
contagious & imitateable.


This last week on our trip we were with (Chris was filming) Student Leadership University. One of their leaders, Brent, did a talk on being imitateable. 

He was saying that if we model our lives after Christ and model our lives in a way that is good, we should be imitateable. 

So many of us let our emotions and feeling run how we react and treat people. When really we should be imitating Christ, even when it’s hard.

Then he started talking about his kiddos. And it really struck me. We should all be imitateable. At home loving on our men, being kind and patient with our babies, giving, being slow to react, gentle….our littles are watching, our friends are watching, strangers are watching. They are watching how we interact, how we treat others, how we treat them. Are we stressed out? Are we talking down on ourselves? Are we quick to react? Are we entitled? Rude even?

They are watching. And imitating. And being shaped.

We all need to just humble ourselves and recognize why it is we are placed here.

Also, are you someone that is contagious? Do people leave feeling filled up after being with you? Do your babies and your hubby?

I want to be contagious. I want to be imitateable.

What if we all changed. Loved better, were more gracious and understanding, more merciful….and what if our children imitated. And so on. 
We could create an entire movement.

That is inspiring.


August 4, 2011


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Great post! All so true.

  2. Jen says:

    Wow. What an inspiring post. Patience has been running thin for me with my little guy lately, and this is just the kind of post to remind me that he is always watching and sees that. Thank you.

  3. Ashley Sisk says:

    That really hit home – beautiful message!

  4. Molly says:

    What is inspiring..and contagious…is you and your spirit. You may not know the impact you have…but it is so very large and continueing expanding. At least inspire me daily, and I thank you for that!

  5. Catherine says:

    this is one of your top posts. casey, everything you said inspired me. i want nothing but to serve Him and be an example to those around me.

    thank you for this reminder!

  6. Amen!
    I couldn't agree MORE!


  7. Sierra says:

    I love this post! I'm going thru a hard time right now and this helps because I know my son is watching my every move. 🙂 thank you!

  8. I love this. I needed this reminder today!

  9. The Duty's says:

    always what I need to hear. always. truly blessed to find you!

  10. Melissa says:

    I had something similar to this running through my head today. Glad you typed it out. =]

  11. Lacy says:

    This was so perfectly said! Such a great reminder that my babies are always watching and I do want people to be filled after being with me:) Thanks!

  12. That's what I wanna be! Love this post!

  13. theolivetree says:

    well said! I try to honor God is all I do : )

  14. Andee Eve says:

    Bring it on! Bring on the love! Bring on the lives shaped and formed in the image of Christ. I'm in!

    Thanks for posting this. So true!


  15. kboor4 says:

    Teat Casey! I needed this today! Great pep talk!!!

  16. How very inspirational! I'm saving this and reading it often. Thank you so much for sharing what you learned. I love it. My cousin directed me to your blog and I'm so glad she did! Your work is beautiful and so are your posts. Thank you!

  17. kboor4 says:

    I needed this today Casey! What a pep talk girl!!

  18. Katie says:

    Amen! I love this!

  19. I am all in.


  20. Lindsay says:

    So beautifully stated and so true!

  21. Anonymous says:

    love this post friend. and LOVE your heart 🙂 thanks for sharing what you share. it brightens my day!

  22. Thank you for this! What an important thing to remind..and something I need to remind myself of daily with Liam watching.

    Love the first pic of you with the drink!

  23. Marie says:

    Do you care if I quote a little of this post on my blog? I'll of course link to you. It just resonated so much with me.

  24. Mindy Harris says:

    that's some good stuff right there.

  25. Katie says:

    Mmm…. so great! I need to work on loving the hubs more infront of the little, even if she doesn't understand yet.

    I wonder what some practical ways are to become imitateable?

  26. Jennifer says:

    Wow, that is powerful! I pray that in every moment people will be able to imitate me because I am imitating Christ!

  27. Anonymous says:

    A great reminder… It's true that someone is always watching! Even if it's not someone here, God's watching! :0) But you're right, our children especially are taking everything in. It's a big job to be a parent!!
    PS: Welcome back!!!!!

  28. April says:

    Such an inspiring post!


  29. Cindy says:

    I really just love this! I needed this reminder as I prepare for a new school year. Kids are always watching. My fellow-teachers are watching. My own husband, my stepkids. I am refueled by this post. I'm all in with starting a movement!

  30. Anonymous says:

    This post was amazingly beautiful! I loved it!! 🙂

    Oh Jazmyn

  31. this is so beautiful! thank you for sharing!

  32. Breeann says:

    LOVE this! Something we should all strive for 🙂

  33. arg says:

    love this!

    i think that you are being imitatable. you've inspired my "new school year resolution" – I resolve to stop, and before reacting to a kiddo, ask myself how i would have wished i'd reacted in 20 minutes. i love that you shared that. it doesn't mean it's not ok to have that initial feeling. it means i need to realize its not always ok to act on that initial feeling.

    so, thanks, for being imitatable yourself!

  34. Karen says:

    Beautiful. Honest. Sincere. xo

  35. Shannon says:

    Beautiful post. I'd like to live this way. I try my best to be this way as much as I can, it takes patience for sure. Also gentle reminders from above 🙂 LOVE this post.

  36. Stephanie says:

    Beautiful. All of this.

  37. Lori says:

    Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself and comment on this post… I love this link-up idea and am going to participate from here on out. Amazing and inspiring.

    Please stop on by..

  38. Jessica says:

    Love this post.

  39. I'm Nikki. says:

    What a beautiful, wonderful post! Thank you for always being transparent. That is a precious attribute to have these days.
    P.S. Please tell me that isn't a Starbucks cup in your hands…in Paris… :P…

  40. Sammie says:

    I think you just became my new favorite blogger, photographer, and person in general.

  41. myriahmae says:

    WOW!! This is really convicting! Since we have put our house on the market and have been open wiht our family that we are following God's call it is like we are under a microscope. I know they are watching our every move and scrutinizing us. I have been praying that God gets the glory and that we shine brightly for Him. Reading what you wrote about being imitateable is really convicting I LOVE IT!

  42. Douglas says:

    Thanks for this post….I've been struggling with my 5 year old's attitude towards her siblings. Until I read this and got convicted. Like maybe she's being ugly because I'm being ugly. Maybe she's being impatient because I'm being impatient. Thanks for that…I really needed it! Marissa

  43. Flor says:

    I loved this entire post <3
    You have said it beautifully.

  44. Jamie B. says:

    That is so true. I see so many couples that just fight and argue all the time. What example are they setting for their kids?

  45. Kristy says:

    What a GREAT post Case!! This is SO SO true!! Love ya girl!!

  46. just came across your blog. i wrote something similar but not so eloquent just a few days ago, being kind and appreciative and sweet especially with our spouses. but you're so right! i cringe inside when i think of how i react to my children sometimes, i wonder if i was a kid how would i perceive my me as their mom? loved this post!!! thanks for the reminder and challenge to be imitateable and contagious!!


  47. Misislau says:

    Really inspiring. Thanks for your reflection.

  48. Sarah says:

    Casey, I want to thank you for this post. So much of what you post blesses my heart, but this one was different. This one struck a chord- a big one! Just the other night my sweet girl was having "one of those nights" and I was getting frustrated. I'm devastated to say that in that moment I was not contagious or imitateable. And that breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing this and your life with us! You are truly a blessing to me!

  49. so i often amd encouraged by your blog, and i thought you would appreciate this blog post i found about christian motherhood. it was amazing, and so encouraging. it made me think of you and something you might say.

  50. I shared your blog on mine today! I just love this link up!

  51. Anonymous says:

    OH MY GOODNESS i didn't know you were there for SLU!! I did SLU in high school! Well, only the first one in Orlando, but still! I'm pretty sure the Brent you're talking about spoke at mine, too. I LOVED SLU and am still applying what I learned there today!

  52. erin says:

    I so strongly believe in gentle, conscious parenting. Patience and love and your child will eventually reflect that… Love love this post Casey, thanks for sharing!

  53. erin says:

    I do so believe in gentle and conscious parenting. Make this small effort everyday and it will eternally affect your child. So so so loved this post!

  54. c. says:

    i love this.
    thank you for a beautiful reminder! (=

  55. Heart n Soul says:

    Hey Casey … I tried linking up last week but the linky wasn't working properly. I linked up twice now by mistake so if you could delete no. 85 that would be great. Thanks and hope Paris was all you dreamed it would be.

  56. Alison says:

    That is truly beautiful and inspiring. To be truly imitable is to be real, imperfect, always learning and growing in your dealings with the world, your faith, your life. This blog definitely shows these qualities! Thank you!

    Alison 🙂

  57. Jordan Marie says:

    thank you for the more beyond gorgeous pictures!


  58. Nicole says:

    "Also, are you someone that is contagious? Do people leave feeling filled up after being with you? Do your babies and your hubby?

    I want to be contagious. I want to be imitateable."

    Wow. You are seriously so inspiring. I've not been so uplifted and inspired by a blogger in a long time.

    Thank you.

  59. Kelsey says:

    Hello conviction…I'm impatient, short tempered, and quick to react…nice to meet you! lol but seriously I really needed this post. Great inspiring words!

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