
it’s in the little things…

It’s in the little things….

It’s in sweet baby kisses…


It’s in being in love…
it’s snuggling your littles…
It’s falling asleep with your babies…or the tiny footsteps we hear every night around 4 am…Aiden heading down the hall and into our bed
It’s going to the zoo very pregnant with a little one….and getting put on right after…
It’s still swaddling your 10 month old because she likes it so much…
It’s helping daddy…
It’s in playing dress.up…
It’s the little bow your NICU nurse makes to put on your little ones oxygen mask…
Photobuckethappiness is always about finding joy in the little things in life…



July 14, 2011


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  1. Alyss says:

    I'm all about the little things. They are the best! I almost started to cry when I saw that picture of Ainsleigh's little bow on her mask. What a tenderhearted nurse.

  2. Lindsay says:

    so true! It is the little things in life that really matter. Precious πŸ™‚

  3. Kassie says:

    This is a beautiful post!
    Its so important to find happiness in the little things because thats what life is made up of…little moments!

  4. Dani says:

    so sweet…I kind of just to a post similar…

  5. theolivetree says:

    yes it is all about this little things!

  6. Elisa Farrow says:

    Your blog makes my heart smile every time I read it! Ilu you girl! I feel as if we are friends although we never met. πŸ™‚ Friends in spirit… and through blogs πŸ˜‰

  7. Katie says:

    this post is exactly what my blog is about: Little Things Bring Smiles.

    I love your list and photos of the little things in your life that warm your heart and bring smiles to you and your husband. This makes me so excited to have children with my husband some day.

    Thanks for this encouraging post!

    Katie@Little Things Bring Smiles

  8. Ashlyn says:

    it is all about the little things.
    i love this.

  9. Love this post! thanks for your comment on my blog simplistic beauty….I follow you I also like you on facebook. I am so embaressed hopefully you didn't find my blog through sometimes sweet for the journal entrys…..mine was wordless wed…oops I deleted my link. hopefully you don't think ill of me. hope You check it out again!

  10. lori says:

    what a gorgeous post… that little bow on the baby oxygen mask is sooo sweet. what a great nurse.

  11. beautiful little things….. my friends said I remind her to look for the little things. Life is fleeting and if we dont stop to enjoy these precious moments then its not worth living. I swaddled Charlie until he was 6 months when he just seemed to grow out of it over night now if hes having trouble sleeping I tuck him in really snug and it helps. His birthday is August I know its probably here somewhere but does Ainsleigh have nearly the same birthday? cute… lots of love xx

  12. SO true!
    lovely post πŸ™‚
    xo dana

  13. Anonymous says:

    So sweet!

  14. Sarah B. says:

    What a beautiful reminder that happiness is in the little things!!

  15. The nurse that put the bow on Ainsleigh's oxygen mask…wow…she is definitely doing what she was meant to do. How amazing.

    Love baby kisses and love being in love!

    Beautiful pictures! And don't we just love capturing moments of our man loving on our baby??

  16. This was beautiful. Especially with dream playing while I looked through your photos. You have a lovely family.

  17. Live Joyful says:

    It is all about the little things.
    I think you captured so many little things.
    Don't those things just warm your heart?
    Little things remind me that God is working.
    God is good.
    God has a plan for each and everyone of us.
    For our families.
    For our spouses.
    For our kiddos.
    At the end of the day we hold on to these little things and our faith.
    Bless you and your darling fam!

  18. Katie says:

    Ah! And who wouldn't want to be swaddled in their Mother's arms?

  19. Casey, I love your posts! Thanks for the opportunity to link up what is on our hearts as well! You are such an inspiration πŸ™‚

  20. Nelah says:

    Just found your blog through LMM and I have to say..thanks for doing what you do in this blog. Your blog is such a great inspiration and so honest. I have been blogging for a year now but haven't really read mom blogs..until lately. Nice to be able to relate to and share with someone.

  21. L!$@ says:

    Such a gorgeous post!! πŸ˜€ it really is the little things that matter most huh!

  22. girl willow says:

    Oh so true…the little things! Thanks for this link up. It encourages me to search around in my heart πŸ™‚

  23. Sooo.
    I linked up and I am leaving a comment.
    I don't know how it works but I hope I am doing it right :).

    Your post was so precious. It truly is the smallest blessings that keep us focused on just how blessed we are to even exist. And the fact that we exist alone just blows my mind. Even before I knew Christ I never really comprehended existence. But the fact that there was a plan from the beginning to the end with us and that I and every single person on this planet has a purpose BLOWS me away…

    God is so beautiful.

    It really is the LITTLE things.

    Blessings to you beautiful!


  24. Rachel says:

    So so so so true! I'm all about finding joy (hence the name of my blog — grinning) and so often it's not the big moments in life but those little ordinary blissful moments in everyday.

    Blessings to you!


  25. Rachel says:

    So so so so true! I'm all about finding joy (hence the name of my blog — grinning) and so often it's not the big moments in life but those little ordinary blissful moments in everyday.

    Blessings to you!


  26. the lowes says:

    love this reminder of truth. it IS in the small things. i love the little footsteps and the bow on her mask…precious. also, it made me SMILE when i saw her swaddled…we swaddled A till about 8 months bc she loved it so much! LOVE the small things. love YOU!!!

  27. Douglas says:

    Truly precious. These are the things that we have to focus on! Thanks for the reminder….Marissa

  28. SarahAnn says:

    The kissing photos are the CUTEST and made me run to kiss my little babies fat, fat cheeks. πŸ™‚

  29. SarahAnn says:

    The kissing photos are the CUTEST and made me run to kiss my little babies fat, fat cheeks. πŸ™‚

  30. Laura says:

    ahhh the little things make life worth every second!!

  31. S Kohlmann says:

    The NICU picture totally made me cry! My twins were in the NICU for 6 weeks and without a couple of really special NICU nurses, I wouldn't have survived.

  32. Bridget says:

    gah, that is so stinking sweet. between the music, the pictures, and being almost 39 weeks prego, its getting me emotional πŸ™‚

  33. goddessof4 says:

    Such cute photos!!!!!!

  34. White Family says:

    Hi there
    Is there any way that I can contact you? My name is ashley. wife, mother of three, broken and dependent on our faithful God. Stumbled onto your blog and in a lot of your posts you either take words out of my own head or kick my butt back into perspective. Would love to talk

  35. naomi: says:

    Casey, I am new to your blog (via SometimesSweet!) and I instantly fell in love! I love all your photos & you art is so inspiring. yay πŸ™‚

    <3 naomi

  36. Anonymous says:

    I really just LOVE this post.. it's so sweet and so true!

  37. Anonymous says:

    I really just LOVE this post.. it's so sweet and so true!

  38. Abby Lynn says:

    My five and a half month old LOVES being swaddled still. It drives my mother in law crazy. I think it's perfect. It just means that she is loving and cuddly and needs to feel secure…and we can help her feel that way πŸ™‚

  39. this is such a beautiful post. i love reading your blog, and your music is amazing!

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