a fast blogger! we both are due at the same time…can't wait for my little one to be here, i feel like i'm stretched out to the max!

  155. Jen says:

    COngrats!! She's a good size, hopefully she will be home soon! : )

  156. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! Hope you get to take her home soon 🙂

  157. Congratulations. She is just precious. I wish you a speedy NICU visit. My twins just hit 9 weeks and I am having a very hard time right about now. Strength to you and yours.


  158. Anonymous says:

    She's beautiful! Congratulations! I can't even imagine what a blessing that must feel like!


  159. im so so happy for you wonderful family! she is one beautiful baby girl, her name is so sweet! congrats, im glad she is doing great!

  160. Jessica says:

    So precious. You are one lucky mama!

    Following you now on GFC from the GFC Link Up. I'd love a follow back if you're not already. 😉 Love it if you could link up to Weekend Blog Walk tomorrow afternoon (Friday- but we're up all weekend long!).

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  161. Jessica says:

    Also would love for you to be a Guest Co-host on Weekend Blog Walk sometime. I know you're super busy right now, so let me know if you'd be interested.

  162. Erika says:

    Wow! Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!

  163. Tiffany says:

    She is here!!!! Congratulations!!!

  164. Kristal says:

    Congratulations, so happy for you guys!

  165. astr!d says:

    congrats on a healthy baby girl! and your husband is such a hottie with a newborn babe! sending much love your way!!!

  166. Congratulations Casey! She is beautiful! I am so happy for you and can't wait to see more pics! XOXO

  167. brittany says:

    congrats!! as soon as i opened your blog and saw that footprint-printed hospital receiving blanket i just knew what this post was announcing. i am so happy for you guys!! praying she is out of NICU very soon and everyone can enjoy her at home 🙂

  168. Joii C. says:

    Yayyyyy! We serve an awesome God. Another beautiful baby, born to worship him. I am happy that you all are well. God has smiled on you….again! 🙂

  169. Leslie Reed says:

    Awww, she's soooo cute! Congratulations!

  170. Cara H says:

    SO BEAUTIFUL and so precious. Praising God and His amazing grace with you. Yay for number three!!!

  171. Erika says:

    She is so beautiful! Oh my goodness.

  172. Leah says:

    I just saw this! Congrats! She is precious! 🙂 Glad you both are doing well!

  173. Cathy says:

    congrats!!! I must say I'm a bit envious! I'm due Sept. 14 and scheduled for a repeat c (#4) on Sept. 10 and I'm still hanging in there….how do you look so amazing after a c-section! I do NOT look like that! Beautiful baby! So happy for your precious family!

  174. Congratulations Casey and family! How exciting 🙂 God is good!


  175. Megan says:

    perfect in every way:)

  176. Lord Girl says:

    She is stunning – congratulations! How beautiful she is 🙂 Great job keeping her in there as long as you did Mama. You did great.

  177. Nicole Renee says:

    Adorable! Congrats!!!

  178. Nicole Renee says:

    Adorable! Congrats!

  179. Libby A. says:

    made me tear. made me want another babe. These pictures are gorgeous..and so is she :). Congratulations!!

  180. Stephanie says:

    What a blessing!!!!!? Congratulations to you ALL!

  181. Stephanie says:

    What a blessing!!!!! Congrats to you ALL!

  182. Roksalanna says:

    Congratulations Casey and Christopher, Aiden and Ainsleigh on the arrival of beautiful Apple Lucy. She is gorgeous.

  183. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations, Casey! She's absolutely precious and such a blessing!

  184. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations, Casey! She's absolutely precious and such a blessing!

  185. She is absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations!! My heart is so happy for you!!

  186. Yay, Yay, Yay! Congrats to you all, welcome to the world little Apple! XxOo~M

  187. Kym says:

    Congratulations! you made it! she's here! 🙂 and she's beautiful

  188. Jovita says:

    Congratulations Casey! Little Apple is so sweet and I can't wait to see more of her. Be blessed always:)

  189. Congrats! She's gorgeous! I've been keeping an eye out for word of her arrival. I'm so relieved to hear that everything went fine and she is doing well.

  190. Leesh says:

    Congratulations to you and Chris! It warms my heart to know that Apple arrived into this world safe and sound.

  191. Kara says:

    What a gorgeous girl!
    So happy for you and your family.

  192. Becca Acker says:

    Congratulations! So precious to see her being so loved already. 🙂

  193. Kerry says:

    Beautiful baby girl. Congratulations!!!

  194. Jenna says:

    What a little sweetheart!! Congrats to your family, I've been praying for you all 🙂 God bless you!

  195. Oh welcome baby, sweet sweet baby! And sweet blessings to mommy and all who love her!!!


  196. CONGRATULATIONS CASEY!!!! She is absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you and your incredible family! xoxo

  197. mK says:

    YAY! Congrats girl!!! What a blessing!!!

  198. Dawn. W says:

    Congratulations to you all, she looks so precious, you kinda forget just how tiny newborns are, prem babies even more so. But she was a good weight, heavier than mine at full term! My brother was born at 30 weeks and only weighed 2lb 2oz and was the length of my dads hand (8/9ins) but you wouldn't think it now.
    I hope all goes well for you and you can have baby Apple at home where she belongs.
    love and hugs

  199. Congrats! I heart your blog! I'm a new GFC follower 🙂

  200. teeny says:

    congratulations on the arrival of your newest blessing. wishing you nothing but smiles.


  201. Jennifer says:

    Congratulations!! She is so precious.

    Where is your headband from?!

  202. Gina Toothe says:

    Welcome to the world Miss Apple Lucy!! Congrats to the Wiegand family!! such JOY 😉

  203. ZADIN says:

    Great post, I came almost to crying.

    I like how even thought she has all kind of tubes connected to her she still has a head band. How precious.

  204. Janna Fuchs says:

    I'm so happy for ya'll!

  205. MK says:

    Congratulations!! Wonderful news.. and you did so incredibly well! 🙂

  206. Rachel says:

    Congrats to all of you. Faith is evident!! So happy for you and hoping she's home soon, and you heal quickly!

    Krutsch's in SD

  207. Shannon says:

    Congratulations! She is precious and I love her name. So glad you & Apple are doing well.

  208. patty says:

    and welcome to the world little "apple lucy"…

  209. Anna @ IHOD says:

    She is perfect. So happy for you beautiful mama! Praying for your rest and recovery as well as for Apple's delivery home soon! xx

  210. blessings friend!! congrats on your new beautiful baby Apple. She is lovely and so tiny and sweet!

    will keep you and your family in my prayers….hope the other little people get better soon!

    lots of love in Christ,

  211. Megan Bailey says:

    She is precious! I love the love you have for your children. It is so clearly visible! Congratulations!

  212. Ronni says:

    YAY a new baby to sniff! <3

  213. lori says:

    congrats, casey and family!! apple is beautiful and such a big girl 🙂 hope you are doing well!

  214. Care says:

    That first photo brought a tear. how precious these photos are. Glad to here later in your blog he is coming home. be blessed!

  215. Congratulations on the birth of Apple- she is beautiful and i am so glad that you got to nurse her as well.


  216. Our daughters were born 24 minutes apart. Congratulations to your family — you will all be in my prayers! God is faithful.

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